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Christian Nationalism Was the Loser of Tuesday’s Debate

…hnmark/status/1232499002286850048?s=20 In any case, Donald Trump’s foreign policy decisions regarding Israel have been shaped almost entirely by America’s apocalyptically minded white evangelicals, and not by Jews at all. It’s evangelicals’ beliefs about Israel’s role in “fulfilling biblical prophecy” that resulted in Trump upending decades of American foreign policy by moving the embassy in the first place as a gesture of recognition of Jerusalem…

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Competing Visions of Family & Freedom at UN; Methodists Try to Avoid Schism on Sexuality; Catholic Cardinal Denounces LGBT ‘Demonic Ideology’; Global LGBT Recap

…8-405 to create a commission that “will spend at least two years reviewing policy on the subject” and developing a plan to deal with sharp differences within the denomination on inclusion of LGBT people in the church and in ministry. The New York Times’ Laurie Goodstein said the move was widely seen as “a last-ditch effort to save the church from schism.” The move keeps in place for now the policy adopted in 1972 that says the “practice of homosex…

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Why Do Evangelicals And Dems Want Immigration Reform?

…on foreign policy issues, and favor a multilateral and cooperative foreign policy more than their elders. Millennials, more so than other generations, want a stronger government to make the economy work better, help those in need, and provide more services. These views extend to a range of domestic policy issues including education, clean energy, and, especially, health care. Among evangelicals, the Millennials are the most tolerant cohort, “less…

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The Potentially Explosive Russian Church Intrigue Revealed by Mueller Investigation

…mocracy protests in Moscow in 2012. He has frequently supported government policy in sermons and on state-run television, positioning Russia in the role of spiritual defender in response to Western objections to Russian human rights policy: “We have been through an epoch of atheism, and we know what it is to live without God. We want to shout to the whole world, ‘Stop!’” His 2011 book, Freedom and Responsibility, posits a contemporary political la…

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Pence Meets With One of Putin’s Top Clerics: Strange Bedfellows at BGEA’s World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians

…l “bad ecumenism.” Such efforts are coordinated with the Kremlin’s foreign policy, which seeks to foster relationships with anti-democratic forces outside Russia. While Moscow made similar efforts during Soviet times, Russian President Vladimir Putin has rebranded post-Soviet Russia into the global standard bearer for “traditional values conservatism,” and in this capacity attracts primarily right-wing fellow travelers. On the one hand, this polic…

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With Release of Pentagon Report, UFO Narrative Belief System is Suddenly Supported by Military Witness Testimonies

…to be a complete shift in official policy regarding these testimonies. The policy, from one of debunking witness reports to one of encouraging them, seems confusing, especially to those who follow UAP lore. Placed within the context of the exponential growth of civilian-owned technologies, the change in policy isn’t quite as surprising. Social media, cell phones, video, and drone technologies make the sighting and the capture of images of UAPs ubi…

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What to Make of ‘Life at Any Cost’ Trump Voters in Light of the Fact That Nobody Actually Believes That

…sn’t all we might hope for in a leader; but, while character is important, policy matters more—especially in the short term. And the most commonly cited policy consideration has been the “protection of life.” I’ve had more conversations than I can count with people who’ve argued that, when one considers the sheer number of “fetal lives” that would be saved by the overturning of Roe v. Wade, whatever travails Trump has imposed upon our nation pale…

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Patriotism and Piety—Not For Conservatives Only

…em as private values are often resistant to making them a basis for public policy. But there’s no hypocrisy in promoting the policies we support with language that can engage more conservative voters. Don’t we really believe that a major policy shift to the left would make society more orderly? True, most of us don’t endorse hierarchies of any kind. But there’s plenty of evidence (which Haidt ignores) that hierarchy is mostly a means to an end for…

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A Tale of Two Fascisms: ‘Douchey’ JD Vance vs. ‘Creepy’ Blake Masters

…Harris will kill as many of their children as they can.” So why, if their policy positions are so similar—both ran in close elections in Swing States, both were boosted by Peter Thiel’s millions—did Vance win and Masters lose? There is, of course, no singular explanation. And while both Arizona and Ohio have been framed as swing states, the conditions on the ground were quite different for Masters and Vance: Trump had won Ohio in 2016 and 2020. A…

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Christian Nationalist Legislator Introduces Anti-Trans ‘Millstone Act’ Suggesting Biblical Retribution

…genuinely helpful policy proposals. He and his party lack any substantive policy positions, any original ideas that might actually help the people of Oklahoma—not to mention basic empathy. The sole concern for Bullard and his dull ilk seems to be imposing their conservative version of the Christian religion on the rest of the state by abusing a legislative power that is, constitutionally speaking, entirely secular. This is Christian nationalism….

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