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LGBT and Muslim? A New Report Busts Stereotypes

…do an assessment, and came out being inspired with real hope for our whole world. One part of our world that is so often demonized as being insensitive and rigid and uncompromising and out of touch with nuances of human history proved to be just the opposite: engaged, sensitive, curious, imaginative. He concluded, “if this is the demonized community, then our future is a lot brighter than what we’ve been led to believe.” Chase acknowledges that th…

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The Islamists vs. The Markets: Egypt’s Election Analyzed

…the United States included, can now pursue domestic policy independent of international financial markets. How much more so the Arab world—considering how much poorer and less developed it is? And in that case, what difference does it make what government you have? Left or right, the market seems always to win. This is actually where I would locate the greater threat to Arab democracy, and the temptation to slide into some form of authoritarianis…

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Gingrich, Israel, and the Assassinate Obama Comments

…ss nights, is a pet issue of the Israeli Right which has long sought for Jerusalem to be, in the eyes of the international community, exclusively Israel’s. The Forward‘s Gal Beckerman nails the bigger picture: [the] concern is that because of his influence on Gingrich, Adelson has turned the Republican contest into a competition of extreme rhetoric, in which there is no room for compromise or diplomacy, and the only answer to any international pro…

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Loving Uganda to Death: The Global Reach of Far-Right Christian Hatred

…nce Film Festival. “I love Uganda,” says Kapya Koama in the film’s opening words. But, “something frightening is happening that has the potential to destroy Uganda.” Filmmaker Williams was given remarkable access to leaders and missionaries affiliated with the International House of Prayer (IHOP) movement based in Kansas City, and he makes the most of it. Dominionist Lou Engle describes Africa as a “firepot of spiritual renewal and revival,” and b…

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The Fire Next Time: Tibetan Protests Spread

…s coverage]. The young refugees in India inspire their partners around the world in their persistence, but they also need a positive outlet for their frustration, activists say. “One thing we have been encouraging very strongly in the global movement is the importance of planning, the importance of strategy, the importance of living, dedicating our lives to activism,” says Tenzin Dorjee, executive director of Students for a Free Tibet, who regular…

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Are Women “Secondary” in Catholic Church?

…the idolatry of maleness toward the worship of the true God in spirit and truth. International Women’s Day and the coming papal conclave seem as fine a time as any for churches to start thinking (again) about the damage inflicted on the imaginations, self-identities, and spiritualities of both women and men, girls and boys, by sexist god-talk. And, not for nothing, on the practical, material harm caused throughout the world through these gendered…

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Is Africa the Most Homophobic Continent?

…e by death in some states. Now a fresh crackdown is under way. While it’s true that any country—whether Uganda, Nigeria, Russia or elsewhere—which legislates punitive measures against LGBTQI people ought to be on the receiving end of international ire and protest, it’s disingenuous to name the continent of Africa as the most homophobic. Countries in Africa are, in fact, guilty of sanctioning detestable pieces of anti-gay legislation, but such is t…

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Punks vs. Monks: Rockers Speak Out Against Genocide in Myanmar

Punk rockers in Myanmar are gaining international attention for publicly denouncing Buddhist monks’ genocidal treatment of Muslim minorities. In the last two years, sectarian violence in Myanmar’s Arakan State has resulted in the displacement of over 140,000 members of the Rohingya minority, as well as the deaths of thousands more. The recent surge in violence appears to have been incited by Buddhist monks. The Rohingya, who number almost one mil…

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Global LGBT Recap:Culture War Exports, Mob Violence and Kidnapping as Weapon of Homophobia

…the construction of new high-profile Russian Orthodox churches around the world whose construction costs are being paid by the Russian government. The propaganda law has most recently been used to fine the editor of a newspaper in Khabarovsk in northeastern Russia for printing an interview with a local geography teacher who is gay; the court ruled that the teacher’s assertion that homosexuality is normal violated the law. Meanwhile, some Russian…

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Promise Keepers Launches Effort to Support Messianic Jews in Israel

…ld be unified with the vast numbers of Gentile believers, resulting in the world recognizing that He was truly sent by God.” The September 17 event, which will be held at an outdoor amphitheater outside the Old City walls, is called “Jesus Reigns,” and is part of Promise Keepers’ new “sister” ministry, “One Message,” which is not exclusively for men, spokesman David Jesse told me. The event, he said, “is to call the church worldwide to join togeth…

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