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Bachmann’s Constitutional Flameout

…ex, and other factors. Here’s George, questioning Bachmann (transcript via CNN): ROBERT GEORGE, PROFESSOR, PRINCETON UNIVERSITY: Would you as president propose to Congress appropriate legislation pursuant to the 14th Amendment to protect human life in all stages and conditions? BACHMANN: Yes, I would. I would put forward a human life amendment. And, at the same time, I would do everything within my power to restrict the number of abortions that oc…

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New Theory for Tucson Tragedy: Blame the Atheists

…What conclusions can we draw from that? Meanwhile, in yet more disturbing news for non-believers and supporters of tolerance of all faiths, CNN’s Erick Erickson bashed President Obama yesterday for “accommodating atheists” with his moment of silence for the victims of the Tucson shooting. He recently made people mad by quoting the Declaration of Independence and leaving out the bit about the Creator. During his inaugural address he mentioned athe…

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Gay Republicans Ask for Social Issue Cease-Fire

…push their own agenda—particularly as it relates to social issues.” A new CNN poll shows that the authors of the letter are right in saying that the election was not a mandate for the Republicans. Of those polled 70 percent said their vote was a “rejection of the Democrats” with only 17 percent saying they voted to give Republicans a mandate. But, mandate or not, social conservatives say they still expect Republicans to put social issues in the f…

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Religious Right Attacks Federal Bullying Intervention

…under federal discrimination statutes. On the demagoguery side of the spectrum comes Buddy Smith, Executive Vice President of the American Family Association who asserted that kids can condemn homosexuality without being a bully: ”Activist adults essentially are saying that American parents who want their kids to avoid high risk homosexual sex acts and remain abstinent until traditional marriage, are harming kids. This is preposterous, and local p…

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9/11 and Islamophobia

…RD blogger and Associate Editor Hussein Rashid was on CNN recently to discuss the 9th anniversary of 9/11. The conversation focused on Islamophobia, Muslim belonging in America, and Park51:  …

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Could The “Grand Old Party” Now Be The “Gay Old Party”?

…d by homosexual activists like Christopher Barron.” Which is not entirely true—the “conservative movement” is filled with gays and lesbians like Ken Mehlman, who led the Republican National Committee, and author and radio host Tammy Bruce. Gay and lesbian people, closeted or not, have long been a part of the “conservative movement.” What Farah does not like is that right now, these people are speaking up. They are no longer being silent about who…

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The Right Attacks Obama’s Religious Advisors

…claims to have engaged in terrorist acts as a Muslim have not withstood scrutinty, says he abandoned his life as a PLO terrorist because he found Christ; now he’s a diehard Christian Zionist and crusader against “radical Islam.” The younger Shoebat is now trying to put Hunter in his crosshairs; he writes that Hunter’s defense on CNN of Obama’s Christianity is necessarily suspect because he, like Wright, fails to “fit the bill of the typical Ameri…

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Park51 and the Ground Liberals Are Forced to
Fight On

…ms pretty significant. Why? Because it’s showing that more people are not trusting him. The trust issue is important. Plus, news flash: the last time I checked America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles so it’s kind of important when you see a poll that says a growing number of Americans think you might be a Muslim. The President continues to tell everyone he’s a Christian but yet the number rises. See that? Which came first, the thought he…

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Judge Rules Law Prohibiting Picketing Outside Military Funerals Unconstitutional

…fight to define what is protected by the First Amendment religion clauses. CNN is reporting that a federal judge has ruled a Missouri State law prohibiting is picketing and protesting outside military funerals is unconstitutional. The challenge was brought by the Westboro Baptist Church and its pastor Fred Phelps, who were the target of the law. In the 1990s, Phelps and members of his church began attending funerals of gays who had died from AIDS,…

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A State Without a Mexican

…Proposition 187. “We believe that immigration reform is the civil rights struggle of our time. It is a struggle that affects all of us with its impact on the economic, social and cultural fabric of our society.” I wonder if they could have anticipated the hatred and backlash against immigrants that would be embodied by SB1070. Tales abound in print, on radio, online, and television media of Latinos/as afraid to be out on the streets. There have be…

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