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Martin Luther King: Libertarian and Anti-Abortion Social Conservative

…or a more just distribution of wealth, coming down hard against the war in Vietnam, and consistently invoking a social gospel critique of the workings of power and wealth. King’s dream, long since denuded of its actual social and economic content in the nationally celebratory rhetoric, demanded fundamental and unsettling disruptions in the normal working of the economic body politic. From this perspective the senators who opposed the proclamation…

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Opposition To DADT Repeal And The High Rate Of Evangelical Chaplains

…Evangelicals and the U.S. Military, 1942-1993, dates the trend back to the Vietnam War.) New York Times, 2005: There are also growing numbers of enlistees from evangelical churches. In 2005, there were 1,794 members of the Assemblies of God in the Air Force, 597 from the Church of the Nazarene and 108 from the Christian and Missionary Alliance. Because so many churches cannot be comfortably categorized as evangelical or nonevangelical, and because…

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That Mercenary Feeling: What the Apparently Unlimited Use of “Contractors” Says About American Empire in Afghanistan and Iraq

…e often triple or quadruple those of a corresponding soldier or Marine was cheaper or more expensive for the American taxpayer.” Excuse me? “No one really knows”?? I’m not an economist, but even I know: it’s clearly more expensive in the direct cost-per-individual sense, and it is vastly more expensive in terms of the cost to the way our massive and growing presence in that very poor country is perceived by the locals. I’m not the first to suggest…

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Ross Douthat’s Rosy Old-Time Religion

…e churches on increasing political polarization (beginning with the war in Vietnam, not the Civil Rights Movement), the passions let loose by the sexual revolution, the development of a “global perspective” which brought the non-Western religions to the attention of Americans (oddly, he does not mention the changes in American culture brought on by the immigration act of 1965), the growing wealth of Americans, and the waning of the East Coast WASP…

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Every Republican Candidate Should Have to Address Gay Rights Face-to-Face

…e nation, from Alaska and Hawaii to Maine. But after watching the video of Vietnam veteran Bob Garon (who is gay and married) having a direct conversation with Romney about gay rights in a New Hampshire diner, I want to see every single Republican candidate sit down with Garon and answer his question face-to-face: “You do not feel that everyone is entitled to their Constitutional rights?” Because then every candidate, from hardcore social conserva…

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Mitt Romney: Wooden Pastor or Real Boy?

…was a Republican that raised the minimum wage, stood up to his own party when it betrayed the African-American community and to the military when he believed it had “brainwashed” him about the Vietnam War. So while I don’t disparage Mitt his good works in the least, I’m not convinced that this campaign narrative can breathe life into a wooden candidate….

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Are the Pews Half Empty or Half Full? Lessons From 734 A.D.

…bies, but when those children came of age, it was straight into Woodstock, Vietnam War protests and “Don’t trust anyone over 30.” Sometime in the mid-to-late 1960s, worship attendance quietly peaked. The pendulum had reached the limit of its swing. As it has continued to swing back past the center and beyond, pastors like me puzzle over how to reach spiritual-but-not-religious millennials. Some colleagues—even gifted communicators—have wearied of…

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High Holidays Watch: Seth Rogen’s Latest Highlights the ‘American Pickle’ of Living with Death

…arly 1970s as the anchor duly reported the number of US soldiers killed in Vietnam. After a while we became numb to the numbers. We bantered during the reportage, or got up to get a drink, either because we couldn’t bear to hear it, or because it became meaningless. Numbers are the entry point to the banality of death. An American Pickle is a film about two people, who are really one person (Seth Rogen plays both roles), the hapless Herschel Green…

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Did Pence Decline to Wear a Mask Because He’s a ‘Muscular Christian’?

…illed more Americans over a month and a half than all who died fighting in Vietnam over 19 years. It’s the smart thing to do in a health clinic whose patients are recovering from COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus. It’s the smart thing to do for the official second-in-line to the most powerful office in the land. Pence is no dummy. What gives? Some have speculated he doesn’t believe he needs one. As a twice-born conservative Chris…

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MLK Monument That Never Was, is a Reminder of the King Too Often Ignored

…justified prophetic fury, could write in 1968 that American imperialism in Vietnam constituted “an unjust, evil, and futile war,” is to not fully respect the enormity of King’s vision. Conservatives, like Jesse Helms and the since-sainted John McCain, who despicably opposed the institution of a Martin Luther King Day holiday when it was first proposed in 1979, did so in part precisely because of the minister’s prophetic, radical urgency. Ironicall…

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