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Marriage equality comes to Slovenia, continues to spread in Mexico; Civil Union legislation approved in Sicily, debated in Peru; Global LGBT Recap

…benefits to lesbian and gay employees of the UN. More details from Foreign Policy: Speaking Monday morning at a meeting of the U.N.’s main budget committee, Russian diplomat Sergey Khalizov demanded that Ban reverse his decision on the matter, saying the U.N. chief’s action violated a U.N. General Assembly resolution that left it to U.N. employees’ governments to determine whether are eligible for spousal benefits. Moscow has been weighing whether…

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Gingrich’s Anti-Secularism Greatest Hits

…of church and state: 1. Failed school prayer amendment. Rob Boston, senior policy analyst at Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, was at the Heritage Foundation in 1994 when Gingrichd announced his push for a school prayer amendment. “He wasn’t speaker yet,” Boston told me, “but all of the polls showed that the Democrats were headed for shellacking, and many analysts interpreted the announcement as one last effort to rally the…

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Republicans To Get Free “Spiritual, Historical” Trips to Israel

…uring the 2008 Republican primary, when the group, which organized Pastors Policy Briefings, at which candidates spoke privately to groups of pastors in key primary states, came under fire over the perception that it was backing Mike Huckabee’s candidacy over the other Republican hopefuls. The watchdog group Texas Freedom Network sought, unsuccessfully, an Internal Revenue Service probe into whether the Niemoller Foundation, a non-profit that had…

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Will 2018 Be the Year of Catholic Health Care Dominance?

…s to women who are undergoing miscarriages. Many Catholic hospitals have a policy of waiting until a potentially life-threatening infection sets in before they will perform the termination of a failed pregnancy. Large hospital systems like Ascension are also increasingly buying up physicians practices, which then brings the doctors’ offices under the purview of the ERDs. There have been reports of some doctors being told they could no longer presc…

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Religious Leaders Press Obama for Exemption from Executive Order Barring Discrimination

…us Discrimination has been asking the Obama administration to reverse this policy since 2009. More recently, the Justice Department expanded the policy to apply to contractors under the Violence Against Women Act, notwithstanding a requirement in that law barring hiring discrimination by contractors. A June 2014 letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, signed by over 90 religious, civil rights, women’s, and LGBT rights groups maintained, “RFRA shou…

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Is Evangelicalism Too Nice?

…ates on the mean stuff. He then insists that the mean stuff be manifest in policy. The conflation of orthodox belief and discriminatory social policy is likely to be detrimental to Christian witness in an increasingly tolerant age. There’s absolutely no reason why the one should necessitate the other. But culture warriors like Darling can’t seem to fathom belief without imposition, a blind spot that discloses the pleasure they derive from the figh…

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Silence of “Religious Liberty” Activists on Muslims’ Cases Not What You Think

…shift to pray, as required by their faith. While the employer claims this policy has not changed, in early December a group of workers was not permitted to pray when they chose to, then told by a supervisor “If you don’t want to work here, go home.” In response, many Muslim workers walked out. After three days they were fired, and have filed discrimination complaints claiming a violation of Title VII’s mandate that employees’ religious practices…

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As Culture War Rages, What’s the Status of LGBT Rights on Catholic Campuses?

…bian employees at Marquette. The incident brought attention to Marquette’s policy of not extending health care benefits to the partners of same-sex couples. A year after the O’Brien case was resolved, Marquette decided to offer same-sex benefits. President Wild explained the move in pastoral terms. He told the Associated Press, “If we are truly pastoral in our application of the Jesuit principle of cura personalis (care for the entire person), I a…

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Texas Woman Opposes Divorce Citing ‘Blood Covenant’; Will Anti-Sharia Law Get in the Way?

…ship… are protected against violations of constitutional rights and public policy in the application of foreign law.” The bill doesn’t explicitly reference sharia or Islamic law (likely because a similar bill in Oklahoma that did specifically mention sharia was struck down as discriminatory in 2012). Nevertheless, the intent of H.B. 45 is clear. It was passed as part of a wave of legislation advanced by anti-Muslim organizations including the Amer…

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Puerto Rico Prays for Truth: Reporter David Begnaud’s Sacred Mission

…lists like Begnaud, raising awareness, informing the populace, influencing policy. If anything is going to save American democracy, it will be that same kind of work, by similar and similarly tireless, brave souls. The dedication manifested by Begnaud is one of service, one of sacrifice. While world leaders frame their experience of a massive natural disaster in terms of fun, Begnaud approaches his work out of a sense of duty. Indeed, it was affix…

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