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May GOP Save Us From Chaos: Mircea Eliade on Election 2010

…tty well sums it up. Obama identified himself and his party with the word “change.” Since change is always unpredictable, it always portends the threat of chaos. This year, unlike 1994, the Republicans did not even call themselves “the party of change.” They no longer see any advantage in using that word. They want to make themselves the party of resistance to change, which is what most voters seemed to want this year. But let’s remember that most…

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Report from Paris During COP21: Let Us Not Commit Global Suicide

…tempt to work together to fashion a new international agreement on climate change. This will be the 21st COP since the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was adopted at the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit in 1992, acknowledging the existence of anthropogenic (human-induced) climate change a major threat to a sustainable planet. The Kyoto Protocol, which commits industrialized countries to internationally binding emission re…

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Will Pope’s African Tour Change Attitudes on Divorce and LGBTQ Among African Catholics?

…xperience.” The African bishops called an intervention during the synod to change language that would have potentially been more welcoming to LGBTQ Catholics, and Cardinal Robert Sarah of Guinea delivered a speech putting same-sex marriage on a continuum with “quick and easy divorce,” abortion, and euthanasia. Many African church leaders made it clear during the synod that the Pope’s attempts to soften the church’s messages on divorce and LGBTQ in…

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‘Rising Global Tide’ Of Anti-Gay Crackdowns; More in Global LGBT Recap

…om “equal rights for both sexes.” Anti-homosexuality activists believe the change will institute same-sex marriage and change the military law banning gay sex. “So far, we’ve gathered 500,000 signatures to protest stipulating gender equality in the revised Constitution,” Professor Gil Won-pyong of Pusan National University, who leads the campaign, told The Korea Times. “The constitutional revision played a crucial role in igniting our anger. Chris…

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The Story Behind the Catholic Church’s Stunning Reversal on Contraception

…e have sent to hell” for using contraception if the teaching were suddenly changed? But another reason lurked behind the official explanation about why the teaching could not be changed: maintaining the link between sex and procreation was essential to the maintenance of the traditional, subordinate role of women. Maintaining the traditional family, in which men were leaders in the world outside the home and women were confined to the domestic rea…

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Pope Mum on LGBTs in Uganda; Church Defends Anti-Marriage-Equality Efforts in Australia; Cyprus Passes Civil Partnerships; Global LGBT Recap

…a longtime opponent of civil partnerships and same-sex marriage, has had a change of heart, reports Michael Madigan at the Courier-Mail: The committed Christian and marriage celebrant, who spearheaded former premier Campbell Newman’s rejection of Labor’s civil partnerships, says his change of heart follows some deep introspection on the nature of marriage, and the evolving nature of society. “Supporting civil partnerships, and supporting same sex…

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RD News Round-Up—September 29, 2008

…“[o]ne of the most widely debated environmental subjects is global climate change: whether it is happening, what causes it, and what to do about it.” Evangelicals are among the most skeptical population segments when it comes to global warming—just 27% firmly believe global warming is happening. In particular, evangelicals express the greatest caution regarding their perception that media has hyped the story (65%), their belief that cyclical clima…

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Vatican Considers ‘Disordered’ Language; HBO Doc on LGBT Persecution in Russia; Nigerian Bishop Shifts on Anti-Gay Law; Arson at ‘Open Mosque’ in South Africa; Global LGBT Recap

…omosexual persons, which he is no proclaiming. Even so, Kaigama’s apparent change of heart is interesting, This obvious change of tone from Africa is just one clear indication of how the voice of the Spirit, and the leadership of Pope Francis, are clearly working through the synod to effect a much needed change in tone and in style, which will inevitably lead to a change in pastoral practice. As DeBenardo notes, there will not in the short term be…

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The Story Behind the Catholic Church’s Stunning Contraception Reversal

…e have sent to hell” for using contraception if the teaching were suddenly changed? But another reason lurked behind the official explanation about why the teaching could not be changed: maintaining the link between sex and procreation was essential to the maintenance of the traditional, subordinate role of women. Maintaining the traditional family, in which men were leaders in the world outside the home and women were confined to the domestic rea…

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Will This Relic Change Our Whole View of Early American History?

…ay have been celebrated at Jamestown is indeed interesting, but it doesn’t change the fact that the very first American masses were celebrated by Spanish colonists more than a century before, and that indeed the first Protestant services were not held by the English but by French Huguenots in 1564 at Fort Caroline (today St. Augustine Florida). In understanding the complexity of early American religion one also needs to take into account the prese…

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