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Fox News Needs to Get a Grip on its Affiliate’s Issues with Mormonism

…s always been a Fox signature tactic.  Still, it’s worth asking: Is it the policy of the Fox News conglomerate to promote public ridicule of minority religions and cultures? Because it’s not just Ben Ferguson who is responsible for the segment. He was supported by folks all along the production chain down at MyFox Memphis. Somebody—a producer or even a manager—should have vetoed the whole thing. But no one did. They all thought Ben Ferguson’s anti…

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U.S. Bishops (Who Lit Religious Liberty Fuse) Urge Civility

…lly active. A conservative think tank in Washington, the Ethics and Public Policy Center, hired a state policy director … and created a program to work the statehouses and advise elected officials interested in sponsoring religious rights acts…Conservative leaders held conferences, drawing into the coalition Mormon leaders and a small showing of Orthodox Jews, Muslims and Sikhs, along with legal advocacy groups, and conservative organizations like…

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Broken Courts, Big Lies and Genocide Rehearsal: A Review of 2022—And What We Can Expect From 2023

…, but don’t fool yourself into thinking that this will lead to a change in policy. This is a party dedicated to minority rule—the very fact that they’re unwilling to change unpopular policy positions is what led them to this point. A genocide rehearsal The Lemkin Institute for Genocide prevention issued a very poignant warning in late November 2022 regarding the genocidal nature of the anti-trans hate machine: “The Lemkin Institute for Genocide Pr…

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Burma’s Spirit Festival, and More in This Week’s Global LGBT Roundup

…described by the Economist as “notes on the interplay between religion and policy, in the spirit of the Dutch Renaissance humanist and scholar—the magazine observes, “Conservatives speak louder in secular France than in pious Germany.” Some excerpts: In France, gay marriage became law in May 2013. Street protests by social conservatives, including four huge rallies in Paris within six months, failed to stop the change. But they made history noneth…

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Justice v. Revenge: The Question Beneath the Question of Prison Reform

…ntainment. In 2000, Morgan Reynolds of the Texas-based National Center for Policy Analysis testified before Congress, Public opinion strongly supports the increased use of prisons to give criminals their just desserts. The endorsement of punishment is relatively uniform across all groups. More than three-quarters of the public see punishment as the primary justification for sentencing. More than 70 percent believe that incapacitation is the only s…

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Palin Bus Tour Like Gideon’s Fleece

…sion of American history. All photo ops and quick sound bites about energy policy, free markets, and American exceptionalism, then speeding off in an SUV. Topping off her day was a visit to Trump Tower, a monument to the Donald, whose comb-over was perfectly coiffed as he took pictures with Palin and Piper before having a dinner at a chain pizza parlor, La Famiglia, in New York City. Palin asked for the meeting with Trump, and since he was fresh o…

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A Story in Which the Gay Mormon Does Not Die

…baptized until the’re 18. The clear theological contradiction between the policy and Jesus Christ’s unequivocal and unconditional welcome to children in the New Testament has left even conservative and moderate Church members doubtful, defensive, or confused. According to some reports, a good number of rank and file Mormons are simply choosing to disregard and outlast the policy. Saving Alex celebrates the spiritual capacity to outlast the darkes…

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White Christian Complaints About Religious Persecution Are Especially Ugly on MLK Day

…must direct that religious freedom be properly integrated into all foreign policy of the United States at every level.” (Emphasis added.) It’s been well documented, here on RD and elsewhere, that American evangelicals, in particular, have weaponized the concept of “religious freedom” or “religious liberty” to fight equality. In recent months, members of this ideological cohort have grown increasingly forthright about their objective. Perkins, for…

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When the Golden Rule is Used to Silence Dissent and Protect the Politically Powerful

…ote Chairman Allen West. Fact No. 1: The Green New Deal is Ocasio-Cortez’s policy idea; it’s not anything more yet. Fact No. 2: Texas has nothing to do with her policy idea. Fact 3: Wind power accounts for 10 percent of energy production in Texas. Conclusion: West is smearing Ocasio-Cortez even as she’s trying to help. This is clear later when he writes that Ocasio-Cortez’s charity is not charity. What appears to be the Golden Rule is actually som…

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Marriage Equality Coming To Taiwan In Spite of Religious Objectors?; Anti-Gay Ruling Sought By Indonesian Islamists Threatens Women & Poor Couples; LDS Church Launches New ‘Mormon and Gay’ Site; Global LGBT Recap

…ote places in the margins of public service,” she said. Mormon Church: New policy seeks to put friendlier face on church’s anti-gay doctrine The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has published a new website called Mormon and Gay, which is meant to put a softer face on the church’s stance toward LGBT people, which has been rendered harshly by recent policy declaring same-sex couples apostate. From Mamba Online: The new site contains a ple…

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