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“Project Blitz” Seeks to Do for Christian Nationalism What ALEC Does for Big Business

…play Act: “An act providing for display of the National Motto, “In God We Trust,” in public buildings and on license plates.” Civic Literacy Act: “An act providing for instruction in the content and meaning of the documents that form the foundation of our country’s Constitutional Republic.” Requires school boards to teach selected founding documents and to allow the posting of others in secondary schools. Religion in Legal History Act: “Endorses a…

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Guns and Babies: What Newtown Does NOT Teach Us

…a thing? For a start, the American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer, Fox News’ Mike Huckabee, and David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network’s The Brody File. Since yesterday’s awful news, each has claimed that God’s absence from our schools and the lack of concealed gun carry permits for teachers and school administrators allowed this carnage to happen. I am sure there will be others who decide to preach sermons along this line from pulp…

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How to Talk to a Trump Evangelical at Christmas

and exaggeration, ensures you won’t get far pinning down “the real Donald Trump” at post-truth holiday gatherings. 4. Don’t discuss Trump voters. Some readers will object that I put too many evangelicals in the same basket of deplorables. If so, they have a valid point. Voters cast ballots for a wide variety of reasons, including frustrations about economic fairness and national belonging that deserve compassion. You should concede this point too…

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As Pat Robertson Retires, Here Are 10 of His Most Cringeworthy Moments

…t’s a violent political system bent on the overthrow of governments of the world and world domination,” adding, “I think you should treat it as such and treat its adherents as such. As we would members of the Communist party and members of some Fascist group.” In 2012, a viewer wrote in to The 700 Club to ask what he could do about his wife having “no respect for me as head of the house.” Without missing a beat, Robertson replied, “Well, you could…

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Where Polls and Surveys Fall Short: A Conversation with Robert Wuthnow on “Inventing American Religion”

…editor’s fault than the pollster’s fault. Polling usually doesn’t produce news. It usually just produces possibly interesting information—it isn’t news in the sense that something really happened, and so editors and reporters have to think of some way to make it seem like news. Third, always remember that the polls have a very low response rate. Most of the polls, whether about religion or politics, have an eight percent response rate now. It mea…

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Muslims for Trump

…ntual and inevitable effects. If you were to pump out, day after day, anti-Russian sentiment on the news networks, and only ever focus on the bad things Russians do, and never the good, then I imagine eventually you would create an outcome that included violence against Russians and thundering political rhetoric warning us of the threat within. What I mean to say is, even after the September 11th attacks no politician dared discuss the kinds of pr…

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New Book by Olivier Roy Argues that Aggressive Attempts to Christianize the West Actually Hasten Secularism

…re than they’re doing anything prophetic to revive the sacred in a profane world. In Roy’s words: Seeing the return of Christian cultural symbols to public space as the starting point to win back souls is absurd. Those who promote it care little for the teachings of the Church; their intentions pertain more to folklore, entertainment, spectacle and exploitation. Paradoxically, bringing back Christian symbols actually helps to secularize religion….

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Citizen Speech in an Age of Data: Or, Why I’m Transcribing My Tweets Into Cuneiform

…stimate the shape of tomorrow. Central to Åzone is the role of “Hot Tips”— news articles that must be shared or cited with any trade. This turns users into invested news readers. When I read of a scientific discovery about drought resistant plants, I shared this tip and purchased a share of Post-Scarcity Farming. If your Hot Tip is cited by others when they make a trade, you receive dividends. This incentivizes a unique form of social media partic…

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Is Coverage of Liberal Religion a Media Fail?

…oes not necessariily mean evangelical. You know that. You read RD.) To be truly diverse, does a newsroom need a variety of religions, and a variety of views within those religions? Seems like an impossible, fraught task. How would you determine which religions had historically been excluded, as is more clearly the case with gender and race? How could you possibly define optimal religious diversity, and what would that look like, and how could you…

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Yes, Let’s Talk About Kermit Gosnell

…using the alleged Gosnell-undercoverage as Exhibit A in his column on why newspapers need to hire more Christians. “Why does this matter?” Lewis asks. Because “this sort of diversity isn’t just important because of the creeping worldview bias, but also in terms of selection bias.” (They sound ominous, whatever those biases are.) He cites Kristen Powers’ column in USA Today, complaining about the lack of Gosnell coverage, and gives the big reveal…

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