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Tim LaHaye’s World: We’re Living In It

…ional efforts—the Institute for Creation Science, the Council for National Policy, the American Coalition for Traditional Values, and his material and conceptual support for Beverly LaHaye’s Concerned Women for America—tangible evidence of the widely known role of New Christian Right organizations in the rise of neoconservatism and recrudescence of populism in the 1970s and thereafter. And it is also appropriate to see in his voluminous writings—f…

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After Roe: 3 Troubling Trends from the ‘Compassionate’ Anti-Abortion Crowd

…ll of Roe, Erika Bachiochi, a fellow at the conservative Ethics and Public Policy Center, suggested that somehow, some way, the pro-life movement can compel the Republican Party to bolster the social safety net. Since then, unfortunately, Rick Scott, head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, has put forward a Congressional agenda hellbent on gutting social services. In so doing, Scott merely put into words what his party has been tryin…

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Gingrich and Hagee, End-Times Buddies

…dow into how Republican candidates re-tool apocalyptic theology as foreign policy, for mass consumption. The pair have long been fellow travelers; despite Hagee’s history of anti-Catholic statements and Gingrich’s recent conversion to Catholicism, they have both orbited the same nexus of neoconservative foreign policy and apocalyptic biblical prophecy for quite some time. Examples: same claims about new “Holocausts;” same claims about cosmic, civi…

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Family Research Council is Attacked—Tony Perkins is Quick to Blame SPLC

…ing organizations as hate groups because they disagree with them on public policy. Naturally, you want to tear your hair out. You want to mention that if the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “hate” designation is an incitement to violence it’s an awfully ineffective one (of the 1,018 hate groups active in 2011, less than one-tenth of one percent suffered violence); that, leaving aside other forms of violence and suicide, in 2011 alone, 30 people were…

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The Lady Vanishes: Trump’s Communications Team Tries to Topple a Monument

…ecomes a community by becoming a set of ideals. Ideals are not the same as policy proposals, and they are certainly not synonymous with history. This was Miller’s first mistake, turning condescendingly pedantic (not a much-loved trait in America) and lecturing Acosta on what Acosta—and, according to Acosta, a great many Americans—believe. History was rallied to counter faith. “I don’t want to get off unto a whole thing about history here,” Miller…

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GOP War on Caterpillars

…alk and don’t vote, lack self-awareness, and don’t have opinions on public policy that affects them. Okay, what if—just for grins, because obviously what I’m about to say is total science-fiction territory—we imagine that there’s, I don’t know, a REALLY WEIRD species of caterpillar that votes, thinks, talks, forms opinions on policy, has legal rights, is self-aware, and… uh… is actually a person? And what if a significant number of these mythical…

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A President “Anointed By God”: POTUS Shield and Religious Right’s Affair with Trump

…ed goal is getting the right kind of judges on the Supreme Court and other policy goals. How much access and influence do the leaders in this movement really have to the White House? I think that the religious right generally is almost disbelieving in their good fortune at how open this White House is to them. Some of them talk about how they get invited to come to the White House. Cindy Jacobs, who’s one of the elders that we study in the report,…

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Seb Gorka and Pres. Trump

Does It Matter If Islam Is A Religion? An American Ahmadi Explains The Effects Of Religious Discrimination

…himself—once described Gorka as an “anti-Muslim extremist.” Other foreign policy specialists have described him as an Islamophobe. Gorka was a member of the Order of Vitéz, a Nazi-linked Hungarian group, and proudly displayed medals from the group at Trump’s inauguration. Most relevant, though, despite disavowals of animus toward Islam, Gorka has described it more in terms of a totalitarian ideology than a complex, diverse, global religion. That…

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Are the Girls Scouts Evil? And What About Thin Mints?

…anization ginned up by conservatives associated with the Ethics and Public Policy Center and given credence by an “investigation” by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. These charges boil down to the organization’s membership in the World Association of Girl Guides and Girls Scouts (WAGGGS), which, according to the bishops, advocates for “so-called ‘sexual and reproductive health/rights’.” Conservatives are also upset because some local Girl…

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Sexist, Homophobic Representatives of “The Black Church” Just Want to Make Black America Great Again

…beyond making appearances at black churches into actually creating a black policy agenda is fair. Then the letter takes a hard right turn and starts tumbling precipitously downhill. It becomes obvious that expressed concerns about poverty and violence are just a vehicle for the group’s true aims: taking away rights from groups differently marginalized from themselves. The clergy who have signed on to the letter criticize Clinton for comments she m…

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