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Robot Kills a Worker in Germany… Who’s to Blame?

…uring the Great Depression workers were fretting about robots taking jobs. Newspapers ran sensational stories about bots and other machines “turning” on their masters and killing humans. According to one 1932 story that ran in Louisiana, an inventor was demonstrating his cyborg’s precision with a firearm when the cyborg grabbed the gun, turned on the master, and critically wounded him. Of course, this never happened. As nearly as historians can te…

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As a Muslim, I am Exhausted…

…r which the verdict has already been decided. It’s time we complicated our stories and stepped out of this public relations function, which denies Muslims around the world the benefit of their lived experience and robs them of the joys and limits of their own history. We must chronicle the lives of Muslims beyond the exclusive lens of piety. There is more to us than just our faith, and not every stereotype that torments us today can simply be corr…

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No to Church, Yes to Jesus?

…ger cultural vocabulary. Nancy Ammerman’s study of what she termed “Golden Rule Christians”—practicing believers across Christian denominations and ideological spectrums who take the scriptural teaching that one should “do unto others as you would have them do to you” (Mt. 7:12) as the core Christian value—certainly tracks a similarly generalized Christian ethic. But I would suggest that the ethical perspective of those I might tag as “Good Samari…

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The Real (and More Interesting) World Behind Magic in the Moonlight

…that Woody Allen’s film is “based on a story that’s almost too good to be true”—that attention to Allen’s true historical referents only complicates things for the better. For the magician referenced by Colin Firth’s “Stanley Crawford” is not Harry Houdini—or, not Houdini only—but (also) Chung Ling Soo, née Billy Robinson. And Robinson is far more interesting than this representation of him, especially on the subject of spiritualism. By way of rev…

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“We’re Not Fighting About Politics, We’re Fighting About God”: Diana Butler Bass Wants a Revolution

…new, you don’t leave absolutely everything behind. Certain heroes, myths, stories, memories, artifacts are going to be needed, and they’re still going to be beautiful even in years ahead. That’s what I’m actually trying to figure out—what kind of stories are going to help us get there? I don’t know if it is what Pierre Teilhard de Chardin called the Omega Point (or perhaps what Rifkin calls the empathic civilization) but what I do know is that we…

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Revealing Joseph Smith’s (Well-Known) Polygamy Doesn’t Address the LDS Church’s Bigger Problem

…rs, and the responsibility of members to seek independent verification of truth and respectfully challenge untruth. But it does not. Except in rare circumstances, it studiously avoids them. Continuing to avoid such questions and instead giving truth a carefully-managed bureaucratic roll-out, sustains a ground-level Mormon culture of rigidity and anxiety that will continue to make the faith difficult to inhabit for many Mormons. In its most extreme…

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Who Gets to Decide if Noah is Biblical?

…kened to the Church in both Christian literature and art, and even Noah’s drunkenness was construed in positive terms as pointing to the Eucharist. Aronofsky’s ambivalent Noah and emphasis on diluvian destruction have a long lineage, but so do critics’ rosier take on the Noah tale. Watching the Watchers While some, like Baden, begrudge their inclusion because they “have a good long pedigree,” some critics mock the inclusion of “Watchers” as furthe…

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Religious Leaders Pressure Congress To Support Religious Discrimination

…d the practice through executive order; legislation wouldn’t be necessary. World Vision, though, is drawing attention to a provision in the pending Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration reauthorization that would prohibit religious discrimination in hiring by groups receiving federal funding. But World Vision, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and the Orthodox Union urged Congress not to pass any legislation and also continued to…

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Sacred Texting: When Religious Writ Gets Wired

…electronic games machine, and any other kind of equipment used for showing worldly films, listen[s] to worldly music, and play[s] electronic games” is subject to a statement of “Release and Expression of Regret.” Similarly, a monk who “goes on to the internet alone without another monk next to him as a protection against getting lost in toxic Web sites” has committed an “Expression of Regret” offense. Some are less worried about the corrupting inf…

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World Meeting of Families Again Positions Queer Catholics as Children

…opportunities to speak for ourselves was even more visible at the previous World Meeting of Families in 2015, when professed celibate Ron Belgau was the only queer Catholic to speak, and he shared the podium with his mother. The visual effect of a forty-year-old gay man deferring to the experiences and expectations of his mother perfectly encapsulates the Vatican’s approach to queer Catholics. Instead of speaking as his own person, Belgau effectiv…

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