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Jewishness Per Square Inch, Medieval Edition

…thinking of writing a memoir about a year I spent teaching in a Christian international high school in Jerusalem. It was during the first intifada, when West Bank schools were closed, so in addition to the international students (children of clergy, diplomats, and United Nations employees), there were many Palestinian students. It was a fascinating microcosm of Jewish-Christian-Muslim relations. These young people faced unthinkable challenges, pr…

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Israel’s Chief Rabbis Say No to Christian Zionist Event

…ed by the Christian Zionist organization International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, finding that it “hinders Israel’s true redemption.” The event, a prayer vigil marking the end of ICEJ’s annual five-day commemoration of the Feast of the Tabernacles, or Sukkot, is scheduled to take place October 15 at the southern wall of the Temple Mount. Other portions of the ICEJ’s program will take place at the new Jerusalem Pais sports arena, and activities i…

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Clueless in Gaza

…nal heritage will turn into a system of imposed rule over two peoples, one ruling and the other ruled. The second process was the worsening of Jewish-Arab relations within the borders of the State of Israel: The occupation in the West Bank and Gaza will bring about solidarity of the half a million Israeli Arab citizens with their brothers in the occupied territories. This will lead to a radical change in their state of mind. Inevitably, they will…

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Ugandan Gay Rights Activist Murdered, US Evangelicals Must Take Responsibility

…o Uganda by American conservatives.” “Kato’s murder is a heavy blow to the international human rights community,” said Rev. Kapya Kaoma, the director of PRA’s Project on Religion and Sexuality. “Those U.S conservatives who have lit the brushfire of homophobia in Africa have to bear some responsibility for this tragic death and for the conflagration that now threatens to consume all gay Ugandans.” Those U.S. evangelicals include Scott Lively, the f…

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Just War Tradition v. David Brooks on 9/11 Trials

…ential of turning these men into martyrs rather than subjects to a rule of international law. And so on. Perhaps the most telling objection was voiced by David Brooks on The PBS NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. He argued that the symbolics of the move carry real policy consequences. Brooks expressed surprise and dismay that the US Attorney General referred to the 9/11 attacks repeatedly as “crimes.” No, Brooks countered, they were not “crimes,” they were…

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Sex Work: In Bed with the Religious Right

…ous at once. What’s your next book? I just finished an edited collection, Brutality and Desire: War and Sexuality in Europe’s Twentieth Century–which ranges from the Armenian genocide in the 1910s via Auschwitz and Algeria to Bosnia in the 1990s. The horrific sexual violence in the former Yugoslavia, and the international recognition that the rapes were war crimes, has prompted more research into sexual violence in prior wars. But wars have often…

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Closed-Door Conference in Poland Shows How US Conservative Christian Networks Export ‘Conversion Therapy’

…ted above, she wrote a letter to the UN that was published by Family Watch International; she was interviewed by Family Research Council president Tony Perkins; and, on behalf of the IFTCC, she drafted a declaration against conversion therapy bans worldwide. A resulting petition contains fewer than 2,000 signatures, 400 of which are from the US, according to the website. And the list of US-based evangelical leaders and activists of the Christian R…

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Who Could Possibly Take Issue With ‘Human Dignity’? Beware of Trojan Horses

…provided Trump with the opportunity to strut and swagger before the entire world. Trump invoked the term “dignity” three separate times, pairing it with the terms human nature, rule of law, freedom, and peace, thus making it a major theme. The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed that “recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justic…

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Putin’s Violent Holy War Rhetoric Made it to the Christian Right Fringe — And There’s Reason to Believe it’ll Go Mainstream

…st the antiChrist?” Now, Rick Wiles is a known entity—he’s the founder of Tru*]}*News, a pastor of a Florida church whose fundamentalist Christian platform has a long history of antisemitism, Islamophobia, anti-LGBTQIA+ messaging, and which rambles on in ever more hysterical apocalyptic tirades while begging for money and preaching extreme conspiracy theories. And while this kind of language is militant and weird, it’s not (yet?) a normative part of f

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Promise Keepers 2.0: Women and Jews Invited

…holding hands, and praying together in a show of Christian male bonding. True, Promise Keepers provided no theological or political critique of structural racism in the United States—racism was deemed a personal sin to be confessed. These attitudes about race found their iconic moment at the 1997 DC rally. When white evangelist John Dawson knelt in prayer to ask forgiveness from his African American brothers for his own sin of racism, men of colo…

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