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Sex Work: In Bed with the Religious Right

…on, and the religious right is still having a big impact on global health policy as well as policy and education at the state level. What alternative title would you give the book? How the Religious Right did the Sex Work for the Republican Party How do you feel about the cover? It’s great. The red, white, and blue makes clear this is about national politics–but also the style has a whiff of ’60s pop art. Is there a book out there you wish you ha…

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Excommunicated For ‘Grave Scandal’ of Ordaining Women

…ican Radio to do a 15-minute live interview about the SOA and U.S. foreign policy. With two minutes left and moved by the spirit, I recognized an opportunity to express my solidarity with women in the Church, so I said, “We have been discussing the injustice of U.S. foreign policy in Latin America. As a Catholic priest, I want to say that there will never be justice in our Church until women can be ordained.” I had about another minute remaining a…

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Inside the Rubio-Cruz Battle for Evangelical Voters

…tertwining of conservative Christianity and politics, and there’s not much policy daylight between the two candidates. Both oppose marriage equality. Both oppose abortion. Both describe religious liberty as under threat by marriage equality, and by, for example, the contraception coverage requirement in the Affordable Care Act. Rubio told NBC’s Chuck Todd in December that although he wouldn’t favor a constitutional amendment to overturn Obergefell…

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Mitt, Moochers, and Mormonism’s “Other” Legacy

…where it seems to fit best (the freedom to “sin”) but instead to economic policy, where it is largely irrelevant. Lucifer would have forced us to obey God’s commandments, not tampered with tax schedules. Nevertheless, “free agency” became the rallying cry of right-wing politics; one in which no distinction was made between totalitarianism and the American safety net. Benson argued that supporting the “weak, indolent, and profligate,” was “economi…

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UNESCO on Religion, Culture and SOGI in Asia; Orthodox Family Sues to Stop Cremation of Israeli Trans Woman; Struggles of Iraqi Queer Activists; Global LGBT Recap

…dangerous issues in contemporary Russia. By openly challenging the state’s policy of fomenting hatred and spreading lies, you make enemies both in government and among radical groups. As a result, I was forced to leave the country, fearing for my life and my freedom…. “In addition, I had grounds to expect physical violence. I used to receive threats but in recent years they had grown to an enormous number. My public activities resulted in promises…

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Lindsey Graham’s Lying “Eye-ranians”

…w I feel like you’re going to contrast everything he made up about foreign policy with everything I know about foreign policy. But what he said is important, and deserves to be expounded on, and so that’s what I’m going to do. Because I, like you, can imagine a universe in which Lindsey Graham is our President, and, well, let’s not think too hard about the Book of Revelation. I have a few questions, or rather concerns. The first of which is, what…

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Battling for the Soul of the Democratic Party

…d, the liberal Center for American Progress set up a Faith and Progressive Policy Initiative, which for a time housed what later became the nonprofit Faith in Public Life (FIPL). With former Democratic party staffer Katie Paris leading its media outreach, FIPL is in the forefront of those shaping the media narrative about the new religious landscape: religious voters are no longer shackled to a “narrow agenda” of abortion and gay marriage, and are…

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Cali Dept of Corrections v. Peter Laarman On Prison Crowding

…of society.     We’ve made remarkable progress under realignment, but this policy is still nascent. Let’s give it a chance to work before we further burden locals – and jeopardize public safety – with the release of thousands of inmates. With the clock ticking, the emergency plan the Governor is pursuing allows the state to meet the federal court order, while we continue to make long-term improvements to California’s criminal justice system. That’…

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Israel Under Bush: The Islamophobia Years

…re is not much to argue with. Whether it is due to agreement over monetary policy or a shared emphasis on the positive role of religion in the public sphere—as Jews, they are more welcome than ever. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with the idea of Jews finding a place for themselves in such spaces. Especially in the United States, where Jews are frequently stereotyped for their liberalism (witness how often Israeli conservatives complain that…

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Republican Scandals Drag Secretive ‘Family’ Into the Big Time

…us freedom” act that allows conservative evangelicals to influence foreign policy according to their analysis of other faiths’ religious customs. Each of these projects had been long dreamed of by the avant-garde of American fundamentalism. That’s not to say that The Family are puppetmasters, pulling invisible strings; rather, The Family is first and foremost an ideological project bent on setting the very terms with which we consider “democracy,”…

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