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PFOX Accuses PTA of being PC

…press release: “Why is it gay groups meet the PTA Diversity and Inclusion Policy but our families do not?  ‘Diversity’ and ‘inclusion’ should mean exactly that — diversity and inclusion of everyone.” Well, not really. Perhaps the PTA has seen the latest news on “ex-gay ministries” and it’s beginning to understand what kind of snake oil salesmen they really are. Perhaps the sight of George Rekers — a champion of the “ex-gay” industry — taking a Eu…

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Rev. Smith Goes to Washington

…n the language of church and the languages of campaign politics and public policy? Yes, I tend to speak in theological terms and have had to shift gears to talk the language of public policy. Sometimes the two can intersect comfortably but I’m mindful that George W. Bush, as an example, often quoted from hymns or Scripture readings that conservative evangelicals would have recognized, and that in doing so he spoke a kind of coded language that hel…

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Bill to Stone Gays to Death Introduced in Kenya

…gly invited to the official forums that help to shape Uganda’s development policy. Evangelical churches are given the official right to call themselves NGOs and apply for development aid,credit schemes, tax-free status, and government funding even if they do not directly address social issues. In contrast, secular NGOs face far tougher restrictions by the Ugandan government and are prohibited from engaging in any political or advocacy-based issues…

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The Death of a Black Man at the Hands of Black Officers Unveiled Something More Complex Than Whiteness

…ntially serve as moral guideposts that impact our behaviors and attitudes. Policy can either atone for the sins of the state or perpetuate structural iniquities. Blueness, like its progenitor Whiteness, dramatizes the structural and systemic lovelessness in the public square. It’s commonplace for us to grapple with questions of public policy, public spending, and public safety—but what about public love? Public love creates the necessary space for…

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There’s Nothing Wrong with ‘Prayer’; But There’s Every Reason to be Skeptical of Pence’s Coronavirus Prayer Circle

…t generously. The man, whose Word of Life church is non-affirming in LGBTQ policy and doesn’t disclose its policy on the inclusion of women in leadership, once tweeted with evident pride that his congregation, in its “culture of kindness,” included both ICE officers and undocumented immigrants, thus putting the latter immediately at risk for his moment of performative kumbaya. https://…

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International Protest of Anti-Gay Persecution in Chechnya Grows; more in Global LGBT Recap

…exuality,” according to a 2014 survey conducted by the Asian Institute for Policy Studies, a think tank. Korea has a large Christian population, and vocal Protestant groups have for years blocked the inclusion of sexual minorities in a proposed anti-discrimination bill by pressuring politicians to vote against it. Jang, the army chief of staff who allegedly ordered the investigation into gay soldiers, is also the head of the Korea Military Christi…

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LDS Church Labels Same-Sex Spouses “Apostates,” Bars Children From Baptism

…f children. LDS Church leaders explained Friday that the controversial new policy, modeled on the Church’s treatment of polygamous families and their children, is designed to “protect” children of LGBT parents from experiencing “conflict,” a claim that some Mormons and many non-LDS people have found it difficult to accept. If protecting the children is a concern for the LDS Church, it might attempt the following: Affirm immediately that all childr…

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Communicators for Christ: How Homeschool Debate Leagues Shaped the Rising Stars of the Christian Right

…eam policy debate—where two teams of two debaters argue about a government policy proposal—began after World War II in the U.S. Military Academy. The largest speech and debate organization serving youth in the United States is the National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA). Founded in 1925, NSDA is open to students from any type of school (public, private, or home) but schools must become members of NSDA in order for their students to participa…

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BSA Gay Okay?—Delay.

…c Affairs division released a statement acknowledging that the prospective policy change had “triggered intense debate” and praised the BSA for “delaying a vote” “until the implications can be more carefully evaluated.”  “We caution others not to speculate about our position,” the LDS Church statement continued, “or to assume that individual Latter-day Saints inside or outside the Scouting movement speak for the Church. Neither has the Church laun…

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Diplomatic Suckerhood: Why Israel Is Fighting Toward its Own Demise

…asive, it has now become a self-fulfilling prophecy that can shape Israeli policy. According to an unnamed “senior Israeli official” quoted in Ha’aretz, “Israel is skeptical” that US envoy George Mitchell “would be able to coax Arab states to make concrete normalization commitments if only a temporary settlement freeze was declared.” In other words, since we know that the other side hates us and will never make peace, we won’t take a first step to…

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