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Why Rick Santorum Can’t Just Say: God Doesn’t Want You To Be Gay

…rely opportunistic, what he’s really interested in is religion, not social policy. If it were social policy that motivated him, he’d read the studies of same-sex couples in Massachusetts and in other countries, which show that they raise children as well as opposite-sex couples, form stable families, and the rest. But what Santorum is motivated by is actually religion: a fear of sexuality and of women souped-up by a misreading of Leviticus, Romans…

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Missing the Forest for the Witches

…the categories into which minority religions are classified, the library’s policy appears to violate the Constitution’s establishment clause. By extension, it would be unconstitutional for any government agency to use Netsweeper to censor public access to “occult” sites. However, Netsweeper is a global corporation and thus not particularly concerned with the United States Constitution. In fact, much of their business comes from countries such as Q…

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Obama Admin Rules Religious Institutions Must Comply with Contraception Mandate

…ted Democrats, but is one piece of a stepped-up campaign to portray public policy they view as being at odds with Vatican teaching on sex, gender, and reproductive issues as an infringement of religious liberty. Just yesterday, Pope Benedict told a gathering of Bishops that “radical secularism” poses a “grave threat” to religious freedom in the U.S. In praising the Obama administration’s position, Jon O’Brien, president of Catholics for Choice, sa…

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Today We Pray for Women for Whom Pregnancy is Not Good News …

…ement. The DC-based Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice focuses on policy, with a youth wing that trains 16- to 30-year-olds to do advocacy and education work in their communities. Catholics for Choice focuses on changing the Church’s stance on abortion and contraception. Faith Aloud positions itself as a service provider for women who choose to have an abortion. In Rev. Turner’s experience, many of the women who vote for legislators to ro…

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Where Do “Sacred” Values Live in the Brain?

…r day-to-day lives, but also in relation to politics. Take such monumental policy decisions as those regarding health care, or the military. Do we go with what we feel is right and wrong, or—as is the more commonly understood basis for such policy decisions—do we do what will be best for the most people? How about suicide bombers? Why are they willing to lose their lives for their beliefs? Now, we can begin to better understand the mechanisms of s…

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Is Covid-19 Introducing a New Generation to Fears of ‘Jewish Contagion’?

…how discourses of contagion might be influencing and shaping public health policy during this historic outbreak. Fears of Jewish contagion have a very long and complicated history with public health and have, at times, played a dominant role in shaping American history and politics. Louis Harap, in The Image of the Jew in American Literature traces the installation of social distancing measures against Jewish contagion to the colonial period. Duri…

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As UN Considers Status of Women, It’s Time for the Vatican to Take Its Rightful Place

…t as a board of directors that elects the next CEO and advises the pope on policy, personnel, and business. Bishops, whose responsibilities approximate those of executive vice presidents, are in charge of various localities and functions. Priests have jurisdiction in their parishes. At the bottom, are lay people who contribute time and money. They should be like stockholders—or better, members of a coop—except they’re not. They’re more like increa…

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A King for Jesus: What the Religious Right Sees in Trump

…her. His campaign is organized around his person, not around core ideas or policy proposals. Like a myth or a wrestling-match it is the feelings he evokes that count: the feeling of humiliation, the feeling of threat, the feeling of imminent, even apocalyptic danger, that enemies outside and inside are coming to tear us apart, and the feelings of fierce determination and anger that that they will not get away with it. Hillary Clinton is cast as th…

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Don’t Ignore the Role of “Christian Values” in Conservative Conspiracy

…ed a cohesive conception of Christian values articulated through political policy, regardless of dogma, to mobilize a political bloc. Leaders of the Moral Majority, such as Tim LaHaye and Pat Robertson, both linked the liberal takeover of the American political system to the Illuminati to create a New World Order, and asked Christian voters to stand up to the Illuminati with their votes in support of God, American values and their understanding of…

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Want to Know What Public Education Would Look Like Under Project 2025? Just Take a Look at Oklahoma

…Project 2025’s emphasis on personnel, even quoting the axiom “personnel is policy” in the first substantive note in the 900+ page playbook. Project 2025’s plan for public education includes “sunsetting the U.S. Department of Education altogether” (a goal Trump echoed during his August 12 Twitter conversation with Elon Musk, when he vowed to “close the Department of Education”). That would pave the way to make every state’s public education as woef…

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