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Confronting the Rise in Conspiracy Thinking … With Wisdom Literature

and prosperity, and neither will exposing the pedophile conspiracy choking world government, nor will re-installing Trump as president, nor sending him off to prison forevermore. We are always faced with the responsibility to make choices, and the anxiety that goes along with it. We have that anxiety because, last, not everything is under our control. Walter Brueggemann says it best: “In spite of our best planning, there is an inscrutable mystery…

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Despite Conflation of Israel with Judaism, Anti-Zionism is More Kosher Than You Think

…efore your enemies; you may make a unified stand against them but you will run away in every direction; and you will become a horror to all the states in the world.” (Deut 28:25-26) God is arguably even more “anti-Israel” in his speeches to the Prophet Amos. Addressing the northern kingdom of Israel he says: If they burrow down to Hell, From there My hand shall take them; And if they ascend to heaven, From there I will bring them down. 4 And if th…

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Without Bev Shea, No Billy Graham

…eputation as a professionally successful gospel singer to his work on the Crusades. So the international fame he achieved as Graham’s soloist was, in its own way, wider (though not necessarily deeper) than Graham’s. That’s because, while Graham had faithful followers, Shea had product-buying fans.  Even before, and certainly after, his death, it has been a commonly cited indicator of his success that Shea sang to over 200 million people through th…

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Science Mike Building a “Christian Science” Liturgy for the Nones

…ence Mike? According to McHargue, his work is uniquely suited to a digital world. “We’re this work for the Internet age,” McHargue said. “In a world where every idea is a Google search away and there’s too much information to create a coherent narrative, how do we help people adapt to that world at the intersection of science, faith and art?” “We’re using the Internet as a response to the Internet. The Internet is what’s knocking the boxes upside…

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State of the Union Stuck in that Olde-Time Semi-Niebuhrianism

…of this tragic path. Though he should be thanked for wanting to wage the struggle with China in economic and not military terms, he ramped up that struggle in the SOTU, warning that the Chinese are outstripping us technologically and we must “win the future,” despite all the risk such belligerent talk entails. Perhaps a foreign policy Niebuhrian can be expected to do no less. On the other hand, if we reject Niebuhr’s premise of endless conflict in…

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QAnon’s Predictions Haven’t Come True; So How Does the Movement Survive the Failure of Prophecy?

…bal of satanic pedophile elites that’s responsible for all the evil in the world. The QAnon worldview is particularly prone to these sorts of predictions, and many adherents eagerly anticipate earth-shattering future events that will completely change the world, from “the Storm” (a near future apocalyptic realization when members of this evil cabal will be arrested) to the “Great Awakening” (a time when the general population will come to realize…

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Pope Invites his Flock to Join Facebook: Is the Digital Reformation Here?

…s marked by “the tendency to communicate only some parts of one’s interior world, the risk of constructing a false image of oneself” also betrays a certain unfamiliarity with communication practices in daily life generally, digital or otherwise. When are we not communicating “only some parts of [our] interior world” (that with a big dollop of latitude on the notion of “interiority” itself)? Where are we fully free of the risk of duplicitous self-p…

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Vandalism as Conversation-Starter

…tform, and responding with their own message of hope: “Like in many small, rural communities, teenagers in the area often struggle with nothing to do, with drinking, and so on,” said Broad of the likely culprits. “Some of the tagging was truly malicious,” he added. “The doors of the Roman Catholic church down the road were sprayed with ‘Satan’s House.’ Still, we wanted to respond as someone who cares, as someone who listens, even when the forum fo…

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End of the World: An Update

…unemployed woman who paid $1,200 to put up the sign on a park bench, alerting the people along the 10 Springs bus route that Christ will return May 21, 2011. The sign doesn’t say it, but the web site that it refers to let’s us know that Oct. 21, 2011 will be the day “when He will destroy the world and all that is therein.” At the end of the article, there is what may be the saddest quote I have ever read in a news story: Exley has bittersweet feel…

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Jesus, Carpet Bomb My Heart: An Undercover Muslim in Detroit

…ilities of unchecked capital and genuine democracy. In this time of reconstructing the way our world works, a polarizing and exclusive religious vision is not particularly relevant. America is also inescapably and increasingly diverse, and its domestic and foreign policy requires finding a method of engagement with difference that is reasonable and respectful. But there is a more inescapable truth about Engle’s “Dearborn Awakening.” He chose a spe…

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