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Tea Party Needs a History Lesson on Islam in America

…as always been a part of America’s story. The first nation to recognize my country was Morocco. In signing the Treaty of Tripoli in 1796, our second President, John Adams, wrote, “The United States has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Muslims.” And since our founding, American Muslims have enriched the United States. They have fought in our wars, they have served in our government, they have stood for c…

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You’re Right, Ross Douthat: Donald Trump Is Kind of Like Islam

…play out—how Republican decisions right now will affect the party, and the country, in the future. Which is when he jumps the shark. Douthat reaches for an historical analogy, and this is the one—out of at least, say, 330,000,000 possibilities—he finds: It’s possible that the establishment and the Tea Party are more like Byzantium and Sassanid Persia in the seventh century A.D., and Trumpism is the Arab-Muslim invasion that put an end to their lon…

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Republicans Claim Shari’ah Law Threatens Constitution

…is, we hope, part of a debate that will become much more vigorous in this country in the days ahead. We hope that in particular the kinds of efforts to insinuate shari’ah that have been touched on here and we can develop at greater length with you if you’d like, are the subject for congressional scrutiny and investigation and hearings in the days ahead because one thing is pretty clear. . . . . it’s, I think, a matter of time before you find muta…

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Dylann Roof Was Wrong: The Race War Isn’t Coming, It’s Here

…crucial is its embodiment, because it is poison. Europeans coming to this country began drinking this poison as they joined their bodies to a civilizing machine operating on two sites. The machine worked on the land and at the bodies of indigenous peoples clearing and killing away all that it deemed counterproductive. It also worked on immigrant bodies killing and clearing away all that could not be turned completely into whiteness. Whiteness—tha…

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“The Left” and Islamists to Bring Down Judeo-Christian America

…tion is the enemy. They (Islam and the Left) have a shared hatred for this country.” And of course, that sounds crazy to those of us whom they lump together as “the Left,” but remember, in their minds the Tea Party and David Barton are the “real America.” So there’s a religious group in America that believes that ultimately the whole world will submit to the authority of its God and its religious law, and is working to bring about that reality… so…

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No, I Don’t Owe My Yoga Mat to Vivekananda

…suspicious of his teachings. He received media attention from all over the country but only attracted a small following made up of those who could afford, both financially and socially, to be eccentric. There were numerous attempts by law enforcement, the media, and the Christian clergy to force Bernard and his students to forfeit yoga; although they successfully resisted. Next consider the tragic case of Ida C. Craddock, another American social r…

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The Visceral Vote: Obama-as-Sojourner v. McCain-as-Mythic-Hero

…weak to stand up against the evil enemy, too selfish to sacrifice all for country? The missing link comes from another consistent finding in the polls. The best indicator of how someone is likely to vote is church attendance: The more often non-Hispanic whites go to church, the more likely they are to vote for the Republican. And the percentages, which have held steady all summer, are almost exactly what they were in the 2004 election. Of course…

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Global LGBT Recap:Culture War Exports, Mob Violence and Kidnapping as Weapon of Homophobia

…law that is generating persecution and violence against gay people in that country.  In India, in contrast, Cardinal Oswald Gracias has opposed the Supreme Court ruling that recriminalized homosexuality.  Catholics and others have also protested remarks by a newly-named cardinal, Fernando Sebastián of Spain. Colegas, an LGBT rights group, has filed a complaint charging that Sebastián’s comments violate Spanish law against acts that provoke discrim…

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#BlackLivesMatterStill: We Cannot Let Anyone Else Define Our Movement

…t a series of isolated incidents. Violence is woven into the fabric of our country. Violence has been deployed against black folk from the moment we arrived on this continent—and for some even before that, the journey itself an act of violence. Violence against black bodies has been perpetrated by the state and its agents from the founding of this country. Context is neither excuse nor rationale. However, understanding the layers of context helps…

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RD News Round-Up: October 27, 2008

…up Pharmacists for Life International—at least the seventh pharmacy in the country that refuses to sell contraceptives of any kind. “I am grateful to be able to practice where my conscience will never be violated and my faith does not have to be checked at the door each morning,” said Robert Semler, manager of the Divine Mercy Care Pharmacy. According to the Associated Press, “States across the country have been wrestling with the issue of pharmac…

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