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Phelps Unites Enemies on Memorial Day

…. If Westboro didn’t exist, we’d have to invent them, because while they virulently despise homosexuality and LGBT people, their vitriol actually brings out a lot of sympathy for LGBT people. As this past holiday weekend showed, it even brings out sworn enemies of the LGBT community to rally against Phelps et al. Westboro members protested on Memorial Day at Arlington Cemetery with their “Thank God for Dead Soldiers” signs. About 80 counter protes…

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The Evidence Mounts: Most Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage

…is out with a new poll showing, as did recent ABC News/Washington Post and CNN/Opinion Research Corp. polls, that a majority of Americans support same-sex marriage. The PRRI poll shows 51% of Americans support same-sex marriage, while 43% oppose it. Significantly, 56% support adoption by gay and lesbian couples, while only 36% oppose it. Broken down by religion and political affiliation: A solid majority of Catholics and white mainline Protestants…

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NOM’s Gallagher: “Don’t Call Me a Bigot!”

…ead, she is simply discovering herself on the wrong side of history as the world begins to understand how ridiculous it is to bar two consenting, unrelated, adults from forming a civil contract called marriage. A new CNN poll shows 51% of Americans believe gays and lesbians should be allowed to marry. No one has to call Gallagher a bigot or shove her to the margins. By clinging to her outmoded ideas about marriage and morality — she’s the one pain…

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5 Reasons Why the GOP Push to Defund Planned Parenthood Won’t Go Away

…s from paying for abortions for three decades—the anti-Planned Parenthood crusaders falsely portray Planned Parenthood’s main mission as abortion, and frequently refer to it as an “abortion mill.” Last week on the Senate floor, Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona falsely stated that abortion constituted “well over 90%” of Planned Parenthood’s services. When confronted with the correct percentage—a mere three—Kyl told CNN that “his remark was not intended to b…

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Budget Showdown and Government Shutdown Not About Abortion

…gh the House. Republicans said that no final agreement on money had been struck, and that both policy and spending issues were causing the impasse. “The largest issue is still spending cuts,” Michael Steel, a spokesman for Mr. Boehner, said Friday morning. By contrast, Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader, told reporters in an exchange broadcast on CNN Friday morning that “this all deals with women’s health” and that other issues had…

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Beck Too Hot for Fox, But Not for Hagee

…rt the Jews. No, this is dangerous because it promotes war, death, and destruction as a legitimate means to a religious end that Hagee believes is very real: the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. It shouldn’t be a surprise that Hagee and Beck are soulmates; Hagee has appeared on Beck’s show many times, including in 2007 when Beck was still on CNN. Beck once opened an interview of Hagee as someone “some say is a crazy man,” a bit of prophetic wisdom f…

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Gingrich and Hagee, End-Times Buddies

…l had already explained — with facts! — why Egypt is not Iran.) Also on February 7, Gingrich appeared on CNN to claim the Obama administration simply doesn’t understand the threat to America. He called the Obama administration “amateurish” and maintained the Muslim Brotherhood is the “mortal enemy of our civilization.” He added, “Their way is jihad, their method is death . . . .This administration, I think, does not have a clue about those realiti…

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At National Prayer B’fast Obama Defends His Faith… Again

…n Orlando. “All of us ought to be able to say who we are and taken for our word. It’s frustrating because he still has some people questioning his faith.” This is curious, since Obama has said again and again that he is a Christian. But more to my suggestion, there aren’t “some people questioning the president’s faith,” there are some people lying about it. It is a fraud to pass on a “misunderstanding” known to be just that. Likewise when people “…

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Beck Fuels End-Times Hysteria Over Egypt

…ur “Archduke Ferdinand” moment no doubt will sear a vision of an impending World War III into the minds of his listeners, and his blackboard will continue to contribute to the growing right-wing conspiracy theories that President Obama is engineering this from the White House. The upshot of all of this is that while the rest of us are raptly watching Al Jazeeera (because CNN, MSNBC, and Fox only care about American tourists leaving the country, an…

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Memo To Kathleen Parker on ‘Father Sky’ Reference in Tucson Memorial

…ur beat. Besides, New Mexico and Arizona are exactly alike. How is a major CNN contributor like you to know what they do out in the sticks? And sure, “Father Sky and Mother Earth” isn’t exactly “In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” It’s downright weird, isn’t it? It’s almost as bad as “Brother Sun” or “Sister Moon,” or “Brothers Wind and Air.” Really? How about “Sister Water”? C’mon. Really? Really? No no, I can top that: “…

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