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The “Religion” Episode: Aziz Ansari and the Cultural Politics of Muslim Self-Representation

…erves as title for the author’s Tanner Lectures on Human Values. A prerequisite for aspiring to “human values” appears to be a willingness to separate from tradition. In Master of None, Dev displays an ironic rapture at the joys afforded to cosmopolitan consumers: he is almost awestruck by the erotics of choice in dating apps and exotic restaurants. Dev’s religious relatives are not portrayed as foreign, austere, or judgmental (they’re basketball…

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The Most Ridiculous Responses to the Vatican’s Call-out of the Catho–Christian Right

…istian right “are based on Christian-Evangelical fundamentalist principles dating from the beginning of the 20th Century that have been gradually radicalized.” Likewise, their criticism of “fringe Catholic websites,” i.e., the Church Militant, wasn’t to conflate it with the Christian right or to suggest that everyone on the right agrees with its radical nationalism. It was to point out one of the more extreme flowerings of the Catho–Evangelical co…

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Visit From Conservative Sex Educator Divides a Town

…e in the number of students who share concerns related to the pressures of dating and sex,” though it did not explain how that increase has been measured. An editorial from Lancaster Newspapers–hardly an exemplar of liberal media–criticized the district for “wasting” taxpayer money, adding, “Educators should educate, not terrify, not least because studies have shown that scaring teenagers generally doesn’t work.” Studies have also shown that compr…

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At Launch Rally in Waco, Former President Sets the Stakes for Trump ’24 Campaign with Apocalyptic, Violent, Genocidal Rhetoric

…reats to Germany’s survival in the future. These included Jews (“black parasites of the nation”); Bolsheviks (the “scum of humanity”); and war profiteers and international capitalists—the forerunners of the “globalists” Trump regularly denounces, including in this CPAC speech.” Trump’s rally speech emphasizes this kind of violent victimhood, to call for similar repression. In Waco, he said, “2024 is the Final Battle, that is going to be the big on…

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Dying in Dirty Places: How to Honor the Dead in the Era of Ecocide

…pwater disaster era, there was a problem with this plan: the burial-at-sea site was infested with oil. Kruse’s surviving brother, Frank, explained this complication to reporters at, “We’d like to [scatter his ashes] sooner rather than later, but we really don’t know when we’ll be able to do it because you can’t predict what the oil’s going to do,” he said. “One day there’s no oil, and the next day we’re covered up with it.” I don’t know the…

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Bill Mill-ennialism: Arkansas’ End Times Politics May Be Coming to a State Near You

…niversity of Central Arkansas at Conway he also earned a Master’s from the online Midwest College of Theology, whose sword-emblazoned website’s only options are “Shop” and “Plans & Pricing,” though it names no faculty, classes, or program descriptions. Whatever his fate in these matters, Rapert epitomizes a number of trends on the Christian Right, here in the End Times. While the notion that the Christian Right is dead, diminished or in precipitou…

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As Cambodia Erupts in Protest, a Stolen Buddhist Relic Ignites Anger

…e top of the stairs is the impressive, white stupa, the centerpiece of the site, and the scene of the crime. Older stupas are lined up a short walk away. On good days, the mountain draws dozens of visitors. But vendors say that since the theft, few see the point of coming. “I ask people to buy my lotus flowers, incense and candles, but they mock me. They do not know what to buy and pray for, because the relic was stolen,” said a 23-year-old woman…

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Blood and Hammers: Elderly Anti-Nuclear Activists Sentenced to Jail

…nner reading “Trident: Illegal + Immoral,” poured their own blood over the site, and beat on the ground and the fences with household hammers before being apprehended and arrested. “We walk into the heart of darkness,” they wrote in a statement distributed to supporters and media, “as one step up the holy mountain where all nations can unite in peace” (read the group’s full statement here). The five, who call themselves the Disarm Now Plowshares,…

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Anti-Gay Tour Organizer Comes Out for Gay Marriage, Renounces Hate

…of the last tour stops added to the itinerary was Atlanta and I bring this site up because it was in Atlanta that I can remember that I questioned what I was doing for the first time. The NOM showing in the heart of the Bible-belt was dismal and the hundreds of counter-protesters who showed up were nothing short of inspiring. Even though I had been confronted by the counter-protesters throughout the marriage tour, the lesbian and gay people whom I…

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