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New Age Tragedy in Sedona: Non-Indians in the Sweat Lodge

…dona cost each participant more than $9,000. A search of any number of Web sites advertising these “Indian ceremonies” will turn up sweat lodges that average over $100 per event, and four-day “vision quests” going for around five hundred dollars, “all meals included” and “Visa and MasterCard accepted.” Indians all across the country are upset, saying white people stole the land, killed the buffalo, and now want to steal the religion. The trouble i…

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Bishop John Shelby Spong Declares Victory: Is it Premature?

…reenville, South Carolina, repealed their prohibitions against interracial dating. In 1989, the Southern Baptist convention passed a resolution on race in which they vowed to “repent of any past bigotry and pray for those who are still caught in its clutches.” The “debate” over interracial marriage, and the racism that undergirded its ban, did not end – but the conversation changed from one where blacks were condemned from the Bible as inherently…

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Oral Roberts, Pioneering Christian Zionist

…s and a fascination with the ‘unfolding events of the End Time.’ Roberts visited Israel in 1953, the first of what would be many trips which frequently consisted of a combination of pilgrimage, preaching, and missionizing. Reporting to his flock on the occasion of that first visit, Roberts wrote that “there is a feeling of awe that sweeps over me when I step on the soil of Israel. My entire being seems to vibrate with the presence of God.” During…

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Updated with Response: The Black Church is Dead—Long Live the Black Church

…unrelenting commitment to freedom and justice, black congregations became sites of social improvement as well as moral consciences that exposed the hypocrisies of the dominant society. It is understandable why, then, we have come to commonly describe black congregations as having formed “a nation within a nation.” Black churches were religious reactions to unfortunate cultural realities. When and where African Americans were excluded from the man…

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Who Says the Tea Party isn’t a Religious Movement?, Part II

…ized or discontinued some distinctive metaphysical doctrines and practices dating from our faith’s early connections with Anglo-American folk magic and mysticism. This demystification of Mormonism results in large part from LDS Church leaders’ pragmatic desire to evangelize and establish the faith more effectively beyond the religion’s American Western ethnic core. But this “disenchantment” or “secularization” has left many multi-generational Morm…

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Drilling Wakes the Humanoid Reptiles: Doctor Who Part V

…s violence. Scientific hubris has been a common target in science fiction, dating back at least to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, but having perhaps its biggest heyday in the “atomic monster” movies of the 1950s. My personal favorites from this era are Ishiro Honda’s kaiju eiga—giant monster movies like Godzilla and Mothra that frequently present their monsters as angry gods, symbols of divine/natural vengeance that punish human beings for overstepp…

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Park51 and the Ground Liberals Are Forced to
Fight On

…to its advantage. As I wrote yesterday, the shadowy suggestions of Obama — dating back, of course, to the 2008 presidential campaign — with being a Muslim, and therefore being a terrorist, and this therefore being the “Obamosque” representing a fifth column of sharia-supporting enemies, has undoubtedly played a role in the uptick in Americans who believe Obama is a Muslim. (Oh, and there’s Franklin Graham again, telling CNN Obama was “born a Musli…

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Something is Rotten in Denmark

…aving been “charged with five counts of inciting hatred and discrimination dating back to 2007.” (Wilders refused the screening). If the Danes decided to follow the example of trying to create a richer, more diverse, and more robust society, they may have realized a few things. First, no one would’ve cared about this anniversary, so they shouldn’t make an international situation out of it. Second, even if they felt they needed to be alert, but not…

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Bill Donohue, Arbiter of Political Correctness

…and knows its skeletons: the anti-Mormonism, of course, and the assertion, dating of course back to Luther, that the Catholic Church is Antichrist. But these are all political animals who understand that co-belligerency (even with Mormons!) in the culture wars against gays and feminists requires tamping down their own theological differences. To sum up: we have a presidential candidate who hosts a Christians-only prayer rally a week before he anno…

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Sarah Palin Calls Biblical Patriarchs “Neanderthals”

…ing Ferraro smack in the middle of Palin’s own reading of feminist history dating to Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Palin noted some things that had not changed in the years between Ferraro’s campaign and her own: the “neanderthals out there” picking on “petty little meaningless things” like what she looks like or whether she should be home with her children. Creationist Palin suggested they ought to “evolve,” though it wasn’t clear…

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