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Who Benefits From Standardized Universal Time? And Other Questions to Ask As You Set Your Clocks Back This Weekend

…d sometimes resisted it. Ogle’s main case studies here are from the Muslim world, and particularly Beirut, where locals had to navigate standard time, local time (the two systems seemingly overlapped for years), Muslim ritual time, the Muslim ritual calendar, and the distinct ritual calendars of Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant churches. The tension between religious and standard times makes sense. In much of the world, rituals and religious institu…

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The Myth of the Maya Apocalypse

world, when the gods ruled, followed by the days since the creation of our world.  The gods’ world lasted 5,125 years and 133 days, a period of time known among scholars as 13 b’ak’tun, ending in August of 3114 BC. Scholars assumed that there must be a fixed cycle and speculated that after the same period of 13 baktun [or 5,125 years and 133 days]—December 21, 2012—the cycle would end again, and a misinterpretation began spreading that our world w…

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Aliens, Nanobots, & Microbes: The Science of Secular Apocalypse

…going to live for eighty years, or whatever, and perish? Now look at this world. This is a world where Donald Trump is leading in the polls. It’s a world full of nuclear weapons. It’s one where there are at least some people a bit anxious about the future. All my friends had kids anyway. They were like, Oh you have a good point, but I’m just gonna do it.   Also on The Cubit: A conversation with the Transhumanist Party’s first presidential candida…

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Ten Commandments of the Antichrist: The Georgia Guidestones

World Order.” The goal of the New World Order is the creation of a single world government and the destruction of national sovereignty and religion. A significant number of Christian dispensationalists subscribe to this view and believe that the New World Order was foretold in the Book of Revelation. In 2005, Mark Dice (using the pseudonym “John Connor” in reference to the Terminator film franchise) organized a Christian group opposed to the New…

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Kirill’s Sermon May Be Bad Preaching and Even Worse Theology — But it’s a Top-Notch Rejection of Liberal Democracy

…a test for the loyalty of this government, a kind of pass to that “happy” world, the world of excess consumption, the world of visible “freedom”. Do you know what this test is? The test is very simple and at the same time terrible – this is a gay parade. The demands on many to hold a gay parade are a test of loyalty to that very powerful world; and we know that if people or countries reject these demands, then they do not enter into that world, t…

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The Jersey Shores of Tripoli: MTV and Arab Revolution

…tions was actually distant Japan. Because, in 1904, Japan went to war with Russia. The world powers’ consensus was that the white European power would handily defeat the Asian nation, as had been the case across the world for the previous century. But Japan did something its race and continent was not supposed to allow it to. Japan won. For the first time in a very long time, a non-white power had handed it to a white one. Not only had Japan won,…

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Do Make Trouble: The Complex World of Radical Jewish ‘Revenge Theologian,’ Meir Kahane

…a thug or a madman (perhaps both), but, as Magid unpacks, he had a complex worldview whose purpose was the reclamation of Jewish identity that Zionism promised to Jews throughout the world, an identity that negated the humiliations he ascribed to the state of diaspora. RD recently spoke with Shaul Magid about Kahane’s role in shaping post-Holocaust Jewishness; the effect he had on discourses around antisemitism and Jewish “continuity” (or survival…

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The Shared Fantasy of Redemptive Violence Between ISIS and the Islamophobic Right

…. That’s why, at the end of the day, both ISIS and Islamophobes around the world depict a world in which Muslims are looming, shadowy agents of violence, on a collision course with the Crusaders. It’s a fever dream, a hyperbolic fantasy that threatens to consume us all. Of course, there is one sense in which the lone killers mentioned above are similar to those who want to systematize and organize violence and project it across the entire world. T…

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A protestor holding a sign saying "Wake Up! ppl"

Toward a More Positive Conspiracy — New Book Suggests that Critical Theorists and QAnon Followers Have More in Common Than You Think

…beyond thinking of this as paranoid fantasy only, and as also speaking to truths in the world. Masco: One thread linking many authoritarians right now is their dedicated efforts to control and confuse efforts to seek collective truths that people can activate their political lives around. Lisa has written extensively about this. It’s critical for being able to see the actual conspiratorial practices employed by any given state. In the US, for inst…

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When the Church’s LGBTIQ Loss is the World’s Gain

…of all justice issues, and using the wisdom gleaned from the sex/gender struggles, the group seeks “1) To open up spaces for faith communities to hear the stories of those who have been silenced or excluded, and 2) To lead communities of faith and spiritual practice into reconciliation conversations and actions.” The Spahr Project is a model for other groups, especially ones that have been predominantly white and upper educated. Wisdom gained on…

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