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Hell, in Rob Bell’s Own Words: State of Belief Radio

…paganda convincing people of its noble intentions while it went around the world basically crushing everybody in its path. And these first Christians took that military propaganda of a good news, of another city that Caesar had vanquished, and they used it to talk about Jesus, who they believed was the true Lord, who said there’s a better way to be in the world and that’s the way of sacrificial love and humble service. So if that’s what we mean by…

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Conservative French Catholics a ‘Rightwing Patriarchal Bunch’?; Indonesian Prez Decries Anti-LGBT Discrimination; Romanian Prez Warns Against ‘Religious Fanaticism’; Global LGBT Recap

…at developing spiritual leadership amongst Muslim youth,” said Nair. “The International Gender Forum will address ways of narrowing the gap between the struggles of women and queer people resulting from patriarchal systems; and the Islamic Peace Circles will focus on the creation of safe spaces in various provinces,” he added. Previous retreats have produced networks such as the Global Queer Muslim Network. Its member groups work within their res…

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Anti-Trans Bus Tour Is Not Very Welcome In Spanish Cities; Gay Rights As A Weapon In Nationalist War On Muslims; Global LGBT Recap

…ce is also uniquely focused on gay rights, because Wilders has framed his crusade against Islam in part as a defense of national values in the country proud to have adopted the world’s first marriage equality law and has remained a leader on LGBT rights in the years since. And several more moderate politicians have echoed the message that Muslim immigrants threaten gay people… Wilders’ professed support of gay rights once put him out of step with…

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LGBT Victories at Olympics, Struggles in Brazil; Catholic Bishops Organizing Anti-Marriage Equality Protests in Mexico; Global LGBT Recap

…iage equality may be years away but five couples fighting for their rights Worldcrunch reports on five gay and lesbian couples who “have decided to publicly fight for their fight to get married” in a country that is “home to a diehard traditional Catholicism that some say was even too pious for Pope Francis. The couples’ attempts to marry have been rejected by city officials. Krzysztof Łoś and Grzegorz Lepianka have been together for 13 years. “Ha…

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It’s Not Her, It’s You.

…erstand why my date never showed up. Silly girl. … Unfortunately, this distrust of women’s words and the assumption that women do not know what they are talking about, no matter what their credentials or expertise or experience, are widespread in the literary establishment (though they are often coded as “reasoned critiques”). Having read the book and some of the reviews, I’m strongly inclined to give the point to Sentilles. Not because her book i…

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Trump Order A ‘Death Sentence’ For Some LGBT Refugees? Global LGBT Recap

…t same-sex couple to be legally married in Estonia,” according to Gay Star News. Mexico: Court rules same-sex couples entitled to assisted reproduction Mexico’s Supreme Court has ruled that same-sex couples are entitled to assisted reproduction. Under the country’s legal system, the ruling does not immediately change state laws, but means that couples who challenge local restrictions will be able to obtain a federal injunction, or amparo, allowing…

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Gay Men Detained and Killed in Chechnya, and More in the Global LGBT Recap

…t began, Novaya Gazeta reported, after a Moscow-based gay rights group,, applied for permits to stage gay pride parades in four cities in Russia’s predominantly Muslim North Caucasus region, of which Chechnya is a part. The group had not focused on the Muslim areas. It had been applying for permits for gay parades in provincial cities around Russia, and collecting the inevitable denials, in order to build a case about gay rights and f…

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On Whistleblowing, MLK, Jr., and the Politics of Resistance in the Digital Age

…, generosity, and no vengeance, are as radical as you can get in Pharoah’s world or in Caesar’s world.” They are in fact “formulations for a counter-obedience.” Through WikiLeaks, Chelsea Manning released videos purporting to show U.S. forces gunning down two Reuters journalists in Baghdad; in cooperation with Guardian reporter Glenn Greenwald, Snowden released PowerPoint slides showing how the NSA harnessed the data collection powers of tech comp…

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Russia Expels Gay American Pastor, An Epidemic of Anti-LGBT Violence in Brazil, And More in the Global LGBT Recap

…T problem’ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke via video to the record-breaking Jerusalem pride parade, declaring, “We are all Israelis, we are all citizens of the state, we are one people.” Writing in Matzav blog, Eli Kowaz welcomes Netanyahu’s words but challenges his actions in failing to defend LGBT rights. While writing that “Israel is light-years ahead of every other country in the Middle East when it comes to LGBT rights,” Kowaz says “I…

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American Anti-Gay Campaign in Africa Opposes “Fictitious Sexual Rights”

…the communications director for the World Congress. According to FWI’s February newsletter, the January conference immersed UN delegates in U.S. right wing culture war talking points about homosexuality. One of the most moving presentations was the personal testimony of a patient who is successfully reorienting from homosexuality to heterosexuality. For many of these diplomats, this was their first exposure to the scientific and clinical evidence…

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