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As a Latina Millennial I Have to Ask, Does the Catholic Church Stand a Chance?

…of gender roles, sexual and reproductive health, and sexual expression is crucial to the millennial generation. Laudato si’, the pope’s encyclical on the environment, made global headlines because of its powerful stance against consumerism and its repercussions. Yet, the text falls short of fully resonating with young people’s concerns, resisting policies that protect “reproductive health” (in quotes in the manuscript). What Pope Francis and his C…

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Is Wheaton’s Decision to End Student Insurance a Religious Liberty Ruse?

Wheaton College grabbed headlines last week for its decision to end student health insurance rather than comply with the contraceptive mandate in the Affordable Care Act. And by comply, I mean: tell the government that it refuses to provide contraception so it can instruct the evangelical school’s health insurer to do so. According to Wheaton, even notifying the government that it refuses to provide contraceptives would still violate its religiou…

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A Pair of Christian Colleges Quietly Cracking Down on LGBTQ Acceptance

…ould be considered a form of harassment,” and she claims to have documentation placing APU administrators on the record agreeing that the ban does indeed constitute harassment on the basis of sexual orientation. Given the outsize influence that right-wing, anti-LGBTQ evangelicals have under Trump, it’s critical to keep efforts like Green’s in the public eye. Her struggle, and that of other students and alumni of evangelical educational institution…

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The Latest on Zubik v. Burwell: Religious Orgs Propose a Compromise That They Themselves Would Oppose

…ontrol coverage, the brief states “if the contraceptive coverage is to be truly separate, not just an automatic and unavoidable component of the petitioner’s plan, then it must have an enrollment process that is distinct from (and not an automatic consequence of) enrolling in the employer’s plan.” In other words, employees would have to opt in to coverage, which the government has repeatedly explained will result in lower rates of access and use….

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How the “Little Sisters” Won by Losing “Religious Liberty” Case

…ary Clinton to debate the nuns, adding, “I’ll stand with the nuns.” On Fox News and other right-wing media, “forcing nuns to provide abortion-inducing drugs” has become shorthand both for violations of religious liberty and government overreach in general. Before he was a GOP candidate, Mike Huckabee regularly referred to the persecution of the Little Sisters on his Fox show as one of the signs of the coming religious liberty apocalypse in which C…

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303 Creative Is Not a ‘Religion v. Gay Rights’ Case — But Here’s Why the Christian Right is Happy with the Media Suggesting Just That

…vely segregating. While there is still some question as to what level of scrutiny is appropriate when reviewing laws that name sexual orientation and gender identity specifically, courts in the United States recognize the broad importance of protecting people from being turned away from shops in the public sphere, including on the Internet. Religion is no blanket protection against the law. If you sell wedding websites in Colorado, you can’t pick…

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Dear Timothy Keller: The “Evangelical” Problem isn’t Pollsters

…legations of administrative scandals and spiritual abuse made national and international headlines, Keller remarked: He was really important — in the Internet age, Mark Driscoll definitely built up the evangelical movement enormously…But the brashness and the arrogance and the rudeness in personal relationships — which he himself has confessed repeatedly — was obvious to many from the earliest days, and he has definitely now disillusioned quite a…

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Not All Muslims Are Terrorists, But All Terrorists Are Muslim

…an assassination. Did you hear about the young Muslim guy who attended a Trump rally with the intention of killing the Republican frontrunner, hoping to seize a law enforcement official’s weapon and assassinating the billionaire? He even declared the operation was in ISIS’ name. But no, of course, you did not. Because none of these three was Muslim. The first terrorist was a Trump supporter who planned to blow up mosques, and even got as far as b…

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How a Ruling for Masterpiece Cakeshop Could Embolden White Nationalists

…nly a handful of the neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups recently making headlines are overtly religious in nature, given the highly effective legal framing of “religious freedom,” a ruling in favor of Masterpiece Cakeshop could open the floodgates for groups looking to carve out their own faith-based hate bubbles. The fact that Masterpiece Cakeshop is challenging a longstanding Colorado non-discrimination law amplifies the possibility that, if…

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