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News Flash: Buddhist-Majority Countries Just as Complicated as Muslim-Majority

The latest news from Burma should be classified under not good, and the country’s most famous democratic personality, Ang San Suu Kyi, has been disturbingly quiet, preferring not to speak out; whatever her reasons may be, her silence is as they say deafening. In addition to the country’s long history of ethnic and sectarian conflict, the plight of its Muslim population continues to worsen, with evidence of human trafficking of Burmese Muslim refu…

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To Be Christian, Intellectual and Black: A Response to Vincent Lloyd

…en recent news about black clergy in battleground states endorsing Donald Trump, cable news outlets are likely to pit a clergy member against a Democratic strategist as the typical point-counterpoint. There is never a space given to black Christian intellectuals who function as interpreters of what is happening. Even when Donald Trump made an appearance at Great Faith Ministries International and received a Hebrew prayer cloth, no news outlet in e…

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Photo of a Dying Man: The Journalist’s Job

…er tastes for gore, sex, and voyeurism. By this measure, the Post is a bad news outlet. But it doesn’t change the fact that a death on the subway is news, the story of life as it happens, the impartial mirror we rely on to tell us the real story about ourselves. In this regard, the Post is within the larger mission of journalism to print a photo of a subway death. If that raises our hackles, well, it should. Journalism is unsettling, on both its g…

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LGBTQ Group to March in St. Patty Parade… Good News, Right?

word Irish, the color green, or a clover (even one with three leaves).” Maybe this little leap in the direction of constricted inclusion will encourage future organizers to heed the wise words of an Irish toast: A friend’s eye is a good mirror.  In the eyes of those marching with MassEquality, may the organizers truly see themselves….

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First Draft Of History Today Could Be Fox News Promo Tomorrow

And that it was only the pushback from noble Tea Party brigades and their true patriotic efforts that kept this nation from descending into a Soviet gulag. Of course, the ugliness and racism displayed at the Capitol by Tea Partiers this weekend will be airbrushed from history. Just as board members want students to learn the lie that the South seceded because of state’s rights and not slavery, they’ll probably want them to also believe that racism…

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The Myth of News Media as Secularist Conspiracy

…ong the reasons that the Gosnell story was overlooked. The notion that the news media is a secularist cabal ignoring stories that challenge its shibboleths is wrongheaded. The media is not sentient and its decisions are not logical. It reacts more than acts, often driven by random factors (What did my husband say over breakfast? Who’s trending on Twitter? When was the last time I read a story about ____?). Equally mistaken is the premise that if t…

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2018: Wave Goodbye to Another Year in Religion

…nstrating the Catholic hierarchy’s sometimes criminal efforts to sweep bad news under the rug. Then came a follow-up federal investigation, the resignation of Archbishop Donald Wuerl for his part in the cover-up, and the mass resignation of Chilean bishops for the same thing. It was enough to lead Catholic theologian Mary Hunt to wonder whether the entire structure of the church needed to be replaced with something more lay-driven. The usual malar…

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Apocalypse Now and Then: Our Global Death Wish

…go further still, envisioning a massive breakdown and/or revolution in the world order, in very short time. The latter view is a secular form of millennialism, the scholarly term for the belief that a wholesale transformation of the world, for better or for worse, is imminent. And as two massive new tomes, Richard Landes’ Heaven on Earth and the The Oxford Handbook of Millennialism edited by Catherine Wessinger, very helpfully demonstrate, our own…

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Debunking the Myth That Democracy Is “Incompatible” With Islam

…emocratic modern West and an incorrigibly “medieval” and illiberal Islamic world. Contemporary Issues in Islam Asma Afsaruddin Edinburgh University Press September 1, 2015 This entrenched view has been challenged by nuanced and theoretically more sophisticated analyses, as evident in the works of Alfred Stepan, and more recently of Nader Hashemi, and Ahmet Kuru, for example. These works rightly point out that secularism in the sense of a strict di…

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How to Slow Down the Rush to War: What Obama Should Do About Syria

…bility of the Great Powers to veto any decisions made by the people of the world. Hopefully, that global forum will come up with non-violent ways to hasten the end of the Assad regime. But if that body decides on an intervention, the Obama Administration should decide if it can bring the U.S. population along with that, in part by conducting public fora throughout the U.S. focused on the call for an intervention issued by the nations of the world

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