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Virginia High School Says Students May Post Ten Commandments on Lockers

…ith Floyd County High School have announced that they are rethinking their policy. In the meantime, they are permitting students to tape the Ten Commandments to their lockers. According to the Roanoke Times [the original article incorrectly identifies the county by which Terry Arbogast is employed]: “We have decided to review our policy and procedures to put in writing more specific guidelines for students,” Floyd Giles County Superintendent Terry…

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Gambian Leaders Portray Anti-Gay Law as Defense of Islam, Ugandan Politicians as ‘Christmas Gift’; Global LGBT Recap

…Front Party. “At this stage, Russia is trying to influence French domestic policy,” says Jean-Yves Camus, a political researcher at France’s Institute of International and Strategic Relations (IRIS). If so, Putin’s strategy resembles the Soviet Union before its collapse in 1991, when Moscow funded trade unions and political groups in western Europe in an attempt to buy influence and destabilize foes. “In this respect Putin is pretty much in line w…

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In “The Promise,” A Reminder That U.S. Apathy to Genocide Endures

…empt to recognize that Americans are generous and responsible. The current policy of letting no one into the country says that we are neither. When we say that we do not want people to come and help us realize that vision of a greater country, we mean that what we think is not worth anything. Something of value is always shared, unless we choose to say we are greedy. To turn away refugees, from anywhere, at anytime, but particularly when they are…

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Catholic Church Targets Proponent of Women’s Ordination; Feminist Theologian

…the School of the Americas Watch, a group dedicated to changing US foreign policy in Latin America and closing the Army’s SOA (recently renamed the “Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation”), a combat training school for Latin American soldiers whose graduates have been involved in torture and murders. Roy  reiterated his support for the ordination of Catholic women, which he demonstrated earlier by being a part of the ordination of…

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‘Cru’ Official Demoted for Refusing to Let Women Teach the Bible to Men

…ention of regional Cru officials, who met with Harman and reiterated Cru’s policy of “men and women leading together.” They gave Harman three weeks to reconsider his position, and said that if he remained “dogmatic” about the issue, he could no longer serve as Missional Team Leader. Harman decided that he would not change the practice, and Cru demoted him. As campus director at Louisville, Harman has permitted female staff to speak in front of mix…

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‘People You May Know’ Reveals a War on Democracy Being Waged With Big Data

…hem that we ran into. And even if the church itself goes, well our privacy policy is of course we don’t share any data with anybody, the software company doesn’t protect the data at all, or they might be very bad at it. So if you go into the app—and they very often will have downloadable apps—you might find that your data is free to share with anybody. And of course you’ve signed yourself in, you’ve signed in your children, you’ve shared your vuln…

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Group Behind King James Bible Congressional Resolution Thinks Obama Might Be Antichrist

…yone would think about passing this at a time when we have fiscal, foreign policy and other matters of greater weight.” Lynn pointed out that even religious right figures have taken issue with the KJV; in the late 1990s, activists Gary Bauer, then of the Family Research Council, and Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, urged Christians not to use the KJV because, Bauer said, “it was commissioned by a homosexual.” (Note that…

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Less for Moore? If Russell Moore Left the SBC Due to Conscience and Convictions His Next Move Is a Curious One

…ty. Without ever departing from this doctrine, as head of the SBC’s public policy arm, Moore nevertheless publicly took the position that wives who were beaten by their husbands should leave their homes and call the police, which did not endear him to the ultras. Still, Moore has consistently failed to see that a strict gender hierarchy itself is a recipe for violence perpetrated by men against women and children. On that note, Immanuel Church has…

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Mexico’s Religious Conservatives Seek Anti-LGBT Constitutional Amendment, LGBT Activists Defend Secular Government; Cash From Qatar Funds ‘Traditional’ Family Activism Worldwide; Global LGBT Recap

…o leader of the PES, considered that God must become the focus of national policy. “Once a spiritual government for all of us, seeking the face of the Lord asking him to have mercy on this nation is established, you know what will happen? that just be lifted to govern,”he said. Evangelical leaders added that mobilizing today to San Lazaro was historic because never before has a religious organization had succeeded in presenting a bill. This, they…

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Progressive Christian: Wallis “No Longer Speaks for Us”

…that with the wide range of lefty religious voices on economic and foreign policy issues, as well as gender and sexuality issues, that Wallis has managed to win the attention of official Washington. When it comes to gender and sexuality, Wallis is downright conservative. These issues make him nervous. He describes addressing these issues as a distraction from his anti-poverty agenda, while many on the left, including the religious left, consider t…

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