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5 Take-Aways from the Newly Viral Romney End-Times Video

…n agenda interrogate what it really means to be Mormon. Mormon doctrine is complex and there have been subtle shifts in emphasis over time. Recently, I heard a top Mormon historian compare doctrine to a cloud: there are some fairly central points of Mormon belief and lots of more marginal ones. But the faith is actually more about orthopraxy than orthodoxy—living as an observant Mormon, showing up on Sundays, doing your Church-assigned job (since…

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Drop that Candy Bar, Pagan!

…against wimpy Christians who are more concerned about pastoral care than becoming an army of “warriors” dedicated to bringing about “kingdom rule” on the earth. Don’t despair if you can’t make it to Dallas, you can watch online starting at 7 p.m. Central. But if your kids really like candy, you can comfort yourself with the approach to Halloween taken by Mars Hill church, the authoritarian megachurch phenomenon associated with hipster homophobe Ma…

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Christian Media Battle Over Controversial Figure

…tion.” “The reasons for that were multi-fold,” he says, “but they were not compelling… not reasons that would have led us to postpone or kill the story.” Repeated requests for comment from the Christian Post went unanswered, though I was eventually informed that the Post’s editor, Michelle Vu, who authored the August 17 response, had “politely decline[d]” my request.  Instead, I was provided with a brief statement: “Christianity Today wrote an art…

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Masculinity and Mass Violence: When Will We Acknowledge the Smoking Gendered Pronoun Hiding in Plain Sight?

…pted me to tweet my own discomfort on the morning of the Oak Creek attack: The common denominator Others have seen religious intolerance as a central feature in many recent mass killings. Mark Juergensmeyer recently discussed the ways in which certain religious narratives meld seamlessly with notions of violence and war. The image of cosmic, religious war, he notes, can been seen at the ce…

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No Room for Non-Theists at Boston Interfaith Service

…hed to help the Corcorans. Also, at the time of this writing,, the Boston Atheists, the Humanist Community at Harvard, and the Secular Coalition for Massachusetts have raised $26,856 to assist victims.  But though Epstein has considerable experience organizing memorial vigils—and has addressed over 45,000 people in attendance at these events during his decade of service as a humanist chaplain—he was not invited or included to part…

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Neither The Joker Nor Godlessness Drove Batman Shooting

…the University of Colorado. Or he must have had a rough upbringing. Or the common refrain: he’s simply psychotic, and no verifiable reason for the shooting will ever be discovered. The responses from religious commentators, scholars, and pastors have a similar range. Shootings like this will continue because of our increasing desensitization to violent images, one Patheos blogger argued, while another evangelical commentator believes that this act…

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The Internets Own Your Religion

…onolith, and there is no universally recognized religious leadership, it becomes hard for someone to come forward to act as a gatekeeper. Even if there were Catholic-style hierarchy, you can imagine the type of games that could be played with granting access to use of the domain. For example, would nuns invested in social justice be allowed to register under “.catholic”?  In the case of Muslims, we don’t know who is registering these gTLD and to w…

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Ugandan Bishops Push Notorious Anti-Gay Bill

…d that the death penalty would be removed in committee. “However,” notes a commentary on, “readers familiar with the legislation’s history will know that such assurances have been made before only for the bill to go to the voting stage intact and without the death sentence deleted.” Also still in the bill: A 7-year jail sentence for consenting adults who have gay sex; A life sentence for people in same-sex marriages; Extradition and pros…

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Is Pro-Life Cause Célèbre Chen Guangcheng Actually Pro-Life?

…amily Research Council president Tony Perkins on April 30. Hoffman’s op-ed combines two common narratives about Chen and the Obama administration that have become popular on anti-abortion websites; that the Obama administration has betrayed Chen because it values economic cooperation over human rights; and that the administration is refusing to help Chen because it supports the forced abortions that Chen opposes. The Perfect Dog Whistle A bookend…

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