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US Offers Help For Investigation of Bangladesh Killings

…lientele of practicing haredi men, whom he is convinced are closeted homosexuals. “I bet they have a wife and 10 kids waiting at home,” he says. “But the fact that they come here—it’s interesting, that they feel comfortable here.” A short time later, a swarthy bearded man wearing a beanie and a long black beard walks into the bar. (Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.) Al Bel rises to shout, “The rabbi is here!” The man, who asks not to be nam…

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How Herbalife’s Gospel of Health and Wealth Fuels a Billion-Dollar Deception

…health, our financial situation—all of us together…we can all make this a better world for people to live in. The basic tenets of Hughes’ pitch will sound familiar to anyone who has seen a prosperity gospel preacher, experienced The Secret, or even watched certain TED Talks: attitude determines outcomes. Success is possible regardless of circumstances. Personal well-being can transform the world. These are ideas that thrive along the borderlands…

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Hail Santa! War-on-Christmas Outrage Over Satanic Tree Reveals the Self-Serving Ambiguity of ‘Religion’

…ailroad Museum in Ashwaubenon, Wisconsin, began its “Festival of Trees.” Sixty-six businesses and charitable organizations, including The Satanic Temple of Wisconsin, donated trees to the Museum, which is privately funded and accepts no tax dollars (save for occasional grants). The response was predictable as conservative Christian groups rushed to condemn the five-foot tree adorned with red Christmas lights, upside-down crosses, and messages like…

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Trump with back to camera stands before a frenzied crowd with raised fist.

With ‘Vermin’ Remark Trump Crosses Fully into Nazi Territory

…campaign later tried to amend the statement to replace the phrase “entire existence” with “sad, miserable existence.”] In graduate school, I concentrated in political philosophy and ethics, where I was rightly trained to be wary of arguments that tried to score rhetorical points by deploying a Nazi analogy, a move sometimes called reductio ad Hitlerum in philosophical circles. This tactic is a logical fallacy, typically taking the form of a slippe…

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A desolate road in Israel lined with security fencing.

Decadence, Sickness, and Death: Mourning and the Israel-Hamas War

…n act of dehumanization. The problem here is that there is almost no space between explanation and justification—on either side. One is thus being forced to choose sides and express empathy only for one. Any gesture of empathy for innocents on the other side quickly evokes the accusation of moral equivalency at the very least—self-hatred and treason at most. So it must be said, decades of humiliation, domination, and the deaths of many men, women…

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As a Religious Studies Professor I Disagreed With the Hamline Firing — But Now I’ve Changed My Mind

…storians can’t show art to students, I thought, why does art history even exist? (Back in my day it was “Piss Christ” that offended my Christian sensibilities, but—although there are significant differences between that situation and the current one—it would never have occurred to me to question a professor.) But the more I mulled it over, the more uncomfortable I became with my own instincts. A main reason for that discomfort is that, it seems cl…

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Turn On The News: The Times Has to Make a Choice: It Can’t Laugh at Satanic Claims and Take the Christian Right at Face Value

…US context, its shape and content would have been much different. You can bet, for example, that von Hauswolff’s claim that “Catholic integralism won over art, but not over love” would have been “balanced” with a proponent of integralism explaining why Catholicism is a more authentic expression of the French identity than the music of an agnostic Swede. But more importantly, omissions like this demonstrate just how flawed the Times’ typical cover…

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Russian Parliament Hosts U.S. Anti-Gay Activist Paul Cameron

…t of the coverage in the press has largely toed the state line. The Interfax Religion headline ran: “Famous American Expert Supports Moscow’s Ban on Gay Pride Parades.” When coverage draws attention to the controversy surrounding Cameron, it tends to spin it in such a way as to make him into a hero, conspiratorially implying that the rejection of his views in the West and/or scientific establishment derives from ideology. The following quotation f…

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The Return of Government as “Idolatry” and the “Second Amendment Remedies”

…him “toward God.” You can read a “pro-family” review here that warns of sex (kissing) and nudity (a painting of Adam and Eve that shows Eve’s breast). When asked if she was exploring a presidential campaign in Iowa, Angle replied that she was investigating her options. She has since said she is not promoting the film because she is running for president—though is not the same as saying she is not running. For now it looks like she’ll focus on the…

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