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God’s Chosen Tweeters?

…s and Our Lives.” The most pronounced finding across all social networking sites (SNS) was that active social networking participation does not, as is commonly opined, result in social isolation or a lack of relational intimacy. Further, SNS participation tends to enrich rather than diminish participation in face-to-face relationships. Key findings of the report focused on the dominant site, Facebook, where some 92% of social network users have a…

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U.S. Envoy Minimizes Mounting Evidence of Mass Graves in Sudan

…port states: “She reported that SAF elements transported the bodies to the site, dumped them in the grave and using a bulldozer to cover the grave.” The area the witness identified, south of the Tilo school, is the same area where SSP’s witnesses also saw mass graves.) “There are way too many facts that Lyman’s account does not take into account,” Reeves concluded. “It’s as if the UN report does not exist.” Lyman’s skepticism is even more difficul…

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I Was Wrong About Occupy

…he most recent newsletter posted by Occupy Theory [as of this posting, the site is down —Eds.], occupiers describe how sad they were about their lives, both present and future, until they found each other. If you were worried about “young people today” before, you will be terrified after you read about the emptiness, the bought-and-soldness, the futility, the lack of any place to be or person to be. Paul Mayer, a friend of the Berrigans, was in ou…

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Missing the Forest for the Witches

…Netsweeper, the library’s Internet filtering service, blocks all of these sites because they are categorized as “occult” and “criminal skills” sites. Netsweeper, a global corporation based in Canada, categorizes websites and allows clients to choose which ones to block. In addition to following state and federal laws to block child pornography, the Salem Library also elected to block all sites that Netsweeper categorized as related to the “occult…

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A Note to Our Readers

…ed or kept in touch as much as we should. Now as we prepare to upgrade the site and expand our mission, we’d like to fill in some of the blanks. Religion Dispatches is not published by an independent 501(c)(3), but has been reliant, since its inception, on a series of institutional sponsors (universities primarily, as RD was the brainchild of religious studies/theology professors back in 2006). Finding the right home for a project like RD is a cha…

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Ghosts of Halloween Past

…ess you count the gremlins who got into our software stash and brought the site down over the weekend. Our server company* let us know that eerie goings on had compromised their ability to re-vivify the site so we summoned a coder (contemporary shaman) who infused it with borrowed life. And so RD carries on. With only the slightest hint of zombie in its affect. Here, in the order in which the Ouija board instructed us to offer it, is an assortment…

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Naked Mormon Women Go Viral, Talk Back

…ueamishness about nudity, the Tribune did not provide a link to Anderson’s site.) Many articles have praised the project’s intentions of helping women reclaim and love their bodies as beautiful even when flawed, and Anderson has created an “Appreciation” page on the website featuring some of the supportive emails she has received. But wade into the comment section of almost any story about the project, and you’ll find plenty of criticism: posing n…

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David Brat, Theological Conundrum

…one wonders what he has concluded about science. To be sure, his campaign site only says that he attends a Catholic church, not that he is Catholic. Here’s what’s confusing, though. David Brat is someone who, as recently as 2011, published an article in which he describes himself as an “orthodox Calvinist.” He lists four different denominational affiliations on his CV. Yet on his campaign website, the only affiliation he indicates is Catholic—eve…

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Religious Freedom Victory in Tennessee

…at Rutherford County violated open meetings laws or illegally approved the site plan. In spite of the plaintiffs’ fiery accusations that Islam is not a religion but a violent political movement looking to supplant U.S.laws, Corlew barely mentioned terrorism or public safety concerns, saying that the county’s planning commission isn’t the proper venue to vet such claims when approving a site plan. “We cannot find that the county erred, acted capric…

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Godly Game or Godless Satire? Countering Biblical Ignorance with Heretical Humor

…d Christians might agree. “We love the Bible,” they claim on the game’s website, “we just have a funny way of showing it.”   THE NAMES of the game’s creators are not listed on its website, Twitter, Tumblr, or Facebook. The only name affiliated with A Game for Good Christians is a pseudonym—“Ben Christian”—which a June 6 Tumblr post explains is a pun on the Latin word bene: “good. As it turns out, the game’s creators are two guys in their early thi…

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