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Indonesia Allows Abusive Sharia Laws to Stand; Kenyan Priest Joins Challenge to Anti-LGBT Laws; Dominican Republic Bishop Slams ‘Gender Ideology’ at OAS; Global LGBT Recap

…s below 50 percent. OUTBermuda said they hoped the results would galvanize supporters of marriage equlity the way California’s Prop 8 galvanized equality supporters. A group that urged no votes on the referendums, Preserve Marriage, said the group will stay in business, mobilizing churches to continue “addressing the community’s social and religious needs.” United Kingdom: LGBT Activists Mull Impact of Brexit Vote British voters have called for th…

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Opposition to Marriage Equality is Not the Only Scriptural Position for Christians

…he Chronicle establishes a dichotomy between faithfulness to scripture and support for marriage equality that many Christians reject as false. No doubt, some Christians feel an obligation to oppose marriage equality based on their readings of scripture. It is equally certain, however, that other Christians support marriage equality because of their commitment to scripture, not in spite of it. Opposition to marriage equality is a position adopted b…

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The True Meaning of ‘Law and Order’ Became Painfully Clear on January 6

…lfies with and letting protesters into the building, the evidence does not support this. The president, with help from his supporters in Congress, had been whipping up his followers for two months with fraudulent claims that the election was stolen. He openly called for his supporters to resist all standard procedures for ensuring the smooth transition from one administration to the next. They were even prepared with commemorative T-shirts and hoo…

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Flagship Biblical Studies Group Faces Bitter Divide Over Statements on Israel/Palestine

…re are also plenty of people who don’t agree that that level of uncritical support is an actual prerequisite for belonging.” By contrast, few of the senior scholars I asked expressed concern about the consequences of openly sharing their political views—with an interesting exception. The senior Israeli scholars said that, in this case, they cared less or not at all about freedom of speech. Former SBL President Athalya Brenner wrote that: “At this…

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Tainted Love: The Cost of Sojourners’ Refusal to Take Sides on LGBT Issues

…that this ultimately comes down to a fear of losing financial and communal support.   Wallis himself admitted in his statement that, “Like the larger church, Sojourners’ constituency, board, and staff are not of one mind on all of these issues.” So, if Sojourners were to make a definitive statement about something as innocuous as welcoming gay and lesbians into church pews (not even the “full monty” of supporting gay ordination and marriage), they…

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Historian: Evangelical Trump Fandom is No Deviation

…verty and wealth were played up, played down, or reinterpreted as biblical support for “reaping what you sow” through work and personal accountability. Nothing about this was new in the 20th century. But it did have a certain saliency and overlap with evangelical anti-New Dealism, anti-communism, colonialism and activism. The variety of approaches to the Bible is what I want readers to consider. There was some agreement between businessmen regardi…

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Compare the Midterms to Presidential Elections and an Interesting Story Emerges

…more than a blip on the screen. At the same time, even though evangelical support for Republicans declined somewhat between 2014 and 2018, in terms of raw numbers, many more evangelicals voted this year. That might explain why Republicans were able to hold on to seats in the South and eke out narrow victories in Florida. Likewise, about 70 percent of Jews voted Democratic in 2016, but 79 percent did so this year. Once again, that’s on a par with…

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I Created the Hashtag #EmptythePews Because It’s Time for Evangelicals To Walk Out of Toxic Churches

…st couple of weeks—anecdotally, to be sure, and mostly in the Exvangelical support group, an online safe space for ex-Evangelicals founded by Blake Chastain—many people stating that evangelical Trump support was the final straw that led them to leave evangelicalism behind. I believe that Evangelical pastors need to hear their message, and so do those still in the pews who may be harboring doubt and discomfort but who are afraid of leaving. To that…

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Equally Blessed: Wear a Rainbow Ribbon to Mass

…e Gallagher – Eds.]. Another group called Courage is a ministry group that supports celibacy for lesbian and gay people, and would not support any changes to Church practice or policy. They aren’t waging an anti-rainbow ribbon campaign, but they offer reparative therapy and encourage people to remain celibate or to change their orientation. The Catholic League for Civil and Religious Rights often speaks out against any progressive groups but mostl…

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Are Mormons Changing Their Stance on Homosexuality?

…talk sincerely, even passionately, about the need to reach out in love to support LDS members struggling with same-gender attraction—to stop driving them away from the church, or to suicide, with condemnation and ugly rhetoric.   In other words, the “inborn/celibacy” position makes the church’s opposition to homosexual relationships more defensible, more respectable, more palatable. It’s similar to the position favored by the Catholic hierarchy. …

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