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Burma Bans Time Magazine’s “Buddhist Terror” Issue

…To make matters worse, on May 25 authorities in Rakhine state announced a policy imposing a two-child limit on Muslim Rohingya families in two western townships, reinforcing the perception of ethnic cleansing in Burma. This alarming policy is the only known legal restriction of its kind today against a specific religious group. An AP report on May 27 cited Aung San Suu Kyi’s cautiously nuanced position. She told reporters that “if true, this is a…

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Turn on the News: Why Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Faith Doesn’t Matter (But Amy Coney Barrett’s Did)

…can Clergy Network and a detractor from the conservative Ethics and Public Policy Center. The premise of Smith’s piece is supremely unhelpful, if you’ll excuse the phrase. For one thing, as Rob Boston points out in his article, there was far more reason to question Barrett about her faith: she had signed a statement opposing legal abortion, taught at the Christian nationalist-sponsored Blackstone Fellowship, and made ambiguous remarks about the ro…

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African Religious leaders complain about Obama advocacy for LGBT rights; Ultra-Orthodox Man Stabs Jerusalem Pride Parade Marchers, Again; Struggles over sexuality in Islam, Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican Churches; Global LGBT recap

…assed,” she said. Senior officials are dead-set on a “no public apologies” policy for incidents of abuse, Volkova says. “This policy explains the patriarchate’s violently homophobic campaigns. The criticism against the gay community are meant to divert the people’s attention away from their own vices.” Both the Orthodox Church and the Kremlin have been aggressively and openly homophobic since 2012, when President Vladimir Putin launched his campai…

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It’s the Water! And Other Lowlights from Presidential Science Debate

…inton said that climate change is real and dangerous. She offered concrete policy recommendations, too. It’s better to have policy than flair (perhaps), but it was striking that the candidate left out the entire moral dimension of climate change—for example, that a warming world will disproportionately affect the poor, even as it was disproportionately caused by the rich; and that millions may die or be displaced. Or, for that matter, that each an…

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Atheists of Color Transcend Opposition to Religion and White Atheist Privilege in Working for Social Justice

…who bemoan the Religious Right’s grip on the Trump White House and public policy, yet remain silent on the racist criminalization of communities of color or rising homelessness among Black and Latinx folk. Secular social justice is a way of defining and articulating these critical differences in focus and approach. Progressive secularists of color argue that you can’t fight for economic justice in communities of color without advocating for repro…

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Ron Paul’s New Place in the GOP

…plans to push such a plan as the new chair of the House Domestic Monetary Policy Subcommittee that oversees the Fed and its monetary policy. Reportedly Republican leaders had planned to put someone else in that position but appointed Paul under pressure from Tea Party organizations. I’ve written about the background of Paul’s economic views, particularly on the Fed, here. Paul told Bloomberg News he wouldn’t move to end the Fed immediately, but w…

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Catholic Bishops End Family Synod With Little To Say To Gays; World Congress of Families Has Plenty To Say, None of it Good; How Same-Sex Marriage Came to a Buddhist Temple in Japan; Global LGBT Recap

…ee countries, Díez argues that three main key factors explain variation in policy outcomes across these cases: the strength of social movement networks forged by activists in favor of gay marriage; the access to policy making afforded by particular national political institutions; and the resonance of the frames used to demand the expansion of marriage rights to same-sex couples. Europe: Dangers for LGBT refugees from fellow asylum-seekers Gay asy…

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Muslims in America, Fifty Years Later: New Poll Shows Pride and Optimism In the Face of Bias

…xing crown. In 2017, even though no Muslim American critic of U.S. foreign policy has the international stature of Muhammad Ali, the very presence of Muslims in the United States is seen by many to be a national security threat. The 2017 Pew poll paints a picture of unprecedented anti-Muslim discrimination, hate crimes, and bias in the country. As in 1967, today’s F.B.I.—whether overseen by Democrats or Republicans—actively engages in counter-inte…

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Ghana’s LGBT Population Safe From Persecution, But Not Prosecution

…hanaian and international observers have been seeking a clear statement of policy from the administration of John Atta Mills concerning homosexuals in the West African nation. Recently, Western Region Minister Paul Evans Aidoo called for the arrests of those suspected to be gay in order to test Ghana’s current law against “unnatural carnal knowledge.” In response, a coalition of human rights and civil society organizations has stepped up calls for…

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American Anti-Gay Campaign in Africa Opposes “Fictitious Sexual Rights”

…resolution, FWI is aggressively resisting United Nations and United States policy regarding homosexuality. In January, FWI hosted 26 UN staffers from 23 different countries for a two-day conference on how to resist UN initiatives on sexuality. The conference was co-hosted with the Foundation for African Cultural Heritage, a group that is linked with the WCF. The only supporter listed on FACH’s website is Don Feder, the communications director for…

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