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Conservative Christian Book on Obama’s Faith

…lication, Mansfield did an interview with Ben Smith, a writer for (the online wing of the Politico news organization). In the column, titled “Bush Backer Pens pro-Obama Book,” Smith writes that the book’s “tone ranges from gently critical to gushing, and the author defends Obama—and even his controversial former minister, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright—from conservative critics, and portrays him as a compelling figure for Christian voters.”…

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#WhiteChurchQuiet: Anything but Outrage Is Complicity

…s Matter is mentioned in white churches, and if so how it is talked about. Many who participated in the Twitter chat sha…

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White Evangelical Leaders Still Too Preoccupied With ‘Order’ to Listen to Black Truth

…e space. Of course, more insidious than the direct praise of Trump’s show of Christian nationalist force, which came on the heels of his threat to use the military to restore order in the face of days of demonstrations against anti-Black violence and police brutality, is the gaslighting that white evangelicals emplo…

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Reactions to Biden’s Korean-American Secret Service Agent Expose Christian Nationalism’s Anti-Asian Side

…w otherwise. Almost immediately, racist conspiracy theories began misidentifying Agent David Cho as Biden’s “CCP handler.” Tellingly, the accounts that accuse…

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Not Peace, But Division? Evangelical Vaccine Refusers Divide Families

…ormation infrastructure since the 1960s, when Christian schools began to become common as a means of reinforcing white supremacist patriarchy in the face of civil rights gains. I suspect there’s no scalable way to bridge the deep divides among Americans that pandemic conditions and recent protests over racial injustice have thrown into stark relief. And, while it might help if the “respectable” evangelicals who support vaccination would take some…

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Including Bono on Glamour’s “Women of the Year” List is Two Steps Backwards

…hen men are given credit in spaces supposedly dedicated to honoring women. I’m not a biological essentialist. I take people’s identity at their word. But here’s the thing—Bono self-identifies as a man. He says so right in the Glamour interview. And while the publication tries to…

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Is LGBT-Muslim Clash Aiding Rise of Right in Europe?

…here will be no Easter, there will be no Christmas.” She also defended her committed religious adherence. “Some say Christianity should not come into politics but we’re human beings. If we believe that marriage is between a man and a woman and it’s in this Bible, we should be able to say that,” she said. Participants in a “Straight Lives Matter” rally in Sydney were outnumbered by police and counter-protesters. Meanwhile, ballots have reportedly b…

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Open Letter to Pastor Judah Smith on “Inclusion”: Just for Immigrants, or LGBTQ Too?

…from Part 2 of your “Church Like Home” series, archived below: When I watched it my knee-jerk response was excitement; Finally, a popular mainstream pastor is talking about getting rid of exclusion, and he’s local! This is huge! My friend, who recently experienced the painful ramifications of church exclusion, seemed hopeful that this tweet meant what he thought it meant: that The City Church was declaring…

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True or False: Less Religion Means Greater Diversity?

…of diversity among the unaffiliated as well. It is here that the visually-compelling data-blending may become more obfuscating than just confusing. Among the affiliated, race is distinguished. So, you can see that older religiously affiliated are more white. But there’s no comparable distinction within the unaffiliated, who are mostly white as well (71%). The way the data is presented—mixing affiliation and race—can make it appear that the unaffi…

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Kudlow Brags on Twitter About Helping Card. Dolan Write “Free Market” Oped

…@WSJopinion op-ed. It does strike balance. Tell me what you think. #tcot. — Larry Kudlow (@larry_kudlow) May 23, 2014 Kudlow is a former Reagan Administration official who is well known for his support of supply-side economics (a support that, according to Pope Francis, “expresses a crude and naïve trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power”) and the wonders of the free market. He is a regular contributor to the…

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