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The Truth about Catholics and Condoms

…holic-run health care centers might start incorporating condoms into their official HIV prevention programs. Sadly, however, we still hear some members of the Catholic hierarchy trying to take back the Pope’s words and doing their best to prevent condoms from reaching people who need them. But it’s important to hold onto the truth. Pope Benedict did affirm that condom use can help prevent HIV—reflecting the prayers and activism of Catholics the wo…

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Photo of the Day: Uganda’s First Gay Pride Parade

…Earlier this month in the lake town of Entebbe (where the president’s official residence is located), Uganda’s first gay pride parade took place. Abdoulaye Bah writes: In spite of widespread homophobia on the part Ugandan politicians and the public, the event was reportedly well attended. Ugandan police raided the event and detained LGBT activists who were later released. Now this is courage: Photo courtesy of David Robinson…

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Paul Ryan: “This Is Not Theology…”

…ted in the fairy dust part because, of course, Ryan maintains just the opposite. He insists that economic pragmatism, not faith in unseen things or a theological belief system, makes his growth-through-inequality formula viable. But in doing so, he specifically rejects and mocks the one economic lever—supply-side Keynesianism—that has been conclusively shown to allow sickly economies to grow their way out of slumps without ultimately leaving a cru…

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Richard Land Steps Down, But Not Out of the Culture Wars

…conciliation: “I believe [Land’s] legacy will be to recognize that he led a 14 to 16 million member denomination to completely reverse its position on race.”  Most scholars—including Southern Baptists—would dispute this claim, attributing the reversal to moderate leaders and progressive dissenters such as Land’s predecessor Foy Valentine.            Land’s legacy on race issues is certainly complex. Early in his tenure, Land hosted a race summit t…

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Archbishop of Chicago Accuses Emanuel of McCarthyism Over Chick-fil-A

…y? One is welcome to believe that, of course; but it should not become the official state religion, at least not in a land that still fancies itself free. Surely there must be a way to properly respect people who are gay or lesbian without using civil law to undermine the nature of marriage. There’s an embedded fallacy there, of course, that gay marriage “undermine[s] the nature of marriage,” and that it’s somehow constitutionally impossible to gr…

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The Curious Case of Mormons and LGBT Rights

…t no longer wants to exclude. In December 2012, the Church launched the website “,” which points to a new tactic for a new generation; the “closet” is now considered an ecclesiastical hindrance. Openness about gayness can seem revolutionary on its face, but queer discourse is being sifted through church protocol with an aim to fortify “love the sinner, not the sin” ideology, rather than tear it down. As an example, in the summer…

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Note From Across The Pond: Church-State Separation Isn’t For Everyone

…ing to set alarm bells ringing is the stated aim of “institutionalizing an official U.S. commitment to globalize religious freedom.” Alarms are set off once again when I read of the stated intention to “advance American’s vision and values.” I have no objection to religious freedom. Religion should be a matter of conscience not coercion; liberty is a watchword. What worries me are attempts to advance it which assume there’s only one possible model…

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Historic Prayer by Woman at LDS General Conference Signals Growing Concern with Gender Equality

…Church’s global proselytizing missions—an advance that follows a surge in numbers of women missionaries. Some observers believe that the changes are part of a concerted LDS Church effort to bolster its rates of retention among younger women.  Increased attention to the theology of gender and equality is also evident, both among rank-and-file Mormons and on the part of leaders. Last month, advocates of women’s ordination to the Mormon priesthood—a…

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Conservative Mag: Glenn Greenwald Hates America

…against CAIR (referencing a 2008 case), actually means. In the case of the 1993 WTC bombing, more than 150 people made the list. It essentially means that Wahhaj was a suspect, almost certainly because he had allowed the Blind Sheikh, a conspirator in the attack, to speak at his mosque in the past. (Of course, at the time, the US government loved the Blind Sheikh because of his role helping the US in Afghanistan when the CIA intervened to secure…

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