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Gabby Douglas Thanks God… Why is This News?

…uld do that. So forgive me if I am upset about Williams asking whether the Russian girl went down because Gabby prayed to win. Really? What does that mean? I don’t think Williams is concerned about Gabby’s faith at all, but about Williams wanting to tell us all about what she believes. Her whole last paragraph is filled with ‘I’ statements. Proselytizing much? As a Religious Studies professor, I can tell you that proselytism is a serious issue aro…

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Good News for Gay Marriage: Federal Judge Rules DOMA Unconstitutional

…nsidered married. In the other, Gill v. Office of Personnel Management, he ruled DOMA violates the equal protection principles embodied in the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment. For anyone paying attention when DOMA was drafted these rulings are cause for celebration. The law has always been one of separate and unequal when it comes to the rights of gay and lesbian people to enter into the legal civil contract of marriage. The judge’s ruli…

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Hillary’s Faith, Trump’s Conversion: Two Questions Journalists Need to Ask

…ed power and authority. The old aphorism still holds: dog bites man is not news, man bites dog is news. Protestants or Catholics who pray, talk and think about their faith, and do good things as a result are not news. That is what we expect. Contestations over religious liberty, over abortion, over the right to discriminate: those are news and those constitute the religion beat, at least to the politics reporter. What Trump meant was that in the r…

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To Fox News I’m Still a Jihadist

…st on The Kelly File, for a one-hour special on Islam called “Defying the Sword.” (Not followed by the unreleased documentary, “Begging the Question.”) And why? My Religion Dispatches review of Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s book, Heretic: Why Islam Needs A Reformation Now, that’s why. Host Megyn Kelly moderated the discussion. I went on because I think Ayaan’s book is self-defeating. First, because of Ayaan’s reputation in the Muslim communities, any and ever…

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Catholic News We Missed Last Week While Stalking the Pope

…e provided a great occasion to lead the umbrella group, Women’s Ordination Worldwide, to assess progress and map strategies under the rubric of “Gender, Gospel, and Global Justice.” The meeting began with Professor Shannen Dee Williams’ detailed presentation of shameful racism in women’s religious congregations. Black lives simply did not matter for decades in those circles, just as in most of the church. Her eagerly expected book on which the pre…

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The Islamophobia Industrial Complex

…attitudes towards Islam and the upcoming Peter King hearings, ran some more specific numbers for me, and reports: “Evangelicals are significantly more likely than the general population and than other religious groups to say they most trust Fox News. More than 4-in-10 (41%) Evangelicals say they most trust Fox News, compared to 20% of Mainline Protestants, 21% of minority Christians, 29% of white Catholics, and 22% of the unaffiliated.  The [gener…

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The Year in Religion: A Ray of Hope Amid the Usual Fecklessness

…ased community organizing networks. We will all see more evidence of this fruitful connection during the crucial organizing year ahead. One might say that the younger activists are converting some of the long-time faithful to accept their proper calling, dangers notwithstanding. I also find good news in the fact that more and more white people, young and old alike, seem now able to see and even say that white privilege is a curse and a burden to t…

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American Evangelist Who Sparked Anti-Gay Panic Sued By Ugandan Gay Rights Group

…ggwa, since American religious right activist Scott Lively dropped, in his words, a “nuclear bomb against the gay agenda in Uganda.” Lively, the former head of the California affiliate of the American Family Association, and an ally of the AFA’s virulently anti-gay policy director Bryan Fischer, led a three-day conference that Kaggwa says sparked a “panic” in evangelical and Pentecostal churches that the “gay agenda” was poised to cause the downfa…

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The Bleeding Heart of Muslim Europe

…specially his late 19th-century romantic European nationalism), the older truths of Turkey’s Ottoman heritage gain visibility. Not to resurrect empire, but to rediscover the differences that were forcibly suppressed in the transition to republican rule. You could say, discovering Turkey’s Eastern European roots was part of its self-discovery of democracy. And so it made sense to start with Istanbul and then head to Sarajevo, which only became itse…

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Evangelicals Call Christian Zionist Uncritical “Support” for Israel “Appalling” and “Intolerable”

…ng ways. It is one reason why the United States stands almost alone in the world community in supporting Israeli policies which our international friends generally find intolerable if not immoral and illegal. But it’s not just the international community that finds the occupation immoral and illegal; Gushee and Stassen accuse their evangelical brethren of the sin of underwriting human rights abuses and ensuing violence: Not to put too fine a point…

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