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It’s Not Just About Ground Zero

…ghtly. There is no hiding here behind the idea of opposition to a specific site such as Ground Zero, or the need to be sensitive to the raw emotions of 9/11 families. Here is the underlying, perverted “logic” revealed in all its horrific glory. Like the woman in California, Fischer pretends to honor the principle while abandoning it: “Because of this subversive ideology, Muslims cannot claim religious freedom protections under the First Amendment….

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Rev. Smith Goes to Washington

…this new way and see if I might have a bigger impact. On your campaign Web site you state: The county runs human service and health care programs, provides support for public education and helps secure the public safety of the community. These are the issues I have worked on my entire adult life. And I’ve spent that last 25 years building powerful partnerships with nonprofits, religious organizations, businesses, and local government to address th…

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Behind a Recent Stunt in Idaho Lies a Dangerous Theocratic Movement

…Flee [sic.] the city NOW before the coming collapse!” Like the company website, however, the ad features no explicitly religious language. Indeed, Black Rifle Real Estate’s website informs potential buyers: “We are conservative Constitutional Libertarians who believe you can do anything you want on your land as long as you’re not hurting anyone. Don’t preach to me and I won’t preach to you. Let’s disagree but respect one another.” *** What gives?…

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Gandhi, his Grandson, Israel, and the Jews

…he then dwindling, but still active, Israeli peace movement. Arun Gandhi visited the Palestinian Territories and Israel in August of 2004. His sympathies were clearly with the Palestinians, though he also visited Israel. This is consistent with the political position of the Indian Left. In his visit to Israel Gandhi met with peace activists and Knesset members on the Israeli Left and he recalled that visit in his Washington Post/Newsweek blog. Gan…

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Obamunism? The Traditional Values Coalition Coins a Term

…pped from the pages of a disgruntled/delusional white supremacist blog/Web site. Neither! In fact, they come from the keyboards over at Lou Sheldon’s shop, the long-lived Traditional Values Coalition. So here’s a troika of recent stories from the TVC : “Obamunist Nominee Gave U.S. Port To Communists”—How Leon Panetta, Obama’s appointee to head the CIA, “is the greatest gift Obama could give to Islamic terrorists around the globe”; “‘Czars And The…

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The Theology That Inspired the Poway Synagogue Shooting (and New Zealand) Remains Strikingly Commonplace

…ish to eliminate Jews and other perceived enemies. In particular, the same site hosts numerous posts voicing ideas that the Earnest family would find all too familiar. Populating these sites is a supersessionist or “replacement” theology native to the Earnest family’s Orthodox Presbyterian creed. Some of these posts make portentous apocalyptic anti-Semitic threats. These, tellingly, articulate the same “replacement” ideology/theology made notoriou…

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Is LGBT-Muslim Clash Aiding Rise of Right in Europe?

…flyers to city churches and published articles available on many church websites encouraging worshippers to volunteer and donate to the Coalition for Marriage. “Vote No in the Postal Plebiscite on Marriage,” reads an entry in this weekend’s bulletin at St Anthony of Padua Parish Clovelly. “A change in the marriage law has consequences for freedom of religion, including the ability of individuals to live out their faith in everyday life, for Priest…

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AIPAC and the Israel Lobby: A Graphic Retrospective

…ing process in DC. Panel 9: Paraphrased from an actual lobbying firm’s Web site. Panel 10: For more info, visit Open Secrets here and here. Page 2 Panel 2: (top, horizontal): More info here. Panel 3: More background on WINEP here (a little out of date, but still relevant). Also for more about the Brookings Institute go here. Panel 4: Quote taken from a New York Times article. Panel 5: More on Freedom’s Watch here. For coverage of the story from th…

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Free Will, Fate and FiveThirtyEight: The Theology of Election Polls

…of big data, are omniscient. They beat us at chess, at Go. With prediction sites, they can see into the future. Part of the appeal with Silver’s site, I think, is that he lays bare the cogs of the algorithm. To me, though, there’s something unappetizing about it. It reminds me of this story where Target started sending ads for baby stuff to this house. The dad there was like, what’s going on? Turns out that his daughter was pregnant, and Target ha…

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Akin, Spiritual Warfare, and the Radicalization of the Anti-Choice Movement

…en to be sexually promiscuous before marriage” (emphasis in original). The site encourages people to go to the American Life League’s anti-Planned Parenthood STOPP site for more information.  ALL and its project STOPP (which 40 Days for Life founder David Bereit once headed) were once considered the fringe of the anti-choice movement. All that has changed as the Republican Party has taken up calls to shut down Planned Parenthood and restrict acces…

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