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2017 Around the World: Progress and Persecution For LGBT People

…advocating that “promotion of atheism” be criminalized; according to Pink News, the commission “ruled that atheism can cause ‘mental imbalances’ which in turn leads to homosexuality.’” It is believed that the commission hopes that by pushing through the law it will support the bid of another law which has been deemed the most homophobic law in the world. The second law which is currently being pushed through targets the community by punishing gay…

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Abortion and the Stories Clergy Tell

…abortion and how I hope that never happens to any woman again. Clergy hear stories, including ones about pregnancy, happy stories and ones that are not: A woman finally became pregnant after many tries and many years, only to have the baby arrive prematurely and die after a few days. A pregnancy seemed to proceed normally until a sonogram revealed a catastrophic developmental anomaly that ended in tragedy. And everything went perfectly in another…

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How Ben Carson Uses “Secular Progressives” as a Shield

…ned. “WSJ: More Ben Carson Narratives Can’t Be Confirmed,” reads the sober Newsmax headline. “More stories from Ben Carson’s past that no one can authenticate,” Hot Air reports dispassionately. As Paul Waldman writes in an astute piece at the Washington Post, this scrutiny of the accuracy of Carson’s autobiography tells us little about what kind of president he’d be. But Carson’s wild claims, say, about the purpose of the pyramids, the origins of…

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Condemnation, Condolences in Wake of Orlando Massacre and More

…e some pro-LGBT rulings recently. Human Rights Watch also responded to the ruling: “The ruling is a setback, but it does not change the Kenyan government’s obligations under international human rights law,” said Neela Ghoshal, senior researcher on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights at Human Rights Watch. “Kenyan authorities should abandon these abusive practices and, if domestic law permits them, the law should be changed.” Lithu…

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Peru’s Civil Unions Bill Killed as Bishop Calls Sponsor ‘Faggot’; Germany Fines Men For Trying To Force Gay Muslim Teen Into Hetero Marriage; LGBT Global Recap

…tained legal elements of marriage,” he said, according to El Comercio, a Peruvian newspaper. “It pretended to equivocate the civil union to marriage and therefore the tabled legislative proposal was really in truth an undercover gay marriage.” More from the Peruvian Times: “Congressman Carlos Bruce is making a fool of himself with all of this, appearing – excuse me for the term – like a faggot in the middle of everything,” said Bambarén. “He himse…

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After Westboro: The Trouble With “Tolerance”

…ect our bodily, material reality. Our speech, our words, our language constructs our world, defines reality and gives meaning to our sense of self. Michel Foucault called this type of power “discourse.” The term “discourse” describes the stories we as a society tell about ourselves and the world, from what perspective we tell them, with what authority, and in support of whose way of being in the world. Discourse describes whose stories get told in…

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How to Wreck Your Faith: A Theologian Teaches “Outlaw Christianity”

…Christian.” In her new book, Outlaw Christian: Finding Authentic Faith by Breaking the Rules, she applauds those of us who are willing to ask the hard questions of our faith and to challenge mainstream religion’s acceptance of “God under the usual laws of dishonesty, silence, intimidation and fear.” Outlaw Christian: Finding Authentic Faith by Breaking the Rules Jacqueline Bussie Thomas Nelson April 19, 2016 “An outlaw Christian doesn’t condemn q…

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Church=State in Putin’s Orthodox Empire?; Evangelical-Orthodox Anti-Gay Alliance; Malaysian Court Protects Transwomen; Catholicism (Still) Declining in Latin America; Global LGBT Recap

…g also speaks with Vsevolod Chaplin, the head of church-state relations in Russia, who is the Russian Orthodox Church’s chief spokesman and a culture warrior who has defended the country’s anti-gay laws as “merely an effort to prevent the efforts of gay groups to ‘persuade this society by manipulation or dishonest political campaigning.’” Chaplin sees nothing wrong with the church and state speaking together with one voice. “The idea of an inevita…

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The Right is Using the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago Search to Martyr Trump and Maintain the Violent Myth of the Big Lie

…with what this corrupt government and what the FBI has done.” In online forums, Trump supporters wrote, “Lock and load,” “Are we not in a civil war yet?” and “They will cry out in authentic pain soon.” Many are wondering if the social media rhetoric from politicians, influencers, and the Trump family will lead to actual violence in American streets or public buildings. Will Trump’s martyrdom syndrome mean the shedding of more blood and more loss…

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World Congress of Families Draws Anti-LGBT Activists to Budapest; More in Global LGBT Recap

…en leader Ramzan Kadyrov has, with the Kremlin’s tacit blessing, built his rule on brutal repression, Human Rights Watch said. Law enforcement and security agencies under Kadyrov’s de facto control have abducted people from homes, work places, and the streets, held them in secret locations, and carried out enforced disappearances, torture, extrajudicial executions, and collective punishment practices. For years, their targets were alleged armed in…

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