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Statement on NAR & Christian Nationalism Answers Few Questions But Exposes Growing Rifts in the Movement

…heir plight, “WE ALSO RECOGNIZE that some media outlets put the worst construction on our words, take us out of context, falsely associate us with dangerous, fringe groups, and unfairly malign us.” Of course, they offer no factual support for their complaint, nor do they say what it is these unnamed media outlets have done. The fact is that they share considerable blame for the politically-crazed, theocratically-inclined, and violence-prone moveme…

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Manslaughter Conviction of Brittney Poolaw Represents Pattern of White Christian Policing of Black and Brown Women’s Bodies

…oolaw’s miscarriage was caused by a congenital abnormality and placental abruption (the detaching of the placenta from the uterus). Poolaw’s shocking case has sparked widespread outcry and been covered in major media outlets, as well it should. And as we reflect on this profound injustice, we would do well to notice the broader pattern of white Christian policing of the bodies of Black and Brown women—a pattern that has deep historical roots in th…

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The Only Surprising Thing About the ‘Demon Sperm’ Doctor’s Views Is That They’re Shared By Many Evangelicals

…ple even more is to learn how many evangelicals in the U.S. and around the world share the perspective of Trump’s new favorite doctor. This religious perspective, which understands the world to be contractually bound to Satan and his demons and in a perpetual state of spiritual war, has a distinctly American history but in recent decades has become a global religious phenomenon. It’s a movement Fuller Theological Seminary professor C. Peter Wagner…

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A Brief History of Olympic Flames

…ngly or no, in the short 108-year compass of their history. There were instructive debates about the relevance of the modern Olympics posed in the immediate aftermath of both World Wars. The forces of war had proven stronger than the forces of peace, it was felt, since the Olympic Games had been canceled in 1916, 1940, and 1944. Perhaps there was no point to their revival. But each time, in the aftermath of war, the Games returned, returned to the…

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…Second Coming is still a long way off. Watch it here. TV Guide provides analysis here. While we can all breath a sign of relief over Cameron’s calm assurances, isn’t the fact that a major news organization tapped Growing-Pains-star-turned-religious-nut as an “expert” on the subject of anything one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?…

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Religious Differences Are Real (and Tolerance Can Be an Empty Virtue)

…iers and those diplomats—curious readers who know you can’t understand the world without understanding the powerful role the world’s religions play in it. Are you hoping to just inform readers? Give them pleasure? Piss them off? All of the above. I have certainly done my share of pissing people off, and I do think some of the writing in the book will bring readers pleasure, but the main goal is to inform. The world’s religions are in my view not s…

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Failure to Grasp the Distinct Character and History of Eastern Christianity is Compromising Our Understanding of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

…vasion of Ukraine began three weeks ago, it’s likely you’ve heard the term Russian World (or Russkii Mir). It’s easy to conflate this concept with nostalgia for the Soviet Union (it’s just another term for Russia plus satellite states, right?), but the term—and the concept—predates the Soviet Union and Marx by centuries and bears the mark of Orthodox Christian political philosophy and history. It has, subsequently, underscored much of Patriarch Ki…

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Why Are Some Muslims Calling to Replace GMT with Mecca Time?

…ngst Muslims that one can prove “scientifically” that Mecca is really the true “center of the world.” This line of reasoning has been heavily promoted and popularized by a prominent Egyptian cleric, Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawy, who claims that, unlike other longitudes, Mecca is in perfect alignment with the north magnetic pole. Some Arab scientists have also lent their authority to these claims. For example, Abdel-Baset al-Sayeed of the Egyptian Na…

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It’s The Apocalypse, Stupid: Understanding Christian Opposition to Obamacare, Civil Rights, New Deal and More

…er through a political leader, called the Antichrist, who is then going to rule over the world for seven years. This period is called the Tribulation. Antichrist rule will lead to a series of wars, which will then culminate with Jesus coming with an army of saints and fighting the battle of Armageddon, in the literal land of Palestine. Jesus will defeat the Antichrist, vanquish evil and then establish a new kingdom. There’s been a long debate in C…

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2011’s Best Books—
Or Just a Great Reading List

…devour this story of a Jewish girl from Long Island, unhappy, spiritually frustrated, alienated from herself, and exiled into a world not much more welcoming, never really sure why she went in, but pretty sure that she could never come out. If it says anything, I stepped into a Borders and read half of it one day, and went back the next day to read the second half. This may also explain what happened to Borders.   3. In Defense of Flogging by Pete…

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