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How Religion Shaped American Jewish Masculinity

…ing you had to leave out? Of course! As it is, the book has chapters about American Jewish philosophy, religious conversion, the American west, Jewish identification with “Indians,” agricultural schools, Zionism, crime in New York, the Leo Frank case, and the Leopold and Loeb hearing. It would have been great to write chapters about sports, or about World War I, or about philanthropy, or about film. Or about ten or twelve more things I can think o…

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Don’t Be Fooled By Trump’s Acceptance of Marriage Equality: Here’s What to Expect

…as one that would “protect from government discrimination those religious Americans who believe that marriage is a union between one man and one woman.” She makes no mention of the religious Americans whose faith calls them to affirm the loving, committed relationships of same-sex couples, or the numerous faith traditions (many of them Christian) that bless and solemnize same-sex unions. It’s a telling exclusion, followed by a pointed attack on t…

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Year-End Best Books in Race and Religion in American History

…mbolic statements articulating the historic prejudices of great numbers of Americans, who feared immigrants generally, and he decline of white American nationalism particularly.” And voila! Ten months later, and the primary enabler, publisher, and purveyor of those fears, Stephen Bannon, sits aside the President-Elect, while fake news outlets, white supremacist sites, and messengers of a populist ethno-nationalism have ascended to a central place…

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What’s Wrong with Wright’s Words

…she is supreme. Now it’s one thing to say that September 11 was related to American foreign policy; it is quite another to damn the nation entirely. “God damn America” strikes at something close to heart of American identity: the notion that the nation has a special place in God’s plan for human history, that God has blessed the United States and will continue to bless it, if it continues to do God’s work. Such a view has deep roots in American hi…

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Is Religious Freedom a Casualty at Ground Zero?

…zations and Community Centers, became safe havens through which distinctly American Catholic and American Jewish communities and identities were formed. In recent years, an American Muslim identity is also emerging from the long history of Muslim community building in the United States. This story dates back to the European discovery of the Americas. We often forget that Europeans crossed the Atlantic in search of trade routes that would bypass Mu…

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Clueless in Gaza

…d part of the the world are aware of this selective reporting from Israel; Americans less so. This widespread American ignorance of the variety of political opinion within Israel is the result of a sustained decades-long campaign on the part of organizations represented in the Conference, a campaign which reflects the acute unease that dissident Israeli opinion generates in the United States. One of the prime ‘offenders’ in the eyes of the self-ap…

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The Elite Movement Laying the Foundation for a MAGA That Will Outlast Trump and Remake America: Inside NatCon Part I

…The American Conservative rub shoulders with journalists from outlets like American Greatness and The Epoch Times; policy analysts from think tanks like the Claremont Institute and the Heritage Foundation; and representatives from organizing outfits like American Moment and Young Republicans chapters. Conservative leaders of Protestant seminaries, Catholic theologians, and Orthodox Jewish rabbis affirm an interfaith reactionary alliance long in th…

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New LDS Handbook Cements Anti-Trans Policy—And it Doesn’t Make a Whole Lot of Sense

…ce the recent flurry of pronouncements about trans folk and the changes in policy reflected in the new handbook insisting that ‘gender’ means ‘biological sex at birth.’ You’d think that God would possess the foresight to include this in the Proclamation in the first place. Of course, the church has never been very clear about intersex folk and the reason is that they have never really given a good explanation of how they fit into Mormonism’s sex/g…

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Mormon Church Policy on Children of Same-Sex Couples Violates its Own Principles

…(lack of identification with any religious group) as the biggest trend in American religious life and the findings of the Trinity College American Religious Identification Survey suggests that the LDS Church is having a harder time holding on to its youth. Policies that target children and that appear to many as cruel and unjustified cannot help but add to these trends. A Mormon friend who joined the social media movement to renounce her membersh…

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“I Will Leave BSA if Discriminatory Policy Does Not Change.”

…T members and leaders. Share them? I was unaware that the Boy Scouts had a policy against gay members and leaders until I learned that they were considering changing it. I was shocked. Now that they have decided to postpone the decision until May, I am completely annoyed because it should not have been that hard of a decision in the first place. If they decide against allowing gay members and leaders into the Boy Scouts, I think I will leave the o…

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