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Unpacking the Giglio Imbroglio

…he find an LGBT-affirming clergy, or at least someone who doesn’t have an online trove of sermons denouncing sexual sin, or, barring that, someone who has repented from homophobia, to put it in religious terms?  The answer is, of course, all those options are available to him (and many observers, including the Washington Monthly’s Ed Kilgore, have started making suggestions for Giglio replacements). Recall 2009, when Obama was faced with oppositi…

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Emad Effat, Shaykh of Egyptian Revolution, Shot Dead During Protest

…ad was a deeply religious Muslim figure, and yet the outpouring of emotion online as well as the funeral and the funeral procession was not limited to the religious Muslim sector of society. As an Azhari, he was a product of the mainstream center of Islamic thought, which meant that among the mourners were a number of students to whom he exemplified a deeply religious scholar whose teachings were not limited to the mosque. But there were also libe…

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Occupy Catholics to Cardinal Dolan: We Aren’t Protesting, We’re Advertising Love

…at’s brought Occupy Catholics together as a group around the country, both online and in person, is the shared sense that the Occupy movement’s message speaks to the heart of our faith. Though the group includes clergy, it’s decidedly lay-driven and committed to non-hierarchical organizing. A number of Occupy Catholics are among the so-called “lapsed”: people who haven’t felt comfortable being part of a Catholic anything for years until this came…

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Mormons Prepare to March in Seven LGBT Parades this Weekend

…ns are happening on a daily basis in person, in the media, in churches and online as LGBTQ members and allies find one another and give each other strength to carry on, both in and out of the church. Compton has also noted that the Proposition 8 moment served as a turning point for many moderate and progressive Mormons, pushing them to confront their own discomfort with aggressive political campaigning against the civil rights of same-sex couples…

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Latest Misogyny Wasn’t First Shocking Comment from Hannity’s Preacher Pal

…l Sean Hannity sits. So it’s perhaps unsurprising that Hannity ignored the online tirade and invited Peterson to join a panel critiquing Obama’s PR response to the bin Laden assassination. Unfortunately, as Hannity’s co-panelists hadn’t ignored the tirades, both he and Peterson were taken by surprise when FOX columnist Kristen Powers “hijack[ed]” the panel to confront both Peterson and Hannity, whom she asked: “why do (you allow) this misogyny?… Y…

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Cut the Ten Commandments Down to Six?

…the Associated Press.  The Bluefield Daily Telegraph reported that “[o]ne online message said the parent and student ‘should (be) ship(ped) overseas to play in the sand with al-Quiada (sic) for a little while,’ while a person identified as a Giles County elementary school teacher sent a message to the Freedom From Religion Foundation reading ‘you folks are allowing Satin (sic) to rule you.’” What an odd mediation proposal. Does the judge really t…

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A New Goal for Anti-Choice Activists: Targeting “Sex-Selective” Abortion

…inspiration for the 2008 PRENDA. As Hvistendahl writes: In 2008 [Mosher] posited to supporters that sex-selective abortion was the next logical battleground in the abortion war—not because it is inherently discriminatory and results in worsening status for women but because an “incremental approach” to restricting access to abortion is more workable than a flat-out ban. “I propose that we—the pro-life movement—adopt as our next goal the banning of…

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Why are Romney SuperPac Donors Shy?

…quietly to the local bishop on Sunday morning, or in private meetings, or online. People may know who the big givers are in Mormon communities, but it would be a breach of cultural etiquette to advertise one’s own contributions. Mormons listening to the NPR report would have likely chuckled to hear the familiar name of the Provo-based NuSkin corporation. NuSkin even launched the career of Congressman Jason Chaffetz, who started as a Nu-Skin inter…

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Peter Beinart’s Controversial The Crisis of Zionism: Right Diagnosis, Wrong Treatment

…ining many scholarly footnotes. (The unpublished academic paper, available online, upon which the book is based has even more documentation!) Even advocates of The Israel Lobby agree that it is an indictment. Critics call it an academic screed. The Crisis of Zionism is not a scholarly treatise. It breaks little new ground and most of its research utilizes secondary literature and interviews. While the book is journalistic in both tone and substanc…

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Anti-Gay Marriage NOM Documents Reveal Racial Wedge Strategy and More

…ign finance practices – were released yesterday afternoon. HRC posted them online. For those who follow NOM, the documents aren’t particularly surprising, as we have witnessed their plans being put into operation over the past few years. But there is still something remarkable about seeing their strategies – including racial wedge politics – laid out so clearly, as well as NOM’s taking credit for passage of Prop 8 in California and the anti-marria…

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