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Massacre Of Islamists By Egyptian Military Likely Strategic

…ver end. (Indeed, you can only kill a people you’ve demonized, and that’s exactly what the military government has pushed state media to do since the June 30th coup.) For those sadly naive protesters who thought overthrowing the only elected government in their entire history, well, no such future is visible to me. I’ve been wrong before. I hope I am. But I doubt it. It’s hard to say what will happen here except that things will get worse. Probabl…

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The Return of Government as “Idolatry” and the “Second Amendment Remedies”

…him “toward God.” You can read a “pro-family” review here that warns of sex (kissing) and nudity (a painting of Adam and Eve that shows Eve’s breast). When asked if she was exploring a presidential campaign in Iowa, Angle replied that she was investigating her options. She has since said she is not promoting the film because she is running for president—though is not the same as saying she is not running. For now it looks like she’ll focus on the…

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Fascinating History of Search for “Lost White Tribe” Sheds Light on Construction of Race

…s” in northern Brazil. In the late 1930s the Third Reich would sponsor an expedition to Tibet to find traces of ancient Aryan tribes in the Himalayas. (It was considered a success). And into the 20th century, leading archaeologists believed that massive ruins in southern Africa had been built by a lost white civilization. It’s tempting to wonder what these explorers saw. Were they crazy? Were they lying? Were they right? Can we find any lost white…

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LGBT Editor In Bangladesh Murdered by Islamists—and More, In this Week’s Global LGBT Recap

…able. ‘The Bible condemns lust and immorality of any sort (whether heterosexual or homosexual). But nowhere does the Bible discuss same-sex attractions or how to live as a Christian if you have such feelings. ‘These are subjects where we must seek God’s heart through prayer and the guidance that we do have in Scripture.’ In 2013, Yang Tuck Yoong urged the church to be “battle ready” and get into “battle footing” to take on the “LGBT bloc” as he ra…

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Body of Work: Remembering Daniel Berrigan, 1921-2016

…bbing you and your mother!” someone stepping forward to state the obvious exclaimed. That this story was expressed with knives, and not guns, says something about how far we have failed to come. The edgy nun came for a school year and was soon gone. Shortly after she left, there was a new principal and a new pastor. The parish kept the folk mass, but by the end of eighth grade—1972—posters of fetuses began to appear on the street outside the churc…

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On Pi Day, Puzzling Over the Most Famous Transcendental Number

…her Moses Maimonides wrote that pi’s reality has not been found, only approximated. “The ratio between a diameter of a circle and its distance around is not known,” writes Maimonides, who goes on to recommend 22/7 as an approximation. More recently, Pi, the main character in 2001 novel Life of Pi, calls pi an “elusive, irrational number with which scientists try to understand the universe.” “Like ‘pi’, life is not finite,” author Yann Martel expla…

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‘Politicized Religion’ Doesn’t Explain Evangelical Support of Donald Trump

…wo Corinthians”) as ordinary Americans are with the loopholes of the IRS tax code…‘The Art of the Deal,’ his campaign biography by default, is a human billboard for pride and lust…‘I’m a greedy person,’ he told an Iowa audience, ‘I’ve always been greedy.’ Prothero’s explanation is structured around the notion of evangelicals’ loss of their fundamental religious identity through politicization. In supporting Trump, Prothero insists, evangelicals “a…

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Why Belief in the Primacy of Language Leads to a Misunderstanding of Richard Dawkins, Islamophobia, and Politics

…gate into giant dynamic forces, which then loop back and shape individual experiences. Except the currency of affect theory is emotion, which scholars have broken up into much smaller elements like background moods, facial reactions, impulses, and a whole bevy of subtle signals that pass between our brains, bodies, and other people. For much of Western intellectual history, emotions have been dismissed in favor of logic and rationality. If the pas…

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Race, Reparations and the Search for Our Molecular Soul

…ience, and then you add to that DNA, which has been called things like the code of codes, the holy grail. We give it this kind of supernatural significance. So, I think it’s a combination of being a society that values data, being a society that equates progress with scientific development, and being a society that thinks that genetics—in part because DNA comes from you, from us, from we—is the ultimate information, the ultimate data. It’s like th…

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How Fitbit Helps a Conservative Evangelical College Monitor Students’ Bodies For Christ

…obacco, wearing provocative clothing, and engaging in premarital and homosexual sex. Bob Jones University actually prohibited interracial dating up until 2001. Oral Roberts believed that the survival of his own namesake university depended on its honor code, which mandated not just chasteness and academic honesty, but also that students “practice good health habits and regularly participate in wholesome physical activities.” ORU, like other evange…

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