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How the Right’s War on ‘Critical Race Theory’ Taps into the Powerful Religion of American Innocence

…erently evil…Our nation’s youth do not need activist indoctrination that fixates solely on past flaws and splits our nation into divided camps… Taxpayer-supported programs should emphasize the shared civic virtues that bring us together, not push radical agendas that tear us apart. The GOP senators go on to fulminate over what they call the “infamous” 1619 Project, created by the New York Times, which was mentioned in the Education Dept.’s announc…

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Of Personhood and the Pill: What’s at Stake?

…at I wasn’t going to get pregnant without serious professional help. The next six months were full of miseries, large and small, as my doctors tried various unsuccessful treatments. We debated skipping straight to IVF, but eventually decided to first do intrauterine insemination (“artificial insemination,” or IUI) cycle, to see how I responded to the IVF medications. Because we are incredibly and undeservedly fortunate, that “practice” cycle concl…

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A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Unemployed from being a Burden to
the Rich

…so sponsored another bill, which was recently signed into law. As Argento explains: He pushed a law through the Legislature that codifies something called “The Castle Doctrine” which, in essence, makes it easier to legally shoot people, the reasoning apparently being that it should be easier to legally shoot people. Actually, he explained that the bill would remove your legal obligation to retreat in the event of an attack so you wouldn’t have to…

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Pagan Soccer Mom Wins Blog Contest Despite “Biblical Womanhood” Opposition

…tly thought they own the category of faith (though Circle of Moms doesn’t exhibit any signs of being explicitly religious). It turns out that someone in the community of Pagan and Witch moms, many of whom also homeschool, nominated Mrs. B at the blog Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom. Then many of the biblical women got concerned about witches and pagans in the contest, expressing shock and horror. They organized to vote for the Christians and app…

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Why Liberal Religious Arguments Fail

…r their viewpoint based on, for example, the trifling fact that the Bush tax cuts for the rich and corporate tax cuts cannot be correlated to any expanded economic activity or job creation. Conservatives who benefit very directly from the economic status quo have a vested interest (literally) in sticking to their story. When people believe additionally that God has ordained or sanctified the economic status quo, we can totally forget about shaking…

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Can a Pig Heart be Kosher?

…ogy to come to a reasonable conclusion on issues not found in the sacred texts.  A.R. Chao, a former Imam in Texas and graduate of Vanderbilt Divinity School, suggests that “xenotransplantation is acceptable if the patient’s life is in danger and all other medical options have been exhausted. [However, given the novelty of the technology, there has not been a clear ruling issued on it from Muslim jurists.]” But jurisprudential issues are not so si…

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The Perry v. Bachmann Primary at Liberty Unversity

…Pages about whether his clinic used the discredited practice. If I were a betting person, I’d bet this doesn’t have much impact on his wife’s campaign. While LGBT rights advocates and allies are right to be outraged, I doubt it would bring any new opposition to Bachmann, who is already well-known for her anti-gay views and voting record. And her supporters would likely not only support the use of ex-gay therapy, but view her husband as beleaguere…

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The Garden of Eden: A Dull Place? Paradise Lust Author Explains…

…. William Warren wanted to dazzle his readers into supporting North Polar exploration with his 500-page book explaining why the Garden of Eden had once been there. Doubtful, I know. But I feel less impressed than entertained, bemused, and sometimes amazed by the scale of the reasoning that these characters put into these claims—and a little protective too. They had no idea their theories would be made to stand up generations later and testify. Amo…

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Can a Submissive Wife be President? Michele Bachmann says Yes

…e conservative Christian world there is a spectrum of views on how these texts are to be read. Evangelical feminists argue that the Bible actually teaches mutual submission between men and women. But Reconstructionists, some of whom have influenced Bachmann, have suggested that, given the biblical order for families, women probably shouldn’t be voting. I wrote about Reconstructionist biblical patriarchy here. While Christians traditionally hold th…

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Church and State in Mexico: A Political Party Wavers on Women’s Rights

…ring the PAN’s Reign A fire to win defines the PRI ethos. The party held Mexico’s executive office for 71 years until losing the presidency in 2000. Many past PRI presidents viewed the Catholic Church as a political threat and pushed to marginalize it, whereas PAN presidents have openly embraced their Catholic identity—and of course, utilized it politically. When Church leaders wanted to crack down on abortion, they knew they could count on the PA…

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