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Marriage Equality: No More (Word) Games

…the person they love.  Not surprisingly, my small gesture sparked a bit of online controversy. Because my Facebook friends mirror the various chapters of my life, they also represent various constituencies: Southern Baptists from Tennessee, evangelicals from Nebraska, and progressive Christians from Chicago. In fact, my wall sometimes feels like a mashup of Bill Gaither, Rob Bell, and Amanda Palmer—a quality I liken to our wonderfully pluralistic…

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Russian Orthodox Church Supports Referendum on Sodomy Laws

…e open letter to Putin from his blog. There remains, however a petition at calling for a referendum on sodomy laws. Meanwhile, there are several petitions against Okhlobystin on as well as efforts to get Apple CEO Tim Cook to cut ties with the Russian company Euroset, for which Okhlobystin—an ordained Orthodox priest on indefinite hiatus from service in the church—serves as creative director. As Global Voices Online’s…

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Global LGBT Recap: Religious Leaders Support Persecution as Countries Vie in Homophobia Olympics

…Write About Africa,” came out publicly this week by publishing an article online called, “I am a homosexual, Mum.” It is presented as a “lost chapter” from his 2011 memoir, One Day I Will Write About This Place. As the Global Post’s Tristan McConnell notes, “On a continent where secrecy defines the gay experience and where a majority of countries outlaw homosexuality, coming out is a rare step for a public figure.” Wainaina “struggled with the re…

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American Buddhism: Beyond the Search for Inner Peace

…bal citizens. Finally, I’m curious: you’ve talked in interviews about your online news reading. What news sources do you regularly read?  I normally look at several alternative news sources and commentaries. I follow Democracy Now! almost daily—though I don’t watch all segments every day. I also read Common Dreams, Truthout, AlterNet, TomDispatch, and Climate Progress. The commentators that I most appreciate are Amy Goodman, Glenn Greenwald on jus…

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For Love or Threat: Pro-Life Prayer Includes Names, Photos of Abortion-Rights Advocates

Watching the abortion debate play out online rather than in real life, it can appear to the casual observer that violence and threats are primarily things of the past—a vague and dark period of the early 1990s sandwiched between Waco and Mogadishu. But with an impending Supreme Court decision over clinic buffer zones and large numbers of clinics shutting down in the face of new regulations, hostilities between activists outside abortion clinics h…

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The Internet Is Not Killing Religion, Religion is Killing Religion

…al platforms—coffee shops, cycling groups, drop-in yoga classes, and, yes, online social networking sites—have begun to reconfigure and redistribute benefits traditionally correlated with (but not necessarily caused by) religion and to mitigate its associated harms (even if also accruing harms of its own). No—alas, I must say it again—the internet is not killing religion. But it does seem to more and more people that, cries of its own victimizatio…

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What Robot Theology Can Tell Us About Ourselves

…D. is best equipped to provoke. A huge dream to put on technology When I visited SES, Staley replayed for me the robotic routine—also called, in NAO-user lingo, a “behavior”—that he designed for the robot’s unveiling. Staley has the patient, low-key attitude of an engineer, though he programmed the robot to open with some banter and corny jokes before getting suddenly, almost chillingly, serious. “I know that together we will be studying the ethic…

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Global LGBT Recap: World Vision Caves, World Congress of Families Vamps, God Weeps

…r the LGBT community.” As if to confirm Kornilov’s fears, video circulated online of a group of Russian thugs beating members of a St. Patrick’s day flash-mob performance after mistakenly assuming they were pro-gay demonstrators. UK: Inflammatory Rhetoric in Wake of Mosque Free Speech Controversy Last week we mentioned a controversy over the BBC’s cancellation of a debate about when being gay might become acceptable within Islam. Dr. Mohammad Nsee…

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The Mormon Version of Infallibility

…f its members as individuals. “Utah has the highest rate in the country of online porn consumption, mental illness, and passive-aggression,” he says. “For a state to lead in any one of those pathologies is enough for me to step back and say, ‘Hey, what’s going wrong here?’ But for Utah to lead in all three markers is persuasive evidence that we have serious things wrong in our culture.” Part of the pathology is summed up by Dallin H. Oaks’s imperi…

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Global LGBT Recap: Adventists Talk About, Not To, LGBT People; British Muslim Group Welcomes Gay-Rights Activist; Homophobia Exports Continue

…ank event on the costs of homophobia: video of that event is now available online. Global/South Africa: Seventh-day Adventists Talk About, Not To, LGBT People This week in Cape Town, South Africa, the Seventh Day Adventist Church has been holding an international invitation-only all-expenses-paid summit in Cape Town, South Africa, entitled In God’s Image: Scripture, Sexuality and Society Summit.  The conference’s welcome letter says the purpose of…

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