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SCOTUS Likely to Support Memorial Cross; Should We Even Care?

…try is divided and religion is not a unifying force. Many faiths are mutually exclusive and articles of faith cannot be debated or exchanged, only defended. But our nation is a union; a union of different people and of different states. Unity through diversity is a strength, as America’s de facto original motto, E pluribus unum, “from many, one,” recognized. Religion only unifies adherents, and in a diverse nation like ours, that means it divides…

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From Alito Activism to Sloppy Lemons: 3 Takeaways From the Bladensburg Cross Oral Argument

…d lesson. Justice Samuel Alito espoused a line of argument that you typically only see on right wing Christian blogs, but not seriously considered by courts. Alito suggested that curing constitutional violations is hostile to religion and that that hostility violates the First Amendment. It’s logic through the looking glass: This violates the Constitution, but if we fix the violation, that fix will violate the Constitution. Alito asked, “What mess…

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Confession is Not Conversion: Giuliani’s Bizarre Comparison of Trump to St. Augustine

…e severity of his transgression (for lack of a better word), and could barely complete his apology before changing the subject. Predictably, some found this approach uncompelling, and wondered if he could truly show remorse in the time leading up to the debate. He could not. Trump’s pre-debate press-conference-theater, in which he invited journalists to hear statements from Bill Clinton accusers, might have been the first real surprise for me sinc…

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After the Trump Tapes: Evangelical Authoritarianism Revisited

…gelicals’ approach to the Bible. While my own reading of the gospel certainly comports with that of progressive Christians who can see only hypocrisy in Christians supporting Trump, as a former conservative evangelical I understand from the inside the mental gymnastics necessary to reconcile evangelical faith with support for a vile, abusive strongman. And bad religion—is still religion. My earlier analysis suggested that, should Trump become the…

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Penn. Legislator’s Jaw-Dropping Prayer Showcases America’s Christian Nationalism Problem

…legislators, atheists, humanists, and other secular Americans were similarly excluded—unconstitutionally according to the courts. Brimming with sectarian arrogance and division, it was easy to miss the outright errors in Borowicz’s prayer: “God, for those that came before us like George Washington at Valley Forge and Abraham Lincoln who sought after you in Gettysburg, Jesus, and the Founding Fathers in Independence Hall, Jesus, that sought after…

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Talking With the “Religious Terrorist” that Turkey Wants Trump to Extradite

…the intersection of religion and politics around the world, Gulen was clearly someone I would like to meet. Recently, I had a chance to do just that. My visit with Gulen in December 2016 was arranged by people in the movement associated with his teachings—the Hizmet (“service”) movement—who knew that I was interested in meeting him. (Full disclosure: since I had already planned to be on the East Coast on that day, the movement did not provide for…

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Trump Speaker Says Bernie “Gotta Get Saved… Gotta Meet Jesus”

…vist this year. But it puts him badly out of touch with the majority of Catholics, mainline and Evangelical Protestants, and most important, the ever-growing ranks of the religiously un-affiliated, who really, really don’t give a damn what faith Bernie Sanders holds or doesn’t hold. Can a man walk into the presidency after pissing off 66% of American religious voters? We may soon find out….

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The Gaines Brouhaha, BuzzFeed’s Gift to the Religious Right’s Martyr-Making Machinery

…ve made a cottage industry out of manufacturing and promoting bogus or wildly exaggerated stories of religious persecution. The Family Research Council and Heritage Foundation are also sounding the alarm. Glenn Beck’s The Blaze called the couple the latest victims of “an anti-Christian witch hunt,” perhaps inevitably comparing them to Jason and David Benham, brothers whose planned HGTV show was dropped after reports from Right Wing Watch and other…

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Re-branding Is Not the Cure: Campolo & Claiborne Miss the Core Problem in Evangelicalism

…e writers then urge this rebranded remnant to take Jesus’ core teachings a bit more seriously. Where to begin? I will list just a few obvious problems with the Campolo/Claiborne analysis and proposal. I invite RD leaders to add to the list. 1. White male leadership will persist, if only for the obvious reason that white men dominate evangelical pulpits and white men also continue to control the evangelical organizations that have real money. 2. Ye…

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