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Applaud If You Must, But Let’s Not Forget the Reason Bethany Christian Agreed to LGBTQ Adoption

…s the result of outside pressure. “When the larger society threatens to disrupt the evangelical worldview,” Brandt once commented in a blog post on why she does not attempt to be a bridge builder within evangelicalism, “evangelicals either 1) cry persecution, defending their position as the divinely ordained one… or 2) they do what they do best: rebrand.” She adds, “It matters to evangelicals where ‘the world’ is at because of their particular dan…

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Inside the Evangelical Beliefs and Practices that Facilitate Abuse in Families like the Duggars’

…ystem as a nesting set of umbrellas of protection, with God protecting and ruling over husbands, who protect and rule over wives, who (together with their husbands) protect and rule over their children. As the IBLP website details, a Godly wife realizes that “helping her husband fulfill his goals and dreams” should be her “main responsibility.” Even when a wife believes her husband is going down the wrong path, IBLP teaches, she must not “take ove…

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Dear Hollywood, It’s Time to Start Making Films about Real Black Catholic Nuns

…of England, the President of the People’s Republic of China, and the lost ruler of Zamunda rolled all into one.” Indeed, it should give everyone pause that the world’s most famous and beloved black nun is a fictional character instead of an actual black sister-saint. It should also come as no surprise to discover that the character of Sister Mary Clarence was very loosely based on the life of an actual black nun, who fought to revolutionize Catho…

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How Far Will White Christians Go to Maintain Power? An Interview with Robert Jones

…14.5% of the population, white evangelicals delivered about one-third of Trump’s support. 84% of them voted for Trump in 2020—that’s seven points above the 2016 level—so they are clearly punching well above their weight in a fair way, in a way that is consistent with democracy in that they are turning out at very high rates. And every group has this same right to participate, to show up. In 2016 white evangelicals made up 20% of the electorate wi…

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Thank You, Ben Carson, For Your Latest Anti-Muslim Rant

…y compatible. I know, I know. I had the same reaction: Ben Carson is still running for President?! I’m not sure if he’s knocking Muslims because it draws headlines and might generate some buzz; because he actually, genuinely believes this stuff; or because the audience reaction to inflammatory statements wakes him up. Could be it’s all three. Needless to say it resonates with his base even as it offends everyone who isn’t some kind of religious bi…

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Sacrificing Children on the Altar of Religious Freedom: A Flood of Mask and Vaccine Lawsuits are Warping ‘Religious Freedom’

…n early? The court, looking through rose-colored glasses at the sect, saw “rural” communities that are “aloof from the worldand devoted to “a life in harmony with nature and the soil” and romanticized an “Amish society [that] emphasizes informal ‘learning through doing;’ a life of ‘goodness,’ rather than a life of intellect; wisdom, rather than technical knowledge…” Even more remarkably, the court claimed that this Amish sect has “never been kno…

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‘Landmark’ Speech From LDS Leader on LGBTQ Rights and Religious Freedom Was More Like a Sunnier Groundhog Day

…ge “a particularly grievous…sin that requires Church discipline.” In other words, the legacy media hasn’t historically been the most astute critics. The truth is, Oaks has been preaching essentially the same message for nearly thirty years. Scaling back vitriolic language, quoting some diverse voices, covering the usual rhetoric with a veneer of tolerance, and promoting the speech as completely new and different (including calling it “the most dif…

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A ‘Vows’ Piece in ‘The Times’ Shows How Doctrinaire Christian Celibacy Has Become Compared to its Ancient Roots

…ung, unsuspecting believers. In language that might be ripped from today’s headlines, he cautioned against making sexual renunciation a prerequisite for leadership in the church: ‘Stalkers,’ he warned, ‘would be everywhere.’ Ephrem is the rare example of a dedicated celibate who praised marriage and childbearing. It was a view that only Christians with deep ties to Judaism might appreciate. As Christianity became more deeply entwined in Roman impe…

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Roy “10 Commandments” Moore Doesn’t Want to Reform the Senate, He Has a Higher Calling

and theatrical displays of gun-toting patriotism—is anchored in a deep distrust of establishment politics and its presumably corrupt enforcers. “Moore’s not in favor of the Republican or the Trump agenda in many of its particulars,” said Clarkson. “He opposes the border wall; he’s in favor of using federal troops to stop illegal immigration. He’s a different guy; he’s not a go-along to get-along kind of guy.” In that regard, Moore is likely to fin…

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SCOTUS Seems to Think You Should Be Forced to Pay For Religious Education

…ligion. That religion would of course be a variant of Christianity, as the rural Maine schools in question aren’t linked to synagogues, temples or mosques. If the high court rules in the plaintiff’s favor, Maine taxpayers will be forced to fund religious use even though some of those schools clearly discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. In effect, the court seems ready to compel the underwriting of prejudice in the n…

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