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Aliens Are Fattening Us Up For the Rapture

…issed the show, here it is on Lindsey’s website. Lindsey’s short answer to CNN’s question is that yes, indeed, UFOs are real and fully understandable, almost predictable, in terms of Lindsay’s dispensationalist end-times scenarios. They are literal demons and are further evidence for a plot that is “subtly advancing us toward the predicted one-world government.” Perhaps more diligent channel-surfers than I can shed more light on this subject and e…

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“Biblical” Disaster: Understanding Religion in Haiti

ruck me as I watched the constant onslaught of images of suffering and destruction. The first is the erroneous fact that CNN keeps claiming on its ticker that Haiti is 80% Roman Catholic. The second is the sheer amount of U.S. missionaries on the island. The two are inter-related. Recent studies estimate that the Protestant population of Haiti is somewhere around thirty percent. In Port-au-Prince that number jumps to almost forty percent. The majo…

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Did Uganda’s President Really Veto the Anti-Gay Bill?

…reak the Constitution and the Law repeatedly?” (see the full letter below) International media outlets like the BBC, USA Today, and the Globe and Mail immediately echoed the Monitor article, asserting that President Museveni had blocked or even vetoed the bill—which was far from the truth—even after Pepe Julian Onziema, Director of Programs at leading Ugandan LGBTQ advocacy organization Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) tweeted that the Monitor arti…

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U.S. Envoy Minimizes Mounting Evidence of Mass Graves in Sudan

…ed the UN doctrine of “Responsibility to Protect” which is an outgrowth of world reflection on the lack of international response to the genocide in Rwanda during the 1990s. Now considered an established international “norm” (as distinct from a “law”), it’s based on the idea that all states are obliged to protect their citizens against atrocities; including genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and ethnic cleansing. When a state is unable…

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Fake Gay Panic News Fools Christians

…te, and sharing them via social networks, is just embarrassing. Yet these “news stories” play into fears the religious right has been stoking for years, and with more intensity since the Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges two and a half weeks ago. One piece of “news” that Stetzer said many Christians fell for was about a Vermont pastor who was jailed for refusing to marry a gay couple. The story came from a fake news site. Not like J…

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Marriage Equality Coming To Taiwan In Spite of Religious Objectors?; Anti-Gay Ruling Sought By Indonesian Islamists Threatens Women & Poor Couples; LDS Church Launches New ‘Mormon and Gay’ Site; Global LGBT Recap

…eggplant”, imagines himself committing a series of atrocities against the fruit: it is cruelly drowned, stabbed, trampled, hunted and exploded. Coming back to real life, he says a simple “no thanks” and reinforces the correct way to deal with the things we disagree on. “I’ve always questioned the way some people deal with differences, especially regarding sexual orientation. What could justify a person spending their energy to verbally or physical…

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More Bleak Times For Indonesian LGBTs; South Africa Bans Extremist Anti-Gay US Pastor; Mexican Marriage Struggle Heats Up; Global LGBT Recap

…those who pine for a more secure, illiberal world free from the tradition-crushing rush of globalization, multiculturalism and women’s and gay rights… Moscow’s quest to gain control of churches and graves dating from czarist times and squeeze out believers who look to the Constantinople patriarch is part of a broader push by the Kremlin to assert itself as both the legitimate heir to and master of “Holy Russia,” and as a champion of traditional va…

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When Straight People Tell Gay Stories

…ys such things. They listen when the Jack Rogers and Timothy Kureks of the world tell our story. I’m eternally grateful that our allies are telling our stories, but why are we silenced in the process? Who better to witness and give voice to the trials, the pain, the heartbreak, or even the victories and euphoria than those who have actually experienced them all? But, in the mainstream media, our voices are suspect. Of course a lesbian pastor is go…

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Just Like January 6, One of the Most Disturbing Aspects of the Right-Wing Coup Attempt in Germany is Who Was Behind It

…a known part of the Reichsbürger scene since he held a talk at the Swiss “world web forum” in 2019, during which he claimed that Germany wasn’t a sovereign state but a “commercial structure.” Reuss claimed that foreign powers—namely “the international financial interest” which includes the Rothschild family—had in fact instigated World War I in order to “end the monarchy,” a narrative that manages to push several prominent antisemitic conspiracy…

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The Anti-Gay Highway

…The values of Africans and the Christian Right are different, but we share words, the words are similar. That’s where the right wins. When we talk about values and family, that appeals to an African. When we talk about evangelicals, it appeals to an African, but what they mean is totally different. So the progressives must start defining those on the right for Africa to understand. The funding that goes to Africa is much more personal. For evangel…

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