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Is Coverage of Liberal Religion a Media Fail?

…Amanda Hess added that when one also takes into account tech hires, “these online platforms represent the merging of journalism (which is a traditionally white and male-dominated field) with technology (which is even more so!). If anything, their marriage should only produce more powerful white men.”  BuzzFeed’s Deputy Editor-in-Chief Shani O. Hilton, who has worked at making BuzzFeed’s newsroom more diverse, noted that how this takes far more eff…

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Global LGBT Recap: Francis’s First Year; Homophobia and Development; African Activists Push Back

…g on any of them.” The Vatican has marked the anniversary by publishing an online booklet of quotations by Pope Francis. Notably, the Vatican’s quote collection does not include what is almost certainly the most famous line of his papacy, his “who am I to judge?” response to a question about gay priests. In a reflection on his first year, Sr. Jeanine Grammick calls those five words, “an unambiguous departure from the harsh language of his predeces…

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No to Church, Yes to Jesus?

…heart of most churches as they present themselves in worship services, websites, and other public platforms. An “atheist most days” from Virginia who had been raised in a progressive Episcopalian church talked warmly about annual youth group service trips to Haiti, Mexico, New Orleans, and other “areas in need.” He insisted that these trips had been incredibly important in his personal and spiritual development. But, he said, they were basically…

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Promise Keepers Launches Effort to Support Messianic Jews in Israel

…didn’t report what happened inside. (There is, however, video of the event online.) There appear to be no such concerns about secrecy around the Promise Keepers event, given its efforts to publicize it months in advance. Jesse said the group had held meetings with representatives of Israel’s Ministry of Tourism, who were “very supportive,” and had a meeting scheduled with Jerusalem’s mayor. Jesse was very clear that the event is aimed at bolsterin…

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Oscar Watch: Why Spike Jonze’s Her Is Not About Technology

…porary), and physical experience. Even if you have a relationship entirely online, your own embodiment should be a reminder that turning romantic love into a kind of deity is asking it to carry a weight it can’t possibly bear. Her doesn’t need to be an exploration of female subjectivity and sexuality in order to teach us this lesson, and I would argue that it is actually the women in the film who drive this conversation. The juxtaposition of these…

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Global LGBT Recap: Ugandan Law Unleashes Vigilantes, Anti-Gay Americans Want to Boost Homophobia Exports

…anti-gay “propaganda” law that had been brought against the creators of an online support group for gay teenagers. The Washington Blade reported this week that activists fear that, with the Olympic spotlight no longer on Russia, human rights activists are worried that lawmakers will consider a bill that would take children away from gay parents. Slovakia: Activists in Uphill Battle Anti-Gay Revision to Constitution According to ILGA-Europe, the Sl…

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Catholics Urge Pope to Remove Bishop Who Ignored Child Sex Abuser

…as City diocese, and a priest, the Rev. James Connell. It was backed by an online petition signed by 113,000 Catholics. They asked Pope Francis to remove Bishop Robert Finn, who was convicted in 2012 of a misdemeanor charge of failing to report a priest who had pornographic images of children on his computer. The priest is currently serving 50 years for taking the pictures but Finn remains in place as the head of the diocese. The UN report said th…

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Global LGBT Recap: Culture War Claims More Victims

…ican news agency, has now published the Southern Cross editorial at its website. The Fides excerpt includes this comparison of anti-gay persecution to attacks on Christians in Pakistan: “Such laws are not only unjust, but they also have the potential to tear at the fabric of society if they are misused to facilitate false denunciations for gain, advancement or vengeance, much as what Christians are exposed to in Pakistan under that country’s intol…

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Two Women and a Mosque: A Convert Community Grows in Panama City

…space because we were bursting out the room,” Bell-Munajj said. I first visited the mosque in late October of 2013, when it was nearly ready to open. Al Haqq — which means “the truth” in Arabic — occupies a small basement room in the neighborhood of Carrasquilla in Panama City. “There’s still a lot we want to do,” Bell-Munajj warned as she let me in, pushing open the large sliding door at the entrance. The space was modestly decorated, in line wi…

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The Internet is Not Killing Organized Religion

…has not widely been realized. A review of research on political engagement online by Jennifer Brundidge and Ronald E. Rice, for instance, suggests that access to diverse viewpoints and richer information on the internet tends primarily to benefit those of higher socioeconomic status, allowing deeper insight into the political Other without necessarily changing minds. Internet practice among those at lower socioeconomic levels, on the other hand, t…

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