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Amway, Religious Right Pyramid Scheme, Returns to the Motherland

…revisited and burnished his tarnished legacy with attention to his foreign policy accomplishments? And what about Colson? How does his ministry to prisoners contrast with or outweigh his sometimes combative and pugnacious public persona? Colson has been an unapologetic supporter of President Bush’s War in Iraq, going so far as signing on to a 2002 statement declaring the impending war to be a “just” war. Not long ago, Colson accused several highly…

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Ross Douthat’s Missing Pregnant Women

…wn economic conditions. He goes on to say that “America has no real family policy to speak of at the moment, and the evidence from countries like Sweden and France suggests that reducing the ever-rising cost of having kids can help fertility rates rebound.” (Er…  it could also make things better for people parenting children. That could be a social good in its own right, quite apart from whether it produces the desired behavioral result involving…

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Come Let Us Reason Together: A Response to Critics of Evangelical/Progressive Initiative

…Agenda” goes far enough, it is indisputable that it marks movement in key policy areas. It is the first time that mainstream evangelicals have publicly supported policies on abortion that have no bans or restrictions and that include support for prevention of unintended pregnancy, including comprehensive sex education programs. It is also the first time that mainstream evangelical leaders have supported any positive policy for gay and lesbian equ…

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DNC Platform, Thy Name is Esther

…mas stop terrorism against Israelis; the public must pay for a health care policy it manifestly rejects; the Catholic non-profit community must fork up money to pay for abortion-inducing drugs, etc. But what is clear is that though God is never mentioned by name in the DNC platform, He is everpresent. Take this section for example: Republicans like Mitt Romney want to turn back the clock on the progress we’ve made, telling people whom they can mar…

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Allowable Discrimination?

…Part of this boundary, he then asserted, involved undoing President Bush’s policy that allowed religious organizations funded by the federal government to discriminate in hiring. President Obama was adamant that the federal government could not subsidize discrimination. But yesterday when the president announced the revamped office and introduced his ideologically diverse advisory council, he failed to repeal his predecessor’s unjust executive ord…

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Catholic Archbishop Takes On Jesuit Magazine’s Slam on “Ecumenism of Hate”; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…trine, it said, inspires groups and networks like the Council for National Policy and the White House chief strategist, Steve Bannon, with his “apocalyptic” world view. … The most “dangerous” feature of this “strange ecumenism” between Catholic and evangelical fundamentalists, they wrote, is the xenophobia and Islamophobia that promotes “walls and purifying deportations.” “Triumphalist, arrogant and vindictive ethnicism is actually the opposite of…

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Don’t Blame Secularism: Reading Blind Spot: When Journalists Don’t Get Religion

…oday. American attitudes towards Iran and Iraq, not to mention our foreign policy choices, would be much more sound if we spent some time learning how to distinguish between Sunni, Shi’a, and Sufi Islam, and about which political movements in Iran and Iraq believe Muslim clerics should run the government versus those that do not. If we had understood those distinctions in the 1970s, our actions in response to the unfolding Iranian Revolution might…

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Australian Church Nixes Straight Couple’s Wedding Over Their Marriage Equality Support; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…Nurkhoiron, denounced the “mental illness” argument, saying that, “Such a policy should not be used by any state institutions, including the Attorney General’s Office.” This shift in tone was an important reversal for a government that for the past year and a half has taken virtually no action to stand up for Indonesia’s beleaguered LGBT community. Beginning in January 2016, public officials fueled a flurry of anti-LGBT incidents across Indonesia…

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Blood and Politics — Christian White Nationalism in the Age of Obama

…round the notion that the power of whites to control government and social policy has already been overthrown by people of color and Jews, rather unlike the Klan of the 1960s which sought to defend a system of racial apartheid in the South. How do the religious beliefs of the movement’s different constituencies—the Christian patriots, neo-Confederates, survivalists, white power skinheads, Holocaust deniers, scientific racists, and others—manifest…

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Disgruntled Former Head of Bush Faith-Based Office Praises Obama’s

…Union, we now know that the Justice Department, under Obama, has adopted a policy of granting certificates of exemption to taxpayer-funded religious organizations that request one. It has not revealed how many organizations have received such exemptions from federal anti-discrimination law.  Anxious to portray the Obama effort as a centrist ideal, DiIulio rather cavalierly dismisses this and other lingering problems, including a lack of transparen…

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