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“I Can’t Defend My People”: Opting Out of Evangelicalism, Post-Election

…hristianity. You’ve become a category for pollsters rather than pastors, a word of exclusion rather than embrace…What was admirable about your name has been buried, crushed under the weight of 60 million votes. I am no less committed to Christ, his gospel, and his church, but I can no longer be called an evangelical.…

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Special Hell: Progressive Catholics Reckon With the Rise of Trump

…l and collective activism around social justice issues as the antidote to Trump. Krueger said a good approach is to follow what Jesus said in Matthew 10:16 when he sent the apostles out: “Behold, I am sending you like sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and simple as doves.” “It’s incumbent on all of us, Catholics who care about social justice make sure that people who are less well off don’t get hurt,” said Jon O’Brien, preside…

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The Awkward Silence in the Wake of Jacob Neusner’s Passing

…at a student would call Neusner to account. To say that Jacob Neusner was cruel to his students is to tell the truth. I call him my teacher, but in truth he never claimed me as a student. I was just one of the many awestruck undergraduates to whom he paid intense attention for a brief moment. It was that attention that mattered. And, for that, I owe him a great deal. He taught me many things as he ushered me into the world of the rigorous scholarl…

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Good Mourning Modeled by Chaplains and Clergy at the Oakland Ghost Ship Fire

…zing a vigil at Lake Merritt that took place on Monday, December 5. Pastor Ruben Rios of the Grand Advent Church got involved by offering parking for the vigil at his church, because he realized that “parking would be a mess.” The vigil’s organizer reached out to Rios and asked if he’d be willing to speak, and Rios wound up acting as the event’s MC. The vigil was secular and consisted of a series of testimonies about the dead from friends and fami…

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No Shocker for This Gay Ex-Jesuit, Vatican Rejects Gay Priests (Again)

…y, let alone the many hundreds of gay priests and thousands of gay Jesuits worldwide. Francis, who does not usually stamp doctrine with his name, did approve “The Gift of Priestly Vocation,” the most recent document by the Church’s Congregation for the Clergy. The use of the word “gift” in this document’s title suggests again that gay men, and consequently, all lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning men and women do not have gifts a…

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You Fix This Mess: Post-Election, Evangelicals of Color Disappointed in White Evangelicals

…ildren), and the rising call for solidarity with the poor that mirrors the words of Jesus in Matthew 25. “Every word of Scripture was written by oppressed people,” she says. “My people were shocked and for a minute they were fearful as to what was going to happen” says Perkins of his congregation. “That shock and fear has subsided, because we are people of faith and ultimately we know that our trust is in God.” “We are angry, we are grieving, we a…

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White Christian Complaints About Religious Persecution Are Especially Ugly on MLK Day

…is op-ed, billed as a defense of religious freedom, doesn’t spare a single word to denounce Trump’s most blatant attack on this bedrock principle: his suggested mandatory registration of American Muslims, and a blanket ban on entry into the U.S. of anyone who practices Islam. Instead, Perkins suggested that “President-elect Trump must direct that religious freedom be properly integrated into all foreign policy of the United States at every level.”…

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How “Race Tests” Maintain Evangelical Segregation

…re decidedly liberal and stand at the opposite end of the theological spectrum. Studies have shown time and time again that this segregation has held true for a multiplicity of reasons. While these reasons range from the difference of praise and worship style and doctrinal differences, to residential segregation or the preference of non-whites creating affirming spaces of their own, white liberal churches aren’t excused from being a part of white…

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Poets and Preachers: How Black Literature Blurs the Lines Between Sacred and Secular

…inform. If I don’t piss anyone off, I do hope that the book will at least frustrate readers in the sense that some of the stories don’t conform to our expectations or assumptions about black religious practices, or black writers. What alternative title would you give the book? I was very fortunate to receive a good deal of helpful feedback when my book went through the review process, and I hope those reviewers see their advice reflected in the fi…

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Religion and Gender Trouble in the Black Arts: Remembering Toni Cade Bambara’s The Black Woman

…over gender troubles, which resulted from colonial pasts and continued to frustrate black social life. Toni Cade Bambara encouraged the construction of new myths and the cultivation of a revolution within the self as important methods for dismantling both racism and sexism. In the midst of a “by any means necessary” moment like that of the late 1960s, the allegedly unmarked idea of “Angelhood” made even the unlikely figure of Father Divine a poten…

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