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Five Social Media Trends that are Reshaping Religion

…the thousands ignored each year. 4. Curate as Curator As social networking sites grow as prime destinations for day-to-day distraction (with more than half of all adults in the U.S. visiting social networking sites “for no particular reason,” according to a recent survey), engaging content will have increasing significance. It’s important to remember that “engaging” doesn’t mean ‘shiny’ or ‘loud.’ Rather, it means content that appeals to or produc…

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Will Christian Publishers Stand Behind Mars Hill’s Sketchy Legacy?

…their global church plants and their online podcast network. Now that the online buzz surrounding these revelations seems to have cooled off, the evidence doesn’t support the allegation that this was just a witch hunt conducted by those seeking to discredit a controversial “cussing pastor.” Rather, evangelical Christian radio host Janet Mefferd’s research unearthed examples where Driscoll used material from Peter Jones in his latest book A Call t…

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The Best Books Media of 2008

…chooling ministry Vision Forum, which as a ministry, publishing house, Web site, and event series is a vital text about the purist edges of the Christian Right in itself. * * * The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power (Harper), by my friend and colleague Jeff Sharlet, is grounded in personal experience that establishes the members of the Family network not as stereotypes but as devotees to a strange and deeply flawed th…

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Krapp’s Last Tweet: The Rise (and Fall?) of Privilege in the Digital Economy

…like teachers and journalists who, presumably, are equipped with the requisite tools of discernment and judgment. Like individual memory, though, cultural memory shifts over time—rightfully so, and not without struggle. Consider, for example, recent efforts to revise marginalizing histories in American educational curriculums. As evidenced by debates over ethnic studies programs in Arizona and California public schools, such struggles are politic…

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Pope Invites his Flock to Join Facebook: Is the Digital Reformation Here?

…ew forms of shared awareness. The Pope’s new embrace of digital space as a site for the meaningful expansion and enrichment of social, intellectual, and spiritual relatedness in which the faithful should engage is welcome. But, as Ritchie pointed out in his blog, the Pope’s letter errs in assuming that digital media are the particular provenance of the young. While it’s true that more than 90 percent of teens use the internet, usage by adults has…

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Warpaint: What Does George W. Bush See in His “Portraits of Courage”?

…e known that the former President had started painting, the satirical news site The Onion ran a story titled, “George W. Bush Debuts New Paintings Of Dogs, Friends, Ghost Of Iraqi Child That Follows Him Everywhere.” In the background of every painting of pets and kitchen tables and couches was a dead Iraqi child. Painting of Sergeant Matthew Zbiec courtesy of George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum. Toward the end of Portraits of Courage, I…

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Orthodox TV Channel Offers Gays One-Way Ticket Out of Russia; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…fits in that marriage. China: Targets of sweeping new censorship rules for online media include homosexuality The Chinese government imposed sweeping new censorship rules for online media; Reuters reports that homosexuality is among the topics that are no longer approved, along with “violence, drug addition, extramarital affairs and religious cults.” Under the new guidance, which comes into immediate effect, censors should check that content adher…

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The Social Cost of Atheism

…rvey, “Coming Out as an Atheist,” was posted live on the Atheist Nexus Web site for four months from September to December 2008. Respondents were asked various questions such as “In general, how stigmatized do you feel atheists are in your culture?” and “Do you feel that there would be any social repercussions if people in your [workplace/family/local community] found out the you were an atheist?” By a wide margin, atheists in the U.S. were more l…

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Rage or Courage?: YouTube Terrorism Take Two

…fundamental questions about the control that Internet companies have over online expression. Should companies themselves decide what standards govern what is seen on the Internet? How consistently should these policies be applied? Under YouTube’s terms of service, hate speech must be directed against individuals, not groups. Because the video mocks Islam but not Muslim people, it has been allowed to stay on the site in most of the world: “This vi…

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Taqwacore Roundtable: On Punks, the Media, and the Meaning of “Muslim”

…No, the reason for forming the Dead Bhuttos, and the rush to put a single online was to show, at least cosmetically, that Pakistan was as capable of putting out punk rock as Turkey, Malaysia, Japan, and Lebanon. The USA is good to sell obscure Malaysian and Japanese records in, but it’s not a good place to play this kind of music. We’d do much better in South Eastern Asia, which yes, we get a lot of traffic from online. Tons of people from Singap…

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