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Week in Religion: Satan Sandwich, Captain Israel v. Foreskin Man, Christian Missile Launchers

…oking for some clerical training? A couple of reitirees in Oklahoma run an online Bible college, the Apostolic Faith Online Bible Institute. A study finds that more education does not drive you away from religion, but instead liberalizes your religious beliefs. Israel’s basketball league is attracting Jewish American players skipped over by the NBA. Florida Marlins baseball manager Jack McKeon prays to St. Thérèse during the national anthem before…

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Paranoia and the Progressive Press: A Response to WaPo’s Religion Columnist

…g and speaking at the event. Shouting “Harlot” in a Crowded Theater? In an online conversation about her article, Miller criticizes coverage of the movement’s excesses, saying “that clips in which ministers shout ‘harlot’ over and over are likely to inflame more than they are to elucidate,” saying that “the left needs to search its soul, as it were, and see that it’s guilty of the same kind of demonizing that one sees on the right.” That is just o…

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American Evangelist Who Sparked Anti-Gay Panic Sued By Ugandan Gay Rights Group

…ce group Operation Save America, referred to the Interfaith Alliance in an online report as “the synagogue of Satan and heresy.” In the report, Thomas claimed his group was “storming the gates of hell in Idaho,” where they “went to the local death camp” (Planned Parenthood), and described the “sodomites” who protested outside the church where the conference was held. Thomas added that they “challenged the Church, and particularly men, to connect t…

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A Year After the Non-Apocalypse: Where Are They Now?

…ne before the International Date Line),” someone posted on Latter Rain, an online forum for believers. By Sunday morning, new theories were floated. “It was God’s plan to warn people. It was His purpose to hide the true meaning behind May 21. It’s about us suffering what He went through,” a believer commented. One hypothesis had it that three days would elapse before the actual rapture, just like the three days between Jesus’s crucifixion and resu…

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Atheist Schism?

…s So Angry: 99 Things That Piss Off the Godless, and among those compiling online activist resources for the website. “When you look at the history of other social change movements, that haven’t dealt with racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, classism, xenophobia, and so on, early on in their activist phase… they all wish that they had gone back in time and dealt with it early on.” Atheism does have a problem with xenophobia and anti-Islam rhe…

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New Reports Reveal Global Persecution of Nonbelievers

…hts.  And it’s important to note that the suppression of religious dissent online is being carried out not just by government authorities but also by private corporations. During the Innocence riots, for instance, Google restricted YouTube access to the video in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Libya, and Egypt despite the fact that its content does not violate YouTube’s hate speech policy, which recognizes hate speech against individuals but not the (…

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Quitting Religion, But Not the Practice of Prayer

…ith traditional religion that continues to have meaning their lives. In an online survey I conducted in the spring of 2012* on activities that Nones consider spiritually significant, prayer stood out as the lone traditional religious activity among a range of practices that many of the religiously unaffiliated engage in at least a monthly basis. So, what are Nones up to when they pray? As the survey data suggests, the activities that Nones conside…

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Wichita, the Sequel: A Clinic Reopens at Ground Zero in America’s Fight over Abortion

…Burkhart’s address could help someone like Scott Roeder—whom Holick has visited and corresponded with in prison—plot an attack, he rationalized that, “In light of the amount of shedding of innocent blood they’re doing to these children, this pales in contrast.” And anyway, Holick reminded me, Tiller wasn’t killed at his home, but his church. As though to cover their bases, at a later neighborhood visit to Burkhart’s home, protesters held signs as…

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Fight The New “Hobby Lobby” Religious Order: Get Ordained

…a religion and what is not, and they can’t do that, right? Right. In fact, online ordination has already long been subject to legal wrangling over its authenticity; states, and sometimes even counties, vary widely in their acceptance of these unconventional churches. While it may seem cringe-worthy to invoke the rights of The Church of the Latter-Day Dude or of The Flying Spaghetti Monster in this much more serious battle, they were a canary in th…

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Google Data Reveal Poor Have An Interest Above “Dark” Religion

…d in the Southeast and the rotted-out portions of the Midwest, do a lot of online searching about God, the Antichrist, Heaven, Hell, the Rapture, and the Bible. But what Leonhardt and other commentators who are swooning over the soi-disant “apocalyptic” religion of the strugglers fail to mention is that poor peoples’ web searches related to physical distress and disease are even more frequent than those of the heaven/hell sort. Leave Jesus out of…

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