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Philly Gives Doctors Wide Leeway with Religious Exemption

…ith the city, Fernandes will receive a “low-six figure” payment, and a new policy will allow providers with religious objections to “redirect” patients who ask for a given service to appropriate sources in a “nonjudgmental fashion.” While the policy ensures that patients who ask about contraception will receive some type of referral, formal or not, it still falls far short of the current standard of care for adolescent patients. Both the American…

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‘People You May Know’ Reveals a War on Democracy Being Waged With Big Data [Part II]

…this ties into the secretive, conservative Christian, Council for National Policy? KGV: You can look at Gloo’s board of directors, look into everyone who works for them, to see that they are a religious organization. That they turn around now that they’ve been caught manipulating politics through churches, and they say no no, we’re secular, this film is pushing a conspiracy theory, is utterly shocking. CK: Are they denying Christ because they’ve b…

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Final Thoughts on Religion and the DNC

…science, and real data have never been more crucial to the formulation of policy and for helping voters decide which candidates will have the best programs to resolve our pressing crises. Secular, evidence-based reasoning is the only reliable means by which all Americans can evaluate and discuss critical policy questions. A fixation on religion and faith will only serve to obscure the issues and divide us as a people. It is our sincere hope that…

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With New York Joining DC in Defiance Methodist Church Faces Showdown on LGBT Ordination

…ence campaign struck a chord at a time in our nation’s history when public policy and law were rapidly changing to ensure equal rights for LGBTQ people. Clergy and laypersons across the denomination took up Bishop Talbert’s exhortation and did so with the support of Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN). As the only out queer lesbian ordained as an elder in the United Methodist Church, I joined the ranks of those clergy who defied UMC law and offic…

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Among the Problems with Trump’s Proposed Ban: Who is a Muslim?

…ust here—the nativism and Islamophobia—has remained constant. But all this policy vagueness has its own kind of power. When it comes to Islam and immigration, we still have little idea what Trump would do if he assumed office. Just as importantly, we have little idea who these policies would even target. When Trump and other right-wingers talk about Islam, what do they even mean? In a New York Times op-ed last December, scholar Hussein Ibish frame…

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Why the Methodist Effort to Discipline Sessions Is a Risky Business

…particular to Sessions’ use of a passage from Romans 13 in defense of the policy, a citation the Rev. Susan Henry-Crowe, top executive of the United Methodist Board of Church and Society called “unsound, a flawed interpretation, and a shocking violation of the spirit of the Gospel.” The UMNS article says charges against lay members is very rare in the UMC, a point amplified by reporting from Religion News Service. It’s possible that Sessions coul…

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Is the Prochoice Religious Community a Sleeping Giant?

…ristian Coalition of the 1990s, and the Family Research Council and Family Policy Alliance of the 2000s. But of course if the prochoice religious community were to create parachurch organizations of their own in which matters of reproductive choice, access and justice were central rather than marginal concerns, and if these were political entities (as discussed in the prochoice religious community papers) they would not need to ape the culture and…

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Why Does Abortion Have to Be a Personal Question for Men?

…rate abortion and contraception at the top of their list of concerns. As the other Sarah discussed earlier today, Catholic doctrine has a lot to say about issues unrelated to reproductive matters. Biden took a probably little noticed dig at Ryan when he pointed out that the Republican’s economic policy proposals are at odds with Catholic social justice teaching. Raddatz could have asked about how quite a number of Catholic theologians have someth…

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Trump’s Evangelical Support in the Gut, not the Theology

…still so timely: contemporary conservative politics have been evacuated of policy ideas. They’re now animated by little more than the desire to sound tough. Contemporary conservative politicians succeed by mastering the art of affect-masking: they must be able to reverse the emotional valence of their political proposals—like making people work until they’re 70 or cutting off publicly-funded education for poor children—presenting unpalatable ideas…

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Law Prof: Obama Under No Obligation to Appeal DADT

…ppeal and why he doesn’t just use his executive powers to end the military policy, Obama said, “This is not a situation in which with the stroke of a pen I can simply end the policy unilaterally. … I can’t simply ignore laws that are out there.” But, Obama has far more choice in these matters than he seems to be letting on. For one, his administration had no legal obligation to appeal the DADT ruling. They could have simply let it stand and become…

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