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Former Navy Chaplain Worries Ending DADT will End “Gay Exorcisms”

…le, became the best evangelist in our church. She got baptized and started dating boys. It’s a story Klingenschmitt has told before to Peter Labarbera, only with other details including that the sailor said she had been raped and that the “wedding ceremony” they performed was to marry the woman to Jesus. Klingenschmitt is worried that with the repeal of DADT that chaplains won’t be able to perform these kind of “exorcisms” on gay and lesbian soldi…

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The Risks of Remaining Neutral on Egypt

…of Arab culture. Once among the wealthiest provinces of the Ottoman Empire dating all the way back to the Roman Empire (which explains the whole Mark Antony and Cleopatra thing), Egypt has become a non-factor in the region. The country with arguably the world’s oldest functioning university contributes little to global knowledge, and its Islamic scholarship is outclassed by dynamic institutions in what were once the fringes of the Muslim world. So…

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Alums Speak Out Against Anti-Gay Christian College

…practice.” “Is ‘homosexual practice’ holding hands? A stray look or touch? Dating?” Gays and lesbians have good reason to be suspicious, even when those who ban “homosexual practices” begin to apologize. Apologizing for “harming” someone is a far cry from repenting of the offense that caused the harm. While the school says it is has been “quietly talking for some time about how to make the college less isolating for gay students,” repealing the po…

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Can Michele Bachmann Win Iowa?

…ldview” is built on a continuum of conspiracy theories of “anti-American” forces—today, crypto-socialism, shari’ah, birtherism, to name a few—dating back to the red-baiting days of the Cold War.      …

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Who is Mat Staver, Counsel for Anti-Gay Activist Against Suit from Uganda?

…required texts included David Barton’s Original Intent, which Barton’s website describes as “essential resource for anyone interested in our nation’s religious heritage and the Founders’ intended role for the American judicial system,” and Francis Schaeffer’s Christian Manifesto. But the students who spoke to RD worry that these Christian credentials will not serve them well after graduation. “If you walked into court and argued what Liberty want…

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Breaking Up with God: I Didn’t Lose My Faith, I Left It

…a nonprofit that uses the resources of design to solve social problems, visited my brother’s class in architecture school and described one of the first design contests he held. He asked people to come up with the best design possible for a mobile AIDS clinic for a town in a country in Africa. He posted the deadline, and he waited. He didn’t think anyone would submit anything, but on the day of the contest’s deadline, a delivery man from Federal…

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The Great Disappointment: When the World Fails to End on Schedule

…mplain. Whereas Camping’s prediction (as I understand it) was based on his dating of Noah’s flood, Miller devised a complex numerological formula based, at least in part, on the reign of Artaxerxes and the “seventy weeks” mentioned in the book of Daniel in the Hebrew Bible. All of that computed to sometime between March 21, 1843, and March 21, 1844. With the help of a publicist, Joshua Himes, Miller garnered thousands of followers; at least fifty…

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Obama Muffs Question On Faith-Based Hiring Discrimination

…inated against. . . . what has happened is that there has been a carve-out dating back to President Clinton’s presidency for religious organizations in their hiring for particular purposes. This is always a tricky part of the First Amendment. On the one hand, the First Amendment ensures that there’s freedom of religion. On the other hand, we want to make sure that religious bodies are abiding by general laws. Where this issue has come up is in fai…

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Touch Me, Man, I’m Healed, I’m Straight

…olving unwanted homosexual attractions.” As NPR reports it, after years of dating men and frequenting gay bars in Los Angeles, Wyler missed his old Mormon life (NPR generically calls him a “conservative Christian”) and started therapy sessions with another same-sex attracted man. Wyler says he’s now heterosexual. But Wyler’s methods are highly questionable. Healing-touch therapy was pioneered by Richard Cohen, an “ex-gay,” whose marriage to a woma…

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Will Anti-Gay Churches Have Their Tax Exempt Status Revoked?

…empt status of Bob Jones University over its policy of barring interracial dating than, say, abortion: [Paul] Weyrich saw the evangelical discontent over the Bob Jones case as the opening he was looking for to start a new conservative movement using evangelicals as foot soldiers . . . . [Weyrich] had been trying for years to energize evangelical voters over school prayer, abortion, or the proposed equal rights amendment to the Constitution . . . ….

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